Reflections of 'The Dark Crystal' (2007)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 36M

Director : Michael Gillis


A retrospective look at Jim Henson and Frank Oz's 1982 fantasy film 'The Dark Crystal'.


Brian Froud
Brian Froud
Brian Henson
Brian Henson
David Odell
David Odell
Dave Goelz
Dave Goelz
Kathryn Mullen
Kathryn Mullen
Jane Gootnick
Jane Gootnick
Jim Henson
Jim Henson
Frank Oz
Frank Oz


Michael Gillis
Michael Gillis
Michael Gillis
Michael Gillis
Robert Jaye
Robert Jaye
James Miller
James Miller
Christopher Sias
Christopher Sias
Alessandro Barnett
Alessandro Barnett
Bob Schuck
Bob Schuck
Sound Editor
Constance Marks
Constance Marks
Nicole Goldman
Nicole Goldman
James Formanek
James Formanek
Steve Whitmire
Steve Whitmire


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Back in Time
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Time to Read Poems
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Entrevista com Deus
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Amor à Queima-Roupa
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