Meeting at the Old Mosque (1969)

Gênero : Ação

Runtime : 1H 27M

Director : Sukhbat Khamidov


Viktor, the protagonist, a war hero of the war between the Red Army and the Turkish 'basmachi', has to fight off bandits that hope to steal gold from Viktor's village town. TIme to pick up arms once again.


Khodzha Durdy Narliyev
Khodzha Durdy Narliyev
Roman Khomyatov
Roman Khomyatov
Aleksandra Zavyalova
Aleksandra Zavyalova
Rasmi Dzhabrailov
Rasmi Dzhabrailov
Luiza Khmelnitskaya
Luiza Khmelnitskaya
Photographer's Wife
Boris Bystrov
Boris Bystrov
Anvar Turaev
Anvar Turaev
Gurmindzh Zavkibekov
Gurmindzh Zavkibekov
Karlo Sakandelidze
Karlo Sakandelidze
Makhmud Takhiri
Makhmud Takhiri
Shamsi Dzuraev
Shamsi Dzuraev
Irina Titova
Irina Titova
Abdulkhair Kasymov
Abdulkhair Kasymov
Marat Khasanov
Marat Khasanov


Sukhbat Khamidov
Sukhbat Khamidov
Zavur Dakhte
Zavur Dakhte
Camera Operator
Grigori Elbert
Grigori Elbert
Sound Designer
Eduard Artemyev
Eduard Artemyev
Oleg Osetinsky
Oleg Osetinsky
Scenario Writer


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Call Me
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I'll Meet You There
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Meeting at the Old Mosque
Viktor, the protagonist, a war hero of the war between the Red Army and the Turkish 'basmachi', has to fight off bandits that hope to steal gold from Viktor's village town. TIme to pick up arms once again.
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