A Test for Love (1937)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 28M

Director : Vernon Sewell


In this dramatized warning to young women of the risks of venereal disease, Betty, a shop girl, pays a severe price for just one 'slip'.



Vernon Sewell
Vernon Sewell
George Pocknall
George Pocknall
Director of Photography
John O. Douglas
John O. Douglas
Sound Recordist
F.N. Bush
F.N. Bush
Art Direction


Obrigado Por Fumar
Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart) é o principal porta-voz das grandes empresas de cigarros, ganhando a vida defendendo os direitos dos fumantes nos Estados Unidos. Desafiado pelos vigilantes da saúde e também por um senador oportunista, Ortolan K. Finistirre (William H. Macy), que deseja colocar rótulos de veneno nos maços de cigarros, Nick passa a manipular informações de forma a diminuir os riscos do cigarro em programas de TV. Além disto Nick conta com a ajuda de Jeff Megall (Rob Lowe), um poderoso agente de Hollywood, para fazer com que o cigarro seja promovido nos filmes. Sua fama faz com que Nick atraia a atenção dos principais chefes da indústria do tabaco e também de Heather Holloway (Katie Holmes), a repórter de um jornal de Washington que deseja investigá-lo. Nick repetidamente diz que trabalha apenas para pagar as contas, mas a atenção cada vez maior que seu filho Joey (Cameron Bright) dá ao seu trabalho começa a preocupá-lo.
Sobre Café e Cigarros
Série de 11 curtas-metragens sobre diversos personagens que, bebendo café e fumando cigarros, discutem os mais variados temas, tais como picolés com cafeína, Abbott & Costello, a ressurreição de Elvis Presley, a forma correta de se preparar um chá inglês, as invenções de Nikola Tesla, desentendimentos familiares, Paris nos anos 1920, rock, hip hop e o uso da nicotina como inseticida.
Sem Fôlego
A história de vida dos visitantes da loja de cigarros de Auggie Wren, no Brooklyn. Desfrutando do prazer de fumar, os clientes narram suas experiências, sua atitude diante da vida e patologias.
Cortina de Fumaça
Na bairro do Brooklin, em Nova York, Auggie Wren (Harvey Keitel) tem uma tabacaria há mais de dez anos e um hábito peculiar: fotografar sua loja pelo lado de fora todos os dias. Apesar de aparentemente iguais, as fotos retratam detalhes de cada dia. Em sua rotina, Auggie conhece Paul Benjamin (William Hurt), um novelista desastroso que nunca mais publicou coisa alguma desde a morte da esposa, e Rashid Cole (Harold Perrineau Jr.), um jovem mentiroso que está à procura do pai. A partir do drama dos três - Auggie descobre que sua filha é viciada e está grávida -, eles terão suas vidas interligadas e mudadas para sempre.
Language of Love 2000
Kärlekens Språk (ou Kärlekens Språk 2000) é um filme sueco de de 2004, dirigido por Anders Lennberg. O título faz referência ao filme de educação sexual de 1969 Ur Kärlekens Språk (Language of Love / Linguagem do Amor). A história gira em torno de Stella Måne (Regina Lund), apresentadora de um famoso programa de televisão sobre sexo.
Mom and Dad
A teenage girl from a traditional family goes on a date with a pilot and ends up having sex with him. After the pilot dies in a plane crash, the girl discovers she is pregnant with his child.
The Bet
Two rival "brothers-in-law" make a bet that they can stop smoking for 2 weeks. But, it's just not that easy...
No Smoking
A heavily addicted smoker is unprepared for the true price he must pay when he asks a guru's help to kick the habit.
Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job
Short film depicting a fictional educational film about fork lift truck operational safety. The dangers of unsafe operation are presented in gory details.
Trial for Marriage
A man feels so much guilt over being infected by venereal disease that he conjures up a personal trial over his own behaviour.
Asking For It: the Ethics & Erotics of Sexual Consent
The line between sexual consent and sexual coercion is not always as clear as it seems -- and according to Harry Brod, this is exactly why we should approach our sexual interactions with great care. Brod, a professor of philosophy and leader in the pro-feminist men's movement, offers a unique take on the problem of sexual assault, one that complicates the issue even as it clarifies the bottom-line principle that consent must always be explicitly granted, never simply assumed. In a nonthreatening, non-hectoring discussion that ranges from the meanings of "yes" and "no" to the indeterminacy of silence to the way alcohol affects our ethical responsibilities, Brod challenges young people to envision a model of sexual interaction that is most erotic precisely when it is most thoughtful and empathetic.
Ignore The Clock
A recovering ex-convict and a disgraced former detective meet up for a late dinner to discuss a potential business deal.
Growing Up
Freedom of expression and sexual liberation might have defined the 1960s but by 1971 the British education system was far from ready for Dr Cole's explicit series A New Approach to Sex Education. Made as a teaching aid for use in schools an universities, the Growing Up was unprecedented in its depictions of erect penises, un-simulated masturbation and intercourse to describe the development of the human body and sexuality to students.
The People at No. 19
Reported cases of sexually transmitted disease took a sharp rise during and after World War II, but as this film testifies, sexual license amongst soldiers on the frontline wasn't the sole cause. Back on the home front, for many women, like Joan from No. 19, loneliness or newfound independence acted as an incentive to extramarital promiscuity.
6 Little Jungle Boys
In commissioning Halas & Batchelor, the War Office recognised the potential of cartoons as an unobtrusive and entertaining medium by which official messages could be conveyed - in this case some rather unsavoury warnings pertaining to foot rot, dysentery and VD. Aimed at soldiers serving in the Far East, the antics of six sprightly soldiers stationed in the jungle illustrate with humour and clarity the potential pitfalls of poor personal hygiene.
Smoking: The Choice is Yours
An educational short film made by Disney.
A young man learns a valuable lesson when he succumbs to peer pressure and attempts to smoke his first and last cigarette.
Growing Girls
After several farmyard analogies featuring chicks and calves, the well-spoken narrator and director of the film, Winifred Holmes, considers the subject of girls and how they reach adulthood and readiness for the 'important job of motherhood.
'Ave You Got a Male Assistant Please Miss?
A production of Oxford Polytechnic for sponsor the Family Planning Association, this is an unreservedly hairy promotion of the prophylactic in avoiding unwanted pregnancies. A wave of period details situate the film in both time and milieu. The culture of its audience, 1970s students, is evoked and displayed via a mattress on the floor, an ethnic rug, the kilim bedpsread, homebrew jars, denim clothes and by hair: long hair, facial hair - beards. The main actors are dead ringers for the infamous cover stars of Alex Comfort's The Joy of Sex, published the year before.
The Last Thing You Need
An internal struggle ensues when a young man is confronted with the choice between his girl and his smokes.