
Paris Model (1953)

NUDE AT MIDNIGHT..The dress that begins a new fashion...there's no end to the fun!

Gênero : Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 21M

Director : Alfred E. Green
Escritor : Robert Smith


A new dress plays a key role in the lives of four women who are not acquainted with each other.


Paulette Goddard
Paulette Goddard
Betty Barnes
Marilyn Maxwell
Marilyn Maxwell
Marion Parmalee
Eva Gabor
Eva Gabor
Gogo Montaine
Barbara Lawrence
Barbara Lawrence
Marta Jensen
Cecil Kellaway
Cecil Kellaway
Patrick J. Sullivan
Florence Bates
Florence Bates
Nora Sullivan
Robert Hutton
Robert Hutton
Charlie Johnson
Leif Erickson
Leif Erickson
Edgar Blevins
Tom Conway
Tom Conway
El Brendel
El Brendel
Papa Jensen
Laurette Luez
Laurette Luez
Byron Foulger
Byron Foulger
Ernest Boggs
Almira Sessions
Almira Sessions
Mrs. Boggs


Alfred E. Green
Alfred E. Green
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Robert Smith


Minha Mãe é uma Sereia
Charlotte Flax (Winona Ryder), de 15 anos de idade, está cansada de sua mãe maluca (Cher) mudar sua família para uma cidade diferente, todas as vezes que acha que é necessário. Quando elas se mudam para uma pequena cidade de Massachusetts e Sra. Flax começa a namorar um lojista (Bob Hoskins), Charlotte e sua irmã de 9 anos de idade, Kate (Christina Ricci), esperam que elas possam finalmente sossegar.
Minha Vontade é Lei
A cidade de Warlock, amedrontada pelos desmandos cometidos pela quadrilha de um fazendeiro local, contrata para ser seu homem da lei e os defender, um pistoleiro(Clay), conhecido domador de cidades. Outro homem, ex-membro do bando ameaçador, assume o cargo de xerife e tenta evitar conflito entre as duas partes.
A Pele Que Habito
Um evento traumático arruina o estranho relacionamento entre um cirurgião plástico e a mulher que ele mantém presa em sua luxuosa mansão.
Meus Caros Estudos
Laura 19 anos, estudante em seu primeiro ano de faculdade, quer terminar seus estudos, não importa o custo. Embora tenha um trabalho casual, ela não pode fazer face às despesas. Cada vez mais desesperada com sua situação financeira, ela resolve responder a um anúncio on-line certa noite. "Joe, 57, gostaria de conhecer estudantes para os momentos de ternura . 100 euros por hora." Uma vez e nunca mais, Laura promete a si mesma. Três dias depois, Laura está em um quarto de hotel com Joe - e assim começa uma espiral descendente. A ilusão do dinheiro "fácil": Esqueça as sensações repugnantes e pense apenas no envelope cheios de dinheiro. No momento em que ela chega ao seu segundo cliente, Laura, uma jovem estudante com a ferida, mas já uma prostituta, quer parar. Será que ela consegue fazer isso?
The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe
Hapless orchestra player becomes an unwitting pawn of rival factions within the French secret service after he is chosen as a decoy by being identified as a super secret agent.
Gary: Um Treinador Muito Louco
Gary é um jovem treinador de tênis que não tem experiência suficiente para participar de um campeonato estadual. Para enfrentar esse desafio, ele tem de pedir ajuda ao seu ídolo e mentor.
A Fronteira
Nunca Cruze a Fronteira... A fim de ajudar a uma jovem grávida que precisa desesperadamente esconder sua gravidez da família, seus amigos começam a roubar para reunir os fundos necessários para fazer o aborto na Holanda. Fugindo da polícia, o pequeno grupo se refugia num velho terreno de mineração improdutivo, num bosque na fronteira com Luxemburgo e descobre um albergue administrado por donos perigosos: neonazistas canibais!
Lua de Mel Assombrada
Larry Abbot, speaker in the radio horror shows of Manhattan Mystery Theater wants to marry. For the marriage he takes his fiancée home to the castle where he grew up among his eccentric relatives. His uncle decides that he needs to be cured from a neurotic speech defect and exaggerated bursts of fear: he gives him a shock therapy with palace ghosts.
Upholsterer's assistant Irene O'Dare meets wealthy Don Marshall while she is measuring chairs for Mrs. Herman Vincent at her Long Island estate. Charmed by her, Don anonymously purchases Madame Lucy's, an exclusive Manhattan boutique, and instructs newly hired manager Mr. Smith to offer Irene a job as a model. She soon catches the eye of socialite Bob Vincent, whose mother is hosting a ball at the family mansion. To promote Madame Lucy's dress line, Mr. Smith arranges for his models to be invited to the ball.
A frenetic and irreverent depiction of a mans life (in a womans dress), from the beginning to the bitter end...
The Blind Orchestra
In the early years of the reign of Hassan II, Houcine, a fan of the new king, is the director of a popular orchestra and the proud father of Mimou. This is a very particular troupe, male musicians who are sometimes forced to pretend that they are blind in order to play at parties reserved for women in conservative Moroccan families. But then young Minou runs into Chama, the neighbor’s new maid
The Joy of Life
A blond and a raven-haired beauty move with verve and style through a changing landscape. The fabric of their dresses flows and floats, adding to their allure. One loses a shoe. A young man picks it up and pursues them on his bicycle.
Dois Tiros Silenciosos
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Vestido Pra Casar
No dia de seu casamento, Fernando se envolve em uma confusão: ele rasga o vestido de alta costura de uma mulher. O problema é que a mulher está com o amante e precisa voltar para casa com o vestido.
The Naughty Stewardesses
The Naughty Stewardesses follows the typical pattern of a Roger Corman "nurse" film (very popular at the time), only with stewardesses. The plot follows the exploits of four sexy flight attendants, and each of them disrobes in front of the camera and/or engage in intercourse at one point. There's raunchy action with a captain and a lass aboard his plane (in which a small child looks on to get a first hand sex ed class), and a wild party where a nude dude is actually a cake (he gets slobbered by one of the stewardesses!).
What the Eye Doesn't See
Alice, 15, has a date with Mathieu. Her friend Julie lends her a pretty red dress, which does not fit her old sneakers. They set out together in search of the perfect pair of shoes, but nothing turns out as expected.
Ma vie sans soutif
Paris Model
A new dress plays a key role in the lives of four women who are not acquainted with each other.
During a glory night where she gets a prize for her performance as an actress, Françoise walks around radiant in the warm light that the eyes of the others cast. She glows in a dress, which fits her like a glove. Back home, the dress zipper resists. The lack of any help at hand suddenly gives her the extent of her loneliness.
The Dress
Marta has found a dress that is not hers in her boyfriend Fer's room, all the trust she has placed in him over years of relationship is shaken.