Biggles (1986)
Fast food executive Jim Ferguson stepped out of his 47th floor office to go to the bathroom... and ended up in the middle of World War I. History will be grateful forever.
Gênero : Ação, Família, Fantasia, Ficção científica, Guerra
Runtime : 1H 48M
Director : John Hough
Escritor : Kent Walwin, John Groves
Unassuming catering salesmen Jim Ferguson falls through a time hole to 1917 where he saves the life of dashing Royal Flying Corps pilot James "Biggles" Bigglesworth after his photo recon mission is shot down. Before he can work out what has happened, Jim is zapped back to the 1980s......
Sergei and Andrei are walking through a city park and see that a film shoot set just post World War II is taking place . They climb over the park fence to get a better view but hit some cable lying on the ground and find themselves in the past - on May 8, 1949, a day which they seem doomed to relive over and over again.
Darius (Aubrey Plaza) é estagiária numa revista de Seattle. Junto com Jeff (Jake Johnson) e Arnau (Karan Soni), ela é designada para investigar o autor de um anúncio no jornal procurando companhia para uma viagem no tempo. Enquanto Jeff persegue um antigo amor e Arnau tenta ganhar novas experiências, Darius se aproxima cada vez mais de Kenneth (Mark Duplass), o tal dono da máquina do tempo.
A história de dois homens, um casado e o outro amante da esposa do outro, que se encontram nas trincheiras da Primeira Guerra Mundial, e como a história deles se torna um microcosmo para os horrores da guerra.
The S.S. TIPTON embarks on a triple-length comedy crossover event when Justin wins a Teen Cruise to Hawaii – and a chance to meet London. Both Justin and Max do their best to win the heiress's affection, while Cody tries to win concert tickets for Bailey, and Alex accuses Zack of being a prankster. Between the kids' pranks (who turned Justin blue?!) and crazy schemes (Alex sneaks Harper on board to take her make-up science class?!), the excitement goes overboard when international superstar Hannah Montana checks in on her way to a sold-out concert in Hawaii. But when Miley Stewart loses her lucky charm anklet and her Hannah wig, are her days as the world's biggest pop star over forever?
Two soldiers go absent without leave in Paris during World War I.
This French version of the notorious spy's life centers less on her romantic escapades, and more on those that reveal the person she actually was during WW I when her German superiors ordered her to seduce the French captain Trintignant so she can steal classified papers from him. Instead she falls in love with him, blows the cover, and ends up convicted of espionage and shot. (AllMovie)
A frustrated man travels back in time in order to change the outcome of the soccer game that forever changed his life.
Três lindas modelos encontram um cinto de castidade mágico na vila em que estão trabalhando. O objeto as leva de volta no tempo, a uma corte medieval, e lá tentam ajudar a princesa a se encontrar com seu amado.
Ex-lovers Jase and Kayla find themselves caught in a time loop when they're whisked to "The Time Chamber" by an eternal robot named Sarge (Baker) and his time refugee sidekick Zymo. Now they must restore the continuity of time, stop the time terrorists, save the world and fall in love all over again.
An unexpected love story set in WW1 France between a young Australian baker who has deserted the front line, and a grieving French woman, who puts her own life at risk by sheltering him from the authorities.
A German Shepherd Dog and the people he loves are entangled in World War One.
A loyal dog follows his master to the front in World War One.
Three alien beings - a Sontaran officer, a Draconian nobleman and a Human mercenary - find themselves transported to a remote asteroid by a mysterious alien who wants to test their worthiness for his race's masterplan
A high school girl named Riley has the ability to travel back in time and uses this power to save her friend who commits suicide.
Como os dois primeiros filmes da Guerra Filme, Filme Guerra Ultimatum é dividido em três partes. A primeira parte é o lugar do Kamen Rider Fourze cinco anos após os acontecimentos da série. Gentaro é agora um professor na Amanogawa alta, bem como novo orientador acadêmico no Espaço Kamen Rider Club, Yuki se tornar um astronauta, Kengo trabalhar como um cientista da Universidade de Kyoto, como seu pai, Miu se tornar um modelo, Shun se tornar um jogador profissional de futebol, JK trabalhando para uma revista, Tomoko como romancista, e Ryusei se tornar um agente da Interpol com Inga Blink. No entanto, um grupo de crianças psíquicas conhecido como o Monstro Alliance liderado por um estudante chamado Sanro Fuda, que se torna um mutante conhecido como Sanagiman, apoiado por um misterioso homem chamado Kagehito Banba,ameaçam a escola.
Wilkie and Mitchell, trying to desert their draft into the army, stow away on a ship which takes them into the war zone. While AWOL, the rivals for Mary's affections accidently destroy an ammunition dump.
Dragon Ball Episódio de Bardock é um mangá criado por Ooishi Naho com três capítulo e com base no Jogo Dragon Ball Heroes. Ele apresenta um cenário de spinoff que ocorre após os acontecimentos do especial de TV Dragon Ball Z Bardock O pai de Goku, em que Bardock sobrevive após seu confronto contra Frieza e se transforma em um Super Saiyajin.
Step aside Dirk Gently, there’s a new private eye in town. There’s no case too big, too small or too odd for Young Gun. The frizzy haired, wispy moustached, Hawaiian shirted PI takes his work seriously. Pay no mind to his tarted up secretary/taskmaster or to the fact that his master of gadgets also happens to run a sex shop. Ignore also that his choice of attire hints at a deep admiration for MAGNUM PI. When you hire Young Gun the job gets done.
Ernie e sua irmã Julia, descobrem na casa de seu amigo Max, a mais nova invenção do pai dele, uma máquina do tempo! Acidentalmente são tele-transportados para uma viagem no tempo através da engenhoca. O grupo retorna no tempo a 65 milhões de anos atrás, onde são confundidos como novos filhotes de uma dinossaura T -Rex chamada Tyra (Melanie Griffith) e o seu filho indisciplinado Dodger (Rob Schneider). Para voltar para casa eles terão que aprender a trabalhar em equipe e contar com a ajuda de seus novos amigos.
Kitty Vane, Alan Trent, and Gerald Shannon have been inseparable friends since childhood. Kitty has always known she would marry one of them, but has waited until the beginning of World War I before finally choosing Alan. Gerald graciously gives them his blessing. Then, Gerald and Alan go to war. Angered over a misunderstanding involving Alan and Kitty, Gerald sends Alan on a dangerous mission that will change all their lives forever.