Made for Play: Board Games and Modern Industry (2013)

How Games are Made!

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 43M


Jettingen Germany is home to Ludo Fact, one of the world's largest manufacturers of board and card games. This documentary shows how a board game makes the leap from an idea to your table. You'll see every aspect of the manufacturing process: the technology and machines, the many detailed steps, and the hundreds of people that are involved in the production of a single game. Mostly, we hope the film gives you a greater appreciation of the time, effort and investment that goes into every quality board game that makes it to the marketplace and your home. The business of fun requires a lot of hard work!




Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century – the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now… the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos.
A Noite do Jogo
Max e Annie participam de um grupo de casais que organizam noites de jogos. Quando o irmão de Max, Brooks, chega, ele decide organizar uma festa com os temas assassinato e mistério. No entanto, Brooks é sequestrado de verdade, mas o grupo acredita que tudo faz parte da misteriosa brincadeira. Os seis amigos competitivos precisam resolver o caso para vencer o jogo, cujo rumo vai se tornando cada vez mais inesperado.
Os Sete Suspeitos
Em uma noite tempestuosa de 1954, seis indivíduos com históricos comprometedores em Washington se reúnem para um jantar na mansão do ostentoso Sr. Boddy. Eles são recebidos pelo mordomo, Wadsworth, que atribui a cada convidado um pseudônimo a fim de proteger suas identidades: Sr. Green, Coronel Mustard, Sra. Peacock, Professor Plum, Srta. Scarlet, e Sra. White. Após o jantar, eles descobrem que foram chamados para conhecer o seu chantageador: o Sr. Boddy, e cada um deles recebe uma arma. Quando o anfitrião aparece morto, o grupo se apavora e procura por pistas para revelar o assassino.
Zathura: Uma Aventura Espacial
Dois irmãos briguentos são lançados em pleno espaço sideral enquanto jogavam um misterioso jogo que acharam no porão de sua casa velha. Em sua fantástica jornada, eles se juntam a um astronauta perdido e têm que sobreviver a chuva de meteoros, alienígenas hostis parecidos com lagartos, um furioso robô movido a jato e a uma batalha de nave espacial intergaláctica. A não ser que eles terminem o jogo e encontrem o planeta Zathura, eles podem ficar presos no espaço para sempre.
Lucy Hill (Renée Zellweger) é uma poderosa e ambiciosa executiva, apaixonada pelo estilo de vida que leva em Miami - roupas, sapatos, carros e belos homens. Quando surge a chance de reestruturar uma fabrica, no meio do nada, no gélido estado de Minnesota, Lucy vê a chance de uma promoção e aceita num estalar de dedos. Mas, o que seria apenas mais um trabalho se transforma numa tremenda roubada. Com seu modo de vida arrogante, a recém-chegada executiva, enfrentará situações hilárias ao ser recebida com frieza pela população da pequena cidade e em especial pelo bonitão e sindicalista Ted (Harry Connick, Jr.)
Game of Death
Kill or be killed is the golden rule of the Game of Death. Sucks for seven millennials who ignored that rule. Now each one's head will explode unless they kill someone. Will they turn on each other to survive, or will this sunny day be the last for the innocent people of their middle-of-nowhere town?
Death By China
In 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization with the strong support of a Democratic President and Republican Congress. Before the ink was dry on this free trade agreement, China began flooding U.S. markets with illegally subsidized exports while the big multinational companies that had lobbied heavily for the agreement rapidly accelerated the off shoring of American jobs to China. Today, as a result of the biggest shell game in American history, China has stolen millions of our jobs, corporate profits are soaring, and we now owe over $3 trillion to the world's largest totalitarian nation. This film is about how that happened... and why the best jobs program for America is trade reform with China.
Os Aloprados
Jackie Moon está cansado de ser colocado em segundo plano no trabalho e decide dar uma guinada em sua vida. De volta à sua cidade natal, reencontra Monix, um antigo amigo também disposto a mudar o rumo das coisas. Um encontro entre estes dois aloprados só pode significar uma coisa: muita confusão!
747: The Jumbo Revolution
At any given moment hundreds of people are soaring above us in a 747. From the moment the very first jumbo jet took off in 1969, it has been the aircraft against which all others are judged. But its 45-year journey has been anything but smooth. This is the definitive story of the Boeing 747, from its milestones and triumphs to its turning points and disasters. Witness its history through rare archival footage and tales from pilots, engineers, designers, and passengers who were there when it all began.
Beyond the Gates
Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father's video store to liquidate the property and sell off his assets. As they dig through the store, they find a VCR board game titled 'Beyond the Gates' that holds a connection to their father's disappearance and deadly consequences for anyone who plays it.
Maré de Azar
Joel (Jason Bateman) é um botânico e empresário prestes a vender sua empresa de extração de essências e assim curtir uma bela aposentadoria. Eis que um acidente de trabalho com uma de suas funcionárias provoca uma desintegração total, levando a uma série de desastres que coloca seus negócios e sua vida pessoal em perigo.
A Despedida De Joshy
After his engagement ends badly, Josh decides to take advantage of his bachelor-party plans in Ojai, California, with the few friends still willing to join him. Focused on drugs and their own hangups, his self-absorbed friends refuse to confront the elephant in the room and ask Josh how he’s feeling. As welcome and unwelcome guests stop by, Josh will attempt to find some closure over this weekend with the guys.
Em 1969, Alan Parrish descobre um jogo chamado Jumanji. Ao começar a jogar com a sua amiga Sarah, é engolido pelo jogo e Sarah assusta-se, deixando o jogo como estava. Consequentemente, Alan fica preso por 26 anos na selva até que os irmãos Judy e Peter descobrem o jogo e começam a jogar. Alan acaba por ser libertado, juntamente com perigosos animais da selva. Agora, os três têm de convencer Sarah a terminar o jogo antes que tudo seja destruído.
I Dream of Wires
An independent documentary film about the phenomenal resurgence of the modular synthesizer — exploring the passions, obsessions and dreams of people who have dedicated part of their lives to this esoteric electronic music machine. Inventors, musicians, and enthusiasts are interviewed about their relationship with the modular synthesizer — for many, it's an all-consuming passion.
Jogada Divina
No clandestino mundo das apostas de Baduk, um homem busca vingar a morte do irmão. Para chegar ao assassino, ele deve eliminar seus homens um a um. A vida e o jogo serão uma longa luta de movimentos e apenas um ganhará.
Haunting Inside
An agoraphobic woman with autism begins summoning spirits to be her friends while her brother/caretaker is gone during the day, but the more time she spends with the spirits the more it becomes clear they aren't so friendly after all.
Under the Boardwalk: The Monopoly Story
Under the Boardwalk: The Monopoly Story shows how the classic board game has become a worldwide cultural phenomenon and follows the colorful players who come together to compete for the coveted title of Monopoly World Champion.
American Made Movie
American Made Movie looks back on the glory days of U.S. manufacturing when there was a more balanced relationship between the goods produced and consumed, and illustrates how technology and globalization have changed the competitive landscape for companies doing business in America, as well as overseas. By illustrating the successes of companies and entrepreneurs that, of their own accord, have prospered without adopting the practices of their competitors, American Made Movie shows the positive impact these jobs can have on national and local economies in the face of great challenges.
Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware
We examine the unique manufacturing ecosystem that has emerged, gaining access to the world’s leading hardware-prototyping culture whilst challenging misconceptions from the west. The film looks at how the evolution of “Shanzhai” – or copycat manufacturing – has transformed traditional models of business, distribution and innovation, and asks what the rest of the world can learn from this so-called “Silicon Valley of hardware".
O Inventor de Jogos
O jovem Ivan Drago está empolgado após ter vencido uma competição de inventar o melhor jogo de tabuleiro. Contudo, após receber o prêmio, Ivan é transportado para a fantástica cidade de Zyl, onde ele precisa derrotar o malvado Morodian.