
Scientologists at War (2013)

Scientologists at War examines the independent Scientology movement and the high level defectors who have publicly renounced their membership from the Church of Scientology.

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 0M

Director : Joe Martin


Scientologists at War examines the independent Scientology movement and the high level defectors who have publicly renounced their membership from the Church of Scientology. Marty Rathbun is one of the most senior defectors in Scientology's history. As the former Inspector General of Ethics in the organisation that was created by science fiction writer L Ron Hubbard, Rathbun worked closely with its leader, David Miscavige, and celebrity follower Tom Cruise. The film provides a rare insider view of the Church of Scientology.


Marty Rathbun
Marty Rathbun
Mosey Rathbun
Mosey Rathbun
Pete Gold
Pete Gold
Himself - Narrator (voice)
Tony Ortega
Tony Ortega
Self - Former Editor Village Voice
David Miscavige
David Miscavige
Self (archive footage)
Dani Lemberger
Dani Lemberger
Self - Independent Scientologist
Mike Laws
Mike Laws
Self - Former Scientologist
Karen de la Carriere
Karen de la Carriere
Self - Independent Scientologist Class XII Auditor
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
Self (archive footage)


Joe Martin
Joe Martin
Danielle Clark
Danielle Clark
Michael Simkin
Michael Simkin


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