
Raw: The Curse of Grete Müller (2013)

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 1H 15M

Director : Marcel Walz


Three filmmakers spend the night in a haunted forest to shoot a documentary about the legend of Grete Müller, a woman convicted of witchcraft and burnt at the stake over 300 years ago.


Natascha Zinck
Natascha Zinck
Sprecherin (as Natascha R.)
Leoni Lee
Leoni Lee
Witalij Kühne
Witalij Kühne
Mr. Braun
Ivana Konovic
Ivana Konovic
Annika Strauss
Annika Strauss
Frau im Video


Marcel Walz
Marcel Walz
Natascha R.
Natascha R.


Island: Wedding of the Zombies
Five people who knew each other for a long time a group of friends, to attend the wedding of a mutual friend goes to Buyukada. Erhan, weddings, and long intervals, the team can come together to be able to record their happy moments brought a camera, and is continuous. All throughout the film viewed, it is reflected from the camera. Later a group of wedding guests attacking zombie, turns into a mess of blood.
Area 51
Os jovens Chris, Rob, Natalie e Paul resolvem viajar para o estado de Nevada para procurar um homem que diz trabalhar na famosa Area 51, conhecida por esconder todas as coisas relacionadas a seres extraterrestres e sempre negada pelo governo americano. O nome é Novak e disse que tinha um vídeo que vai revelar de uma vez por todas as experiências realizados com alienígenas. Entre eles Paul é o mais cético e acha que tudo não passa de uma mentira, mas Chris acredita que a história é verdadeira.
The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan
Everyone has a skeleton or two in his or her closet, but what about the director behind some of the most successful thrillers ever to hit the silver screen? Could M. Night Shyamalan be hiding a deep, dark secret that drives his macabre cinematic vision? Now viewers will be able to find out firsthand what fuels The Sixth Sense director's seemingly supernatural creativity as filmmakers interview Shyamalan as well as the cast and crew members who have worked most closely with him over the years. Discover the early events that shaped the mind of a future master of suspense in a documentary that is as fascinating as it is revealing.
Megan Is Missing
Drama ficcional baseado em eventos reais, sobre duas adolescentes que encontram um predador da internet.
S&Man (also known as Sandman) is a 2006 pseudo-documentary film that examines the underground subculture of horror films. It combines real interviews with indie horror film makers and a scripted plot that does not immediately come into focus until the second half of the film.
In the summer of 2009, Charlie Ruez made a documentary. 6 months later the footage was seized for evidence by the Metropolitan Police Department. In 2010, the footage was released.
Atividade Paranormal: Tóquio
A estudante Haruka volta a Tóquio, após um programa de intercâmbio nos Estados Unidos, e traz em sua bagagem algo mais que os pertences.
Ragini MMS
Out to relax and have fun at a farmhouse, a couple experience horror at the hands of an unknown entity
Coming Apart
A psychiatrist secretly films his female patients as an experiment; he pushes both him and his customers in ways that induce his own mental breakdown.
Werewolves: The Dark Survivors
Imagine that werewolves are not mythical monsters, but actually exist. What would the world look like? The answer can be found in Werewolves: The Dark Survivors.
Penunggu Istana
Palace watchman is a documentary which follow a group paranormalnamely “The Seekers Team” that try track mystery that residing withinIstana Bilah, old palace that idle in Perak. In Feb 2009, crew a productionTV that undergoing shooting for drama series ’Last Epistolary’ have undergone an experience that horrible and dasyat. Listening to story this, Seekers group decision making to return to that mystery place to investigate the real thing that have occurred and collaborating with WanHasliza (director ’Last Epistolary’).
Fenômenos Paranormais
A equipe de um reality show que investiga atividades paranormais passa a noite em um hospital psiquiátrico abandonado onde há rumores de fenômenos misteriosos.
The Connection
A title card announces that the film is a result of found footage assembled by cameraman J.J. Burden working for the acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jim Dunn, who has disappeared. Leach, a heroin addict, introduces the audience to his apartment where other heroin addicts, a mix of current and former jazz musicians, are waiting for Cowboy, their drug connection, to appear. Things go out of control as the men grow increasingly nervous and the cameraman keeps recording.
The Haunted House Project
Over the past 42 years, six people have gone missing, eight people have died "accidently" and eleven cases of murder have occurred in a deserted house. 3 members of an abandoned house exploring club and 3 staff members of a broadcasting company go into the deserted house. All of them disappear.
8213: Gacy House
A group of paranormal investigators enter the abandoned home of paedophile and serial killer John Gacy, hoping to find evidence of paranormal activity. Upon entering the house they set-up cameras throughout the abandoned house while going room to room with hand-held cameras, performing séance's and asking for John Gacy to come forward. As the evening progresses it seems the investigators are not prepared for the horror still within the house.
Haunted Changi
In January of 2010, a group of local filmmakers began exploring the famously haunted Old Changi Hospital in Singapore with terrifying and tragic results. This movie pieces together the original Haunted Changi film crew's footage to tell the full story.
Members of a movie a production team are threatened by a vengeful entity.
Andrew, Matt e Steve são adolescentes, cada um com características muito distintas e enfrentando os vários desafios que aparecem na escola, como fazer novas amizades e explorar novas facetas da sua vida que está sempre a mudar. Eles são imperfeitos, esquisitos e imprudentes. E como tantos de nós, eles estão obcecados por documentar tudo o que lhes acontece, por mais normal que seja. Até que "tropeçam" em algo que está para lá da sua compreensão. Esta descoberta dá-lhes superpoderes que não vão saber ou conseguir controlar.
Haunted Poland
Ewelyn and Pau are a mid twenties couple residing in the USA. Ewelyn being a Chritian and Pau an atheist. One summer, they travel to Europe, ultimately visiting Chodecz, Poland, where the girl was born. At first, things are going great; Ewelyn gets to see her grandmothers and relatives, and visits the graveyard where her parents are buried. As the week goes by, strange phenomena starts to occur. The couple will find themselves threatened, not only at a relationship level, but also to fear for their lives.
Uma equipe produzindo um documentário sobre imigrantes ilegais que atravessam a fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o México são capturados por patriotas radicais que os obrigam a filmar as execuções destes mesmos imigrantes.