
Haan (2005)

Gênero : Crime, Ação

Runtime : 1H 32M

Director : Lee In-soo


The Pearl Harbor Attack by Japan in 1941 and the nuclear bomb explosion in 1945 together led to the independence of Chosun (Korea). Behind these historical incidents, there was HAN Gil-soo, the double agent. For Chosun's independence, HAN has stirred the era.


Ahn Jae-mo
Ahn Jae-mo
Ko Jeong-il
Ko Jeong-il
Im Yoo-jin
Im Yoo-jin


Lee In-soo
Lee In-soo
Lee In-soo
Lee In-soo
Lee In-soo
Lee In-soo


Cinco Dedos
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o manobrista do embaixador britânico em Ancara vende segredos britânicos aos alemães, enquanto tenta namorar uma condessa polonesa refugiada. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Soft Beds, Hard Battles
In this comedy, set during the Nazi occupation of France, Peter Sellers plays most major male parts, so he stars in nearly every scene, always bumbling in inspector Clouseau-style.
From Time to Time
A haunting ghost story spanning two worlds, two centuries apart. When 13 year old Tolly finds he can mysteriously travel between the two, he begins an adventure that unlocks family secrets laid buried for generations.
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea
Former Nazi Klaus Abard survives to the 1990s by taking anti-ageing pills. He plans to use a time travel trip to return to Germany in 1944 and present Hitler with a hydrogen bomb, so that he can win the war. Unfortunately the pilot, woman-chasing Karel Bures, dies on the morning of the trip and his earnest twin brother Jan impersonates him, without knowing about the plot. The plot goes wrong when they lose the bomb and land near Hitler's bunker in 1941, at a time that the Nazis sense victory. Bures, with two of the plotters, escape capture by the Nazis and make it back to the time machine. Bures programs the machine to return one day before they left, because he figures he can then save his brother and foil the plot.
Battle Cry
The dramatic story of US marines in training, in combat and in love during World War II. The story centres on a major who guides the raw recruits from their training to combat. Based on the novel by Leon Uris.
The Frontshow
The Front Show is a series of World War II era German military training films shown to German soldiers before being shipped off to the Eastern Front. They were directed by the veteran propagandist Fritz Hippler, best known for Der Ewige Jude.
Le Viager
In 1930, Louis Martinet, a peaceful sexagenarian, no longer has a long life to live according to the words of his doctor, Leon Galipeau, who sees to take advantage of the very interesting situation of the "future deceased". This one indeed has a small house in Saint-Tropez. Galipeau sniffs the windfall. Following his advice, Martinet agrees to give it in life to the brother of the doctor, Emile, and then rushes back to a health of iron. Worse, he even survives the war. Galipeau, exhausted, decide to use the great means to get rid of the importunce who persists in thwarting their project ...
It Happened in '43
1943. The affair between Anna, unhappily married to wheelchair-bound Pino, and deserter Franco unfolds in foggy Ferrara, intertwining with the power struggle taking place within local Fascist ranks that culminates in a massacre of civilians, including Franco's father – Pino sees it all from his window, but will he tell anyone?
Christopher e seus Amigos
Isherwood foge de sua vida reprimida na Inglaterra e se joga na decadente - mas febril - Berlim dos anos 30, pré-Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Cinco Covas No Egito
O Exército Britânico, retirando-se à frente do vitorioso Rommel, deixa um único sobrevivente na fronteira egípcio que encontra refúgio em um remoto hotel no deserto. Ele é ajudado pelo proprietário do hotel, apesar dos protestos da camareira francesa, com medo da chegada iminente de Rommel e os alemães. Para sobreviver John assume a identidade do garçom do hotel, recentemente falecido.
USS Midway
A visit to the famed aircraft carrier USS Midway and interviews with men who served aboard it bring the exciting story of the vessel to life in this dramatic documentary. In service for 47 years, the Midway saw heavy action during the Vietnam War, and its hair-raising missions to rescue downed pilots were legendary. After Vietnam, the Midway, now berthed in San Diego, participated in numerous operations, including the Gulf War.
Hitler: Uma Carreira
Admirável documentário de montagem, no qual são utilizados unicamente documentos de época, "Hitler, Eine Karrier" acompanha todo o percurso público de Adolf Hitler. Trata-se menos de um filme sobre a II Guerra Mundial e o extermínio dos judeus do que de uma obra sobre a imagem pública de Hitler e a evolução desta imagem. Realizado com a colaboração do historiador Joachim Fest, biógrafo de Hitler e autor de diversos estudos sobre o nacional-socialismo e a resistência alemã, o filme tem narração em voz off, além de trechos de discursos e da narrativa de noticiários cinematográficos, mas não inclui nenhuma entrevista contemporânea, recusando por conseguinte uma estrutura televisiva.
Travelling avant
Paris, October 1948. Nino, Gilles, Donald, Barbara and their friends are a new breed of spectators. They discover the cinema as art, they are moviegoers. They will try to realize their grand project: to found a film club. "My film first wants to be a testimony of young people who have lived for a passion. Cinema"
A 25ª Hora
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, Johann Moritz, um camponês judeu romeno, cuja esposa é muito cobiçado pelo gendarme da aldeia, é denunciado, preso e enviado a um campo de concentração. No campo, o comandante se confunde e acha que ele é um novo recruta, um voluntário para a SS. E então ele é convocado para o SS. Ironicamente, após a guerra, ele fica detido pelas autoridades aliadas por seu envolvimento com a SS em tempo de guerra.
Signs of Life
During World War II, three German soldiers are withdrawn from combat when one of them, Stroszek, is wounded. They are assigned to a small coastal community on the Greek island of Kos while Stroszek recuperates. The men become increasingly stir crazy in their uneventful new assignment. Stroszek eventually goes mad.
The Man Who Lies
A man may or may not have betrayed a resistance fighter during World War II. He has supposedly been shot down by the Nazis and wanders into town. Mourning the death of an unseen comrade, he is taken in by the family of the dead rebel. He engages in a superfluous affair and witnesses the lesbian relationship between the man's sister and a female servant. When passions subside, the family has doubts about the reliability of the man's story.
O Mar Não os Terá
Durante o outono de 1944, um avião Hudson da RAF que transporta um passageiro VIP com informações altamente secretas é alvejado e cai no Mar do Norte. Lutando contra os elementos e tentando manter a moral, os ocupantes do bote salva-vidas da aeronave falam sobre suas vidas enquanto aguardam o resgate que eles esperam que virá. O título do filme, O Mar Não os Terá, é o lema do Serviço de Resgate Aeronaval (Air Sea Rescue Service) da RAF, que se propõe a rapidamente enfrentar seus próprios problemas mecânicos, a ação inimiga, o tempo e o clima, e assim localizar e resgatar a equipe derrubada e os papéis secretos vitais que eles carregam.
Bertie and Elizabeth
The duke of York, nicknamed Bertie, was born as royal 'spare heir', younger brother to the prince of Wales, and thus expected to spend a relatively private life with his Scottish wife Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon and their daughters, in the shadow of their reigning father, George V, and next that of his elder brother who succeeded to the British throne as Edward VIII. However Edward decides to put his love for a divorced American, Wallis Simpson, above dynastic duty, and ends up abdicating the throne, which now falls to Bertie, who reigns as George VI.
Submarine X-1
After losing a submarine and fifty crew in a battle with a German ship during WWII, a Royal Navy officer gets a second chance in a daring raid with midget subs.
Dia D – 6.6.44
On June 6th, 1944 the largest military invasion and defence the world has ever seen occurred. D-Day tells the epic story of the preparation and execution of the Allied invasion of Normandy. It tells the story of the defence of the Western Front by the forces of the German Empire, and of the complex and deadly secret war fought by the men and women of France and mainland Europe. D-Day brings to life the dramatic and astounding tales of courage and sacrifice, joy and despair, love and betrayal. The planning for the Allied invasion on June 6th 1944 took two years and cost thousands of lives. It involved a deception of breathtaking audacity. Both the preparation leading up to and the actions and events on the day itself relied on the absolute discretion of many and the genius and nerve of a few. D-Day examines the intricate jigsaw from both sides - presenting events through the eyes of the men and women who were there, telling their extraordinary stories.