Everyday Is Like Sunday (2013)

You're getting older. Now get it together.

Gênero : Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Pavan Moondi


Everyday Is Like Sunday is a comedy/drama aiming the lens at post-collegiate characters stuck between their imminently-ending youth and impending adulthood. The film follows Mark, Jason, and Flora, as they realistically attempt to pull themselves out of economic and emotional doldrums.


David Dineen-Porter
David Dineen-Porter


Pavan Moondi
Pavan Moondi
Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson
Pavan Moondi
Pavan Moondi
Pavan Moondi
Pavan Moondi
Simone Smith
Simone Smith


Ele Não Está Assim Tão Interessado
A história cruzada de um grupo de vintões e trintões de Baltimore, enquanto estes navegam através das suas várias relações, desde o vazio da cena do engate até aos terrenos profundos mas escorregadios da vida marital, mas tentando sempre ler da melhor maneira os sinais que lhe são enviados pelo sexo oposto.
Hitch: Conselheiro Amoroso
Um consultor de relacionamentos que trabalha de forma anônima é contratado para ajudar um contador tímido a conquistar a mulher dos seus sonhos. Ele acaba se apaixonando por uma jornalista, porém, e corre o risco de ter sua identidade revelada.
Joe Gardner é um professor de música de ensino fundamental desanimado por não conseguir alcançar seu sonho de tocar no lendário clube de jazz The Blue Note, em Nova York. Quando um acidente o transporta para fora do seu corpo, fazendo com que ele exista em outra realidade na forma de sua alma, ele se vê forçado a embarcar em uma aventura ao lado da alma de uma criança que ainda está aprendendo sobre si, para aprender o que é necessário para retomar sua vida.
Cale a boca e me beije!
Ben, 35 anos de idade, está procurando mais do que sexo: um namorado. Depois de testar diferentes caminhos e aventuras, ele se depara com Grey. A química entre os dois é imediata, mas o que acontece quando você encontra alguém que não partilha as mesmas crenças sobre as relações que você faz? Isso faz o filme divertido e tocante sobre temas relevantes na sociedade de hoje, incluindo a monogamia sexual, relacionamentos sorodiscordantes e alguém pode realmente ter tudo? Escrito por Ronnie Kerr, este filme é um olhar autobiográfico da sua vida.
Tempos de Violência
Após voltar da Guerra do Golfo, o ex-oficial do exército Jim Davis (Christian Bale) está tendo dificuldades de se ajustar na vida em sociedade. Junto com um amigo desempregado, ele mata o tempo se envolvendo em pequenos crimes e entrando no mundo das drogas. Ao contrário do amigo que é pressionado pela namorada a conseguir um emprego, Jim prefere fazer dinheiro com seus pequenos furtos enquanto não consegue um trabalho no campo das leis.
O Plano da Década
Myles e Brody são melhores amigos com duas maneiras muito diferentes de encontrar o amor. Desiludidos com suas vidas amorosas atuais, eles fazem um pacto para ficarem juntos se nenhum dos dois encontrar amor em dez anos. Agora, com dois meses de atraso, ambos os amigos partiram para fazer o que for preciso para evitar acabar como o último recurso de cada um.
Ou Tudo, Ou Nada
Seis trabalhadores desempregados ficam tão desesperados que, apesar de não formarem um grupo de homens sexualmente interessantes ou serem bons dançarinos, decidem fazer um show de striptease, no qual se mostra tudo.
Taylor Swift - Speak Now World Tour Live
Recorded during her Speak Now World Tour in 2011, this live recording collects 18 performances from the country-pop starlet, including almost all songs from her 2010 studio album "Speak Now".
Taylor Swift: Speak Now
Join Taylor Swift as she performs nine songs in unique locations, including New York's Central Park and on top of a tour bus in downtown Hollywood. The special also features behind-the-scenes footage from the making and releasing of Speak Now.
Vida de Cachorro
Paralelo entre a vida de um vagabundo e de um cachorro, mostra de maneira cômica e afetuosa a cumplicidade de ambos, ora um sendo o salvador, ora sendo salvo pelo outro. Num baile, uma moça que é explorada pelo proprietário do salão junta-se à dupla.
Days and Clouds
Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced to give up their affluent lifestyle and cope with the tensions of moving into a smaller home, finding new work, and making sacrifices.
Amor ou o que quer
O que fazer quando o seu namorado, com quem você pretendia se casar, te troca por uma mulher? Quem se vê diante dessa pergunta é o terapeuta Corey, na comédia romântica “Love or Whatever”. Sinopse: O terapeuta Corey sonha em viver uma relação estável com Jon, mas este não pretende levar um namoro sério. Corey acha que um belo pedido de casamento pode convencê-lo, mas quando Jon descobre as alianças, ele se assusta e vai afogar as mágoas em um bar. Lá, ele conhece Melissa, uma das pacientes de Corey, e se apaixona por ela.
O Adversário
A história de Siddharta, um jovem de classe média envolvido nas turbulências sociais. Corrupção e desemprego dominam a cidade e Siddhartha não consegue se identificar com seu irmão revolucionário nem com sua irmã, preocupada com a carreira e a ascensão social.
Crise dos 35
Centers around the lives of Victoria, Zenobia, Clevon, and Phil -- all friends approaching the age of 35 and struggling to build the families they've always dreamed of. While Zenobia (Nicole Ari Parker) is still looking for a man, Victoria (Tamala Jones) is married to a man who doesn't want children. Clevon (Kevin Hart), meanwhile, is too geeky to get a woman, and Phil (Keith Robinson) is already married with children, but his wife is not very interested in being a mother. All four of them try to rectify their romantic lives and futures while their biological clocks tick away.
Taylor Swift: From the Heart
After having released her fourth album "Red" in October 2012, Taylor Alison Swift continues to tear up the charts. In this film we learn how Swift becomes one of America's biggest Country and Pop music artists.
Der Letzte macht das Licht aus
"The Last One Put Out the Light" - The Berlin construction workers Micha, Silvio and Norbert are out of work. The way out spells - Norway. Because over German craftsmen are in demand. The three with 17 other desperate people are bawling Norwegian and preparing themselves for "it's always just salmon" and fearing the darkness. Too bad that their wives have other plans.
She Has a Boyfriend
Frank is in search for a girlfriend but every woman he meets already has a boyfriend. He then seeks out advice from his friends on what to do to achieve his ideal love life.
Jacqueline is the daughter of Belfast shipyard worker Mike McNeil. The worker's worth is compromised by his crippling fear of heights. Dismissed from his job, he finds solace in the bottle. All seems hopeless until Jacqueline breaks through her father's self-imposed gloom and helps him to regenerate. An adaptation of the novel 'A Grand Man', by Catherine Cookson.
The Age of Love
A first-of-its-kind speed dating event for 70- to 90-year-olds sets up this comic and poignant look at the search for love among the booming senior set. Over one summer, we intimately follow as ten speed daters – fearlessly candid about their lives and desires – prepare for the big day, endure a rush of encounters, and anxiously receive their results. Then, as they head out on first dates, we discover how worries over physical appearance, intimacy and rejection, loss and new beginnings change – or don't change – from first love to the far reaches of life. Α funny and bittersweet story about the universality of love and desire, regardless of age.
Speed Dating
Traci and Brooke are just like any other woman: they are looking for love. When Brooke's mother suggests she tries speed dating, she drags Traci with her. Things aren't quite as they seem when the gong rings.


Ben's at Home
Sex, love, break ups, turning 30, and staying in.
A film celebrating the beauty and romance, the art and science of neon: visually stunning, one of the most environmentally friendly forms of lighting ever made, and endangered – LED is slowly but surely taking its place around the globe. Vivid, beautiful and insightful, Neon is the story of this noble element that has so profoundly coloured the modern world.
Annie's Coming Out
It tells the story of a young female social worker who begins work at a hospital for retarded children, and discovers that some of the psychological problems attributed to these children are incorrectly diagnosed. Proving this to be the case is difficult, however, as it is generally accepted that as those who are 'profoundly retarded' cannot communicate, therefore they cannot think. In the case of Annie O'Farrell (Tina Arhondis), finding a way for her to 'talk', other than speaking or writing, finally shows that she is not only able to think, but is highly intelligent. The battle against the hospital to acknowledge this in a legal sense goes to court, as the psychiatrists try to hide their misdiagnosis.
King Georges
French chef Georges Perrier tries to keep his internationally renowned restaurant relevant in the new culinary world.
112 Weddings
After two decades of filming weddings Doug had long wondered what became of those couples.. Are they still together? Is married life what they thought it would be? How have they navigated the inevitable ups and downs of marriage over the long haul? Driven by deep curiosity to answer these questions, he begins to track down and interview his wedding couples, juxtaposing wedding day flashbacks with present-day reality as he explores themes of love and marital commitment and to ask them all the same question: After years of being married, what would be your advice be for a young couple soon to be married?
The Human Scale
50 % of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2050 this will increase to 80%. Life in a mega city is both enchanting and problematic. Today we face peak oil, climate change, loneliness and severe health issues due to our way of life. But why? The Danish architect and professor Jan Gehl has studied human behavior in cities through 40 years. He has documented how modern cities repel human interaction, and argues that we can build cities in a way, which takes human needs for inclusion and intimacy into account.
Como Chego na Linha de Frente? A Vida de Tim Hetherington
Pouco depois do lançamento do documentário Restrepo, o diretor e fotógrafo Tim Hetherington foi morto enquanto cobria conflitos na Líbia. Seu parceiro de direção, o cineasta Sebastian Junger, realiza uma homenagem ao colega morto, que inclui filmagens realizadas por este recentemente durante a guerra civil da Libéria. Paralelamente, Junger tenta delinear o olhar que destacava Hetherington como documentarista, sua maneira de se aproximar das pessoas que registrava e sua habilidade em abordar sempre o lado mais humano da guerra. Mostra Doc Premières do Sundance Film Festival 2013.
Stress Position
A psychological experiment between two friends spirals out of control. How bad could it be?
The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble
Follow several talented members of the ensemble as they gather in locations across the world, exploring the ways art can both preserve traditions and shape cultural evolution.
Filthy Gorgeous: The Bob Guccione Story
A look at the extraordinary world of Penthouse founder, visionary and provocateur Bob Guccione.
I Love You Both
Krystal and her twin brother/roommate confront twenty-eight years of their codependency when they start dating the same guy.
Advanced Style
Advanced Style examines the lives of seven unique New Yorkers whose eclectic personal style and vital spirit have guided their approach to aging. Based on Ari Seth Cohen’s famed blog of the same name, this film paints intimate and colorful portraits of independent, stylish women aged 62 to 95 who are challenging conventional ideas about beauty, aging, and Western’s culture’s increasing obsession with youth.
The story of Alex, a fresher who rejects hazing, and Carla, a fresher who doesn't care too much about it. Between them, two opposite ways of face hazing, will grow a loving relationship, who help them to overcome the problems.
Steak (R)évolution
Far from intensive farming and industrial output, a revolution is already under way; good red meat has become a rare, indeed, luxury product. But where is the world's best steak found? Franck Ribière and his favorite butcher, Yves-Marie Le Bourdonnec, generous, charming, and ecological, set out to meet the new players in the field to try to understand what makes a cut of meat good.
Blood Brother
Rocky Braat went to India as a disillusioned American tourist. When he met a group of children with HIV/AIDS, he decided to stay. He never could have imagined the obstacles he would face. Or the love he would find.
Lace Crater
Opting to sleep in the allegedly-haunted guest house while spending a weekend in the Hamptons with friends, Ruth, a lonely young woman in her mid-twenties who's had too much to drink, strikes up a conversation that leads to a sexual encounter with Michael, a burlap-draped ghost that casually appears before her. Through this inter-paranormal relation, Ruth contracts an STD with alarming effects.
Os Heróis da Cidade das Cores
No filme online Os Heróis da Cidade das Cores, nossa história começa no quarto de um menino. Quando o menino adormece, com a história que sua mãe acabou de contar ainda ecoando em sua mente¿ os lápis de cor de seu quarto ganham vida!
Linsanity: A Ascensão de Jeremy Lin
O jovem descendente asiático que estourou e virou uma celebridade por suas atuações no New York Knicks virou filme. “Linsanity” conta a história de Jeremy Lin, que fez muito sucesso em 2011 ao surgir do nada para ser um dos grandes destaques da equipe mais midiática da NBA.
No início dos anos XX, a escritora Violette Leduc (Emmanuelle Devos) encontra a filósofa Simone de Beauvoir (Sandrine Kiberlain). Nasce entre as duas uma intensa amizade que dura toda a vida, ao mesmo tempo que Simone encoraja Violette a escrever mais, expondo as suas dúvidas e medos, abordando todos os detalhes da intimidade feminina.