
Razia Sultan (1983)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 2H 0M

Director : Kamal Amrohi


The film is based on the life of Razia Sultan (1205–1240), the only female Sultan of Delhi (1236–1240) and her speculated love affair with the Abyssinian slave, Jamal-ud-Din Yakut. Razia Sultan is 1983 Urdu film, written and directed by Kamal Amrohi, and starring Hema Malini, Parveen Babi and Dharmendra in lead roles. The film's music was provided by Khayyam, with lyrics by Jan Nisar Akhtar and two songs by Nida Fazli who walked into the project when Akhtar died. Some songs were sung by Lata Mangeshkar, including classics like, "Aye Dil-e Nadaan".


Hema Malini
Hema Malini
Razia Bano
Jamal-ud-Din Yakut
Parveen Babi
Parveen Babi
Vijayendra Ghatge
Vijayendra Ghatge
Amir Altunia/Amir Balban
Pradeep Kumar
Pradeep Kumar
Sultan Iltames


Kamal Amrohi
Kamal Amrohi
Kamal Amrohi
Kamal Amrohi
Omar Khayyam Saharanpuri
Omar Khayyam Saharanpuri
Kamal Amrohi
Kamal Amrohi


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