
Life Feels Good (2013)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 47M

Director : Maciej Pieprzyca


Mateusz is an intelligent, romantic young man tragically trapped inside his own body, suffering from severe cerebral palsy that makes speech and controlled movement nearly impossible. Born into a loving family, Mateusz’s protected world is shattered when circumstances place him in an institution where he is misunderstood and mistreated. Featuring an astonishing, virtuoso lead performance, Life Feels Good beautifully recounts the true story of one man’s extraordinary efforts to endure in the face of impossible odds.


Dawid Ogrodnik
Dawid Ogrodnik
Mateusz Rosinski
Arkadiusz Jakubik
Arkadiusz Jakubik
Mateusz's Father
Kamil Tkacz
Kamil Tkacz
Young Mateusz
Dorota Kolak
Dorota Kolak
Mateusz's Mother
Anna Nehrebecka
Anna Nehrebecka
Bliss Teacher
Katarzyna Zawadzka
Katarzyna Zawadzka
Helena Sujecka
Helena Sujecka
Matylda Rosińska
Mikołaj Roznerski
Mikołaj Roznerski
Tomek Rosiński
Tymoteusz Marciniak
Tymoteusz Marciniak
Young Tomek
Anna Karczmarczyk
Anna Karczmarczyk
Agnieszka Kotlarska
Agnieszka Kotlarska
Mother of Anka
Janusz Chabior
Janusz Chabior
Gabriela Muskała
Gabriela Muskała
Lech Dyblik
Lech Dyblik
Dariusz Chojnacki
Dariusz Chojnacki
Witold Wielinski
Witold Wielinski
Marek Kalita
Marek Kalita
Krzysztof Ogłoza
Krzysztof Ogłoza


Maciej Pieprzyca
Maciej Pieprzyca
Maciej Pieprzyca
Maciej Pieprzyca
Wiesław Łysakowski
Wiesław Łysakowski
Krzysztof Szpetmański
Krzysztof Szpetmański
Bartosz Chajdecki
Bartosz Chajdecki
Original Music Composer
Paweł Dyllus
Paweł Dyllus
Director of Photography
Krzysztof Szpetmański
Krzysztof Szpetmański
Magda Adamska
Magda Adamska
Rotoscoping Artist


It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine.
Paul, a man suffering from cerebral palsy, lives an unfulfilled life in a nursing home. Sitting in his wheelchair, he fantasizes about a life in which people understand him, women find him irresistible, and he is be a force to be reckoned with. He places this imagined self in four different sexual fantasies, each with a different woman.
Jong-gu sai da prisão e regressa ao lar. Apesar de ter quase trinta anos, é imaturo e irresponsável e visto como um embaraço por todos os membros da família, que, notoriamente, preferiam que ele não tivesse regressado. Sempre sem pensar muito no modo como os outros encaram os seus actos, o ex-presidiário de ideias simples decide visitar a família do homem cujo atropelamento mortal o levou à cadeia, levando-lhes um presente e os seus cumprimentos. Antes de ser escorraçado, conhece Gong-ju (Moon), uma jovem que padece de paralisia cerebral. De modo algo paralelo com o que sucede a Jong-gu, a família dela coloca-a aparte, abandonando-a sozinha no apartamento e preferindo pagar aos vizinhos para olhem por ela. Jong-gu decide voltar...
A Mother’s Comeback
When Rosie was in her twenties, she was the drag-racing queen of Sweden, a brilliant star in this almost exclusively male sport. Then life intervened, with marriage and children putting an end to her racing days. Now, after a 34-year break, Rosie is making a comeback. Urged on by her daughter and self-proclaimed manager, she tries to find sponsors. The road is uneven and behind her dreams of a comeback, there are depressions, burnout and family tragedies. This film is a revealing and complex portrait of a woman who gains strength by allowing herself to be weak. The fight to become the world's fastest grandmother is really the fight to reclaim one's own life.
As a part of a special government reform program, inmate J.T. Blake has to take care of Johnny Reynolds who has cerebral palsy. In the meantime, another inmate wants to take care of J.T. Blake forever.
Door To Door
Based on a true story about about a man who was told for many years that he was not employable, but threw all of his effort into working as a door-to-door salesman. Despite the pain attributed to his cerebral palsy, he walked eight to ten miles a day to meet his customers and achieved the highest sales for his company.
Beyond Limits
A man (Bonner Paddock) born with cerebral palsy attempts to conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro in the name of charity and inspiration.
Touched by Love
A teenager with cerebral palsy attempts to become pen pals with her idol, Elvis Presley.
Meu Pé Esquerdo
Christy Brown (Daniel Day-Lewis), o filho de uma humilde família irlandesa, nasce com uma paralisia cerebral que lhe tira todos os movimentos do corpo, com a exceção do pé esquerdo. Com apenas este movimento Christy consegue, no decorrer de sua vida, se tornar escritor e pintor.
Once in a Lifetime
Mona Bergström is a sweet eurovision-obsessed woman in her 30s. She is married to a lazy husband and has four children, all named after her favorite Swedish Eurovision popstars. Her brother is a crossdressing guy self-titled "Candy Darling". Mona works in a retirement home for disabled people, where she is responsible for taking care of a young man named David who suffers a movement-restricting disease forcing him into a wheelchair. David's parents have abandoned him, as they wanted a normal child. Mona holds a big place in David's heart, and vica versa. David's goal is to get his parents to come and visit him, and he wants to show them that he is a great person, despite his handicap. Therefore he works with music on his computer, and his goal is to create a song, send it to "The Cardigans", a famous Swedish band and have them play the song and credit him, hoping his parents would spot it and want to visit him.
De Porta em Porta
Portland, Oregon, 1955. Apesar de ter nascido com uma paralisia cerebral, que cria limitações na sua fala e movimentos, Bill Porter (William H. Macy) tem todo o apoio da sua mãe para obter um emprego como vendedor na Watkins Company. Bill consegue o emprego, apesar de certa relutância devido às suas limitações, pois teria que ir de porta em porta oferecendo os produtos da companhia. Bill só conseguiu o emprego quando disse para lhe darem a pior rota. Primeiramente Bill é rejeitado pela pessoas "normais", mas ao fazer sua 1ª venda para uma alcóolatra reclusa, Gladys Sullivan (Kathy Baker), ele literalmente não parou mais. Por mais de 40 anos Bill caminhou 16 quilômetros por dia e, para ajudá-lo nesta trajetória, além da sua mãe e Gladys, surgiu Shelly Soomky Brady (Kyra Sedgwick).
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
Tsuneo is a university student working part-time in a mah-jong parlour. Lately the customers have been talking about an old lady who pushes a baby carriage through the streets. They say she is carrying something for a crime syndicate, and they wonder what it is she has in the carriage Money? Drugs? One day, the owner of the mah-jong parlour sends Tsuneo out to walk his dog. A baby carriage comes rolling down a hill and crashes into a guard rail. The old lady asks him to look into the carriage, where he finds a young woman clutching a knife. This is how Tsuneo first meets the girl who calls herself Josee.
Margarita com Canudinho
Uma indiana com paralisia cerebral decide estudar em Nova York e se envolve em um relacionamento com uma ativista cega que irá mudar a sua vida.
Little Knights
Maria, uma menina muito feliz e dócil fica feliz ao conhecer um novo amigo de sala. Porém, ele tem paralisia cerebral e não pode se locomover. Mas, Maria faz de tudo para que ele possa fazer parte da turma.
O Poder De Um Sonho
Um jovem com Paralisia Cerebral supera uma mão esquerda paralisada, intimidações e estereótipos, sonhando em se tornar um guitarrista de rock mesmo quando é dito que nunca terá sucesso. Seus sonhos se tornam realidade enquanto ele lidera sua própria banda, inspirada pela banda Korn para se expressar através da música.
Fish Out Of Water
Anxious about a new school and his relationship to his brother, a boy with Cerebral Palsy meets an alien who helps him cope with his fears.
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle
Based on the true story of May Lemke. Her adopted son Leslie was born with cerebral palsy. May teaches him basic survival skills through the years. In his teens, he suddenly manifests an ability to play classical music on the piano.
The Way Without Limits
The Way of Saint James, northern Spain, 2016. Two brothers, Oliver, the eldest, and Juan Luis, the youngest, a disabled person in a wheelchair, face the hardest challenge they have found so far on their long road of dirt, stones, rain and cold. Everyone says they will not make it, but, fortunately, they are not alone.
Standing Up for Sunny
An isolated guy with cerebral palsy is railroaded into helping an unassertive comedienne, and finds love and acceptance through stand-up comedy.
Ian nasceu com paralisia cerebral. Tudo o que ele quer é fazer amigos, embora pareça impossível de conseguir quando a discriminação e o bullying o afastam de seu amado playground. No entanto, este jovem é determinado e não desiste facilmente. O emocionante curta-metragem de animação conta a história de um menino com deficiência chamado IAN. A mãe de Ian criou a fundação IAN para lutar contra a falta de informação e conhecimento que muitas vezes leva as pessoas com deficiência a serem intimidadas e isoladas. O curto Ian surge da necessidade e objetivo desta fundação de alcançar todos os lares com uma mensagem de inclusão.