
John F. Kennedy: Years of Lightning, Day of Drums (1966)

A Special Act of Congress Makes It Possible For You to See This Special Motion Picture!

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Bruce Herschensohn


An overview of John F. Kennedy's political career.


Claus Toksvig
Claus Toksvig
Danish Narrator
Maximilian Schell
Maximilian Schell
German Narrator
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck


Bruce Herschensohn
Bruce Herschensohn


The Music Lovers
Composer, conductor and teacher Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky struggles against his homosexual tendencies by marrying, but unfortunately he chooses a wonky, nymphomaniac girl whom he cannot satisfy.
Mosby's Marauders
Willie, a young Confederate soldier, joins forces with the bold and boisterous Lt. John Singleton Mosby and his notorious band of Civil War raiders. Befriended by a Yankee and aided by his beautiful cousin Oralee, Willie learns the power of love and war as he attempts dangerous scouting missions across the Virginia countryside. Infiltrating a Union brigade and capturing an enemy General are just two of the challenges Willie courageously faces in the early days of the War Between the States.
The Prisoner of Shark Island
After healing the leg of the murderer John Wilkes Booth, responsible for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, perpetrated on April 14, 1865, during a performance at Ford's Theatre in Washington; Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, considered part of the atrocious conspiracy, is sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to the sinister Shark Island Prison.
Ânsia de Viver
"The Babe" narra a fenomenal história de Ruth - desde o começo de suas duras batidas em um orfanato de Baltimore, até sua ascensão meteórica ao estrelato de beisebol e sua aposentadoria comovente do jogo. Sua incrível carreira incluiu sete flâmulas da Liga Americana, quatro campeonatos da World Series, dois casamentos tempestuosos e um estilo de vida selvagem que lhe renderam numerosas suspensões.
Rei Naresuan 3
The legend of King Naresuan continues with this third of four chapters and tells the story of King Naresuan, Thai’s chivalric king and warrior in the Ayutthaya era who fought against the invasion of Burmese troops that wanted to overpower the Ayutthaya Kingdom.
O Apocalipse
90 d.C. O Imperador Romano Domitian lançou uma campanha bárbara contra os cristãos. Mantido como refém pelos romanos na ilha de Patmos, o velho apóstolo João luta para salvar a Cristandade da extinção, enviando cartas às comunidades cristãs. Determinada pela vontade de conhecer a última testemunha viva da paixão de Cristo, a jovem cristã Irene consegue ter acesso à cela de João.
The Hunley
CSS Hunley tells the incredible true story of the crew of the manually propelled submarine CSS Hunley, during the siege of Charleston of 1864. It is a story of heroism in the face of adversity, the Hunley being the first submersible to sink an enemy boat in time of war. It also relates the human side of the story relating the uncommon and extaordinary temperament of the 9 men who led the Hunley into history and died valiantly accomplishing this feat.
Lupin III: Conexão Alcatraz
Em São Francisco, Califórnia; Lupin e sua gangue tentam encontrar o paradeiro de algumas Barras de Ouro em um navio naufragado na costa da Ilha de Alcatraz. Mas um chamado grupo chamado Society Seven quer as barras de ouro por seus próprios motivos. A Society Seven é composta por 7 criminosos perigosos. Eles também têm uma conexão profunda com a Ilha de Alcatraz e o assassinato do falecido presidente John Fritzgerald Kennedy.
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
Território Comanche
Irmãos e vilões, Maureen O'Hara e Charles Drake vão perturbar o sossego dos comanches para garimpar prata. É então que surge o simpático desbravador MacDonald Carey, que, ao som de um beijo estalado, traz a moça de volta ao bom caminho. Mas o irmão dela é mau de nascença e a luta será cruenta.
Mahler, Uma Paixão Violenta
Famed composer Gustav Mahler reflects on the tragedies of his life and failing marriage while traveling by train.
This TV movie focuses on the life of actor Humphrey Bogart.
Rei Naresuan 2
Prince Naresuan is now the crown prince of Ayutthaya and the king of Burma is dead. While the new Burmese king is waging war, the crown prince plots to assassinate Naresuan. Hearing this, the prince decides to evacuate Thais out of the Burmese capital and declare that Siam will no longer bow to Burma. The war for the kingdom's independence begins.
Inspired by the book of Genesis, this film tells the power struggle between two families: a clan of herders led by Jacob and another clan of hunters fronted by his brother Esau. Caught in the crossfire is their cousin, Hamor and his tribe of farmers.
Citizen Cohn
As lawyer and power broker Roy Cohn lies dying of AIDS in a private hospital room, ghosts from his past visit him as he reflects on his life and loves.
A História de Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell falls in love with deaf girl Mabel Hubbard while teaching the deaf and trying to invent means for telegraphing the human voice. She urges him to put off thoughts of marriage until his experiments are complete. He invents the telephone, marries and becomes rich and famous, though his happiness is threatened when a rival company sets out to ruin him.
O filme narra a ascensão e o declínio de Cleópatra, rainha do Egito, sua luta para defender o império das ambições políticas e territoriais de Roma e seu relacionamento com Júlio César e Marco Antônio.
As Aventuras de Marco Polo
Marco Polo (Cooper) cruza o mar em busca de tesouros e aventuras. Com a ajuda de seu fiel e covarde amigo Binguccio (Ernest Truex), encontra na China, como primeiro visitante do país europeu, várias inovações práticas como massas e explosivos. Ele é também apresentado a Kublai Khan (George Barbier), o imperador sábio e benevolente da China, e sua adorável filha, a Princesa Kukachin (Sigrid Gurie). O romance começa a florescer entre Marco e a princesa, mas Ahmed (Basil Rathbone), o dissimulado assistente do Imperador, também tem seus olhos sobre a princesa e ele está determinado a conquistar a mão dela e assim usurpar o trono de Kublai Khan.
Four Days In November
1964 American documentary film about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus overcomes intrigue at the Spanish court and convinces Queen Isabella that his plan to reach the East by sailing west is practical.