
Horror em Alto Mar (1977)

The Deep End of Horror!

Gênero : Terror, Ficção científica, Guerra

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Ken Wiederhorn
Escritor : John Kent Harrison, Ken Pare, Ken Wiederhorn


Um pescador encontra uma moça naufragando em um bote e ao resgatá-la, tenta colher alguma informação de como ela foi parar ali. Aos poucos sua memória vai lembrando os horrores que passou numa ilha, quando num passeio com outras pessoas no mar, sofreram um acidente, batendo o barco numa sucata de navio e tentaram socorro nessa ilha onde encontraram um hotel abandonado. Lá descobriram um comandante da SS que lhes contou sobre uma maldição com seus soldados usados em experiências científicas e que se tornaram zumbis assassinos.


Peter Cushing
Peter Cushing
SS Commander
John Carradine
John Carradine
Brooke Adams
Brooke Adams
Fred Buch
Fred Buch
Jack Davidson
Jack Davidson
Luke Halpin
Luke Halpin
D.J. Sidney
D.J. Sidney
Don Stott
Don Stott
Clarence Thomas
Clarence Thomas


John Kent Harrison
John Kent Harrison
Ken Pare
Ken Pare
Ken Wiederhorn
Ken Wiederhorn
Ken Wiederhorn
Ken Wiederhorn
Reuben Trane
Reuben Trane
Richard Einhorn
Richard Einhorn
Original Music Composer
Norman Gay
Norman Gay
Jessica Sack
Jessica Sack
Production Design
Alan Ormsby
Alan Ormsby
Makeup Effects
Reuben Trane
Reuben Trane
Director of Photography


Mad scientist Dr. Stern is turning students into super-smart cannibalistic zombies, and the local cops are too busy chasing a sex fiend to stop the flesh-eating ghouls. Fortunately, Stern's nemesis, FBI agent Susan Hannigan, is on the case. As the ravenous monsters overrun the town, Hannigan tries to convince Stern's faithful assistant to reveal how to foil the crazed doctor's evil scheme.
Invisible Invaders
Aliens, contacting scientist Adam Penner, inform him that they have been on the moon for twenty thousand years, undetected due to their invisibility, and have now decided to annihilate humanity unless all the nations of earth surrender immediately. Sequestered in an impregnable laboratory trying to find the aliens' weakness, Penner, his daughter, a no-nonsense army major and a squeamish scientist are attacked from outside by the aliens, who have occupied the bodies of the recently deceased.
Night of the Groping Dead
After discovering that Misty has a magic stone called the "The Crack of Dawn", Queen Zombie Ruby sends her army of zombies to get it, get her, grope her and turn her into a zombie too.
Come visit the beautiful north woods. Enjoy the changing of the leaves, the vast chain of lakes, bountiful hunting and fishing, and great snowmobile trails. Relax at one of our many resorts or find yourself part of a genetic experiment testing deadly viruses. Three friends travel north for a bachelor party weekend full of babes, booze and unexpected encounters. Oblivious to what is happening around them the three find themselves trapped as a cannibalistic diseases, developed by the military, transforms the townspeople into ravenous zombies.
Island: Wedding of the Zombies
Five people who knew each other for a long time a group of friends, to attend the wedding of a mutual friend goes to Buyukada. Erhan, weddings, and long intervals, the team can come together to be able to record their happy moments brought a camera, and is continuous. All throughout the film viewed, it is reflected from the camera. Later a group of wedding guests attacking zombie, turns into a mess of blood.
Orgulho e Preconceito e Zumbis
Inglaterra, século XIX. Uma misteriosa praga espalha zumbis por todos lados, mas Elizabeth Bennet (Lily James), especialista em artes marciais e no manuseio de armas, está preparada para enfrentar os piores mortos-vivos. O que a incomoda de verdade é ter que conviver e lutar ao lado do arrogante Sr. Darcy (Sam Riley).
Hitler: A Film from Germany
Not porno, not underground film, not a good entertainment film, not documentary, not social criticism nor Hollywood boulevard film or horror show: rather a journey into the midst of night, a hell ride to paradise lost, into our inner self. The mystery play of a historical dance of death in the black studio of our phantasy, the ascetic “Trauerarbeit” (toils of mourning) on the end of an epoch, millions of dead. In old times one would have called it an epos, a poem, requiem, oratorio; an attempt to find a new German identity through film. And also about the heritage of Hitler in our present world, something about the infernal victory of quantitative democracy; about the calmness of melancholy and the thesis that Hitler can only be defeated with Richard Wagner.
A mad scientist captures women and feeds them to a flesh-eating tree, which in turn gives him a serum that helps bring the dead back to life.
The Frontshow
The Front Show is a series of World War II era German military training films shown to German soldiers before being shipped off to the Eastern Front. They were directed by the veteran propagandist Fritz Hippler, best known for Der Ewige Jude.
Double Headed Eagle: Hitler's Rise to Power 1918-1933
Presents a unique and disturbing look at the rise of the Nazi party. The documentary, directed by Lutz Becker, attempts to remain as objective as possible, serving as a neutral observer of the years 1918 through 1933 in Germany. Via newsreel footage and clips of features from the era, the film offers a kaleidoscopic view of the many elements that fueled the rise of the Socialist Nationalist Party, including post-WWI poverty. Hitler occupies a central place in the documentary.
Jew Suss: Rise and Fall
This intricate historical drama tells the story of actor Ferdinand Marian (Tobias Moretti), who is ordered by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to star in the 1940 anti-Semitic film Jew Suss. Despite his cooperation, Ferdinand's actions have unexpected costs. Ferdinand's Jewish wife, Anna (Martina Gedeck), is sent to a concentration camp, and as World War II intensifies, he rebels against the Nazis, leading to the destruction of his career.
A Mundana
Uma congressista (Jean Arthur) vai à Berlim destruída pela Segunda Guerra Mundial, para verificar o moral das tropas norte-americanas. Durante a inspeção, um capitão (John Lund) tenta seduzi-la para que ela não descubra seu envolvimento com uma cantora alemã (Marlene Dietrich), suspeita de ser simpatizante nazista.
Hitler: Uma Carreira
Admirável documentário de montagem, no qual são utilizados unicamente documentos de época, "Hitler, Eine Karrier" acompanha todo o percurso público de Adolf Hitler. Trata-se menos de um filme sobre a II Guerra Mundial e o extermínio dos judeus do que de uma obra sobre a imagem pública de Hitler e a evolução desta imagem. Realizado com a colaboração do historiador Joachim Fest, biógrafo de Hitler e autor de diversos estudos sobre o nacional-socialismo e a resistência alemã, o filme tem narração em voz off, além de trechos de discursos e da narrativa de noticiários cinematográficos, mas não inclui nenhuma entrevista contemporânea, recusando por conseguinte uma estrutura televisiva.
The Chilling
The bodies at a cryogenic centre are defrosted by accident and turn into cannibalistic zombies.
Summer Affair
A very young Ornella Muti plays a rich girl who falls for an older hippie boy. Her parents don't approve and try to stop her from seeing him so they run away to a villa (Her parents') by the sea. Later they are shipwrecked on a deserted island. The plot focuses on the efforts of the police to figure out where the girl is, which is set against the developing relationship between the two young people.
The Girl of Your Dreams
A company of Spanish movie makers leaves Franco's Spain and moves to Hitler's Germany to make a film in co-production. Soon some problems start to arise...
The Admirable Crichton
Lord Loam has modern ideas about his household, he believes in treating his servants as his equals - at least sometimes. His butler, Crichton, still believes that members of the serving class should know their place and be happy there. But when the Loam family are shipwrecked on a desert island with the self-reliant Crichton and lady's maid Tweeny, the class system is put to the test.
The Four Days of Naples
The four days of Naples was not a revolution. They had no leaders, no preparations of any kind. The revolt was born and flared up in a matter of hours. The whole population of Naples took part in it, but they all did so without consulting the others. Driven by a kind of necessity, the Neapolitans took up their rifles, armed themselves with stones, household objects, and bottles of petrol, and fought on their stretch of road, anonymous and silent. Once the battle was over, everyone returned to their homes and the revolt remained in memory with only the names of the dead, those, at least, who were known. One figure still remembered is that of Gennarino Capuozzo, a ten-year-old boy who was killed on a barricade while fighting against the invaders of his village.
Fleeing the wrath of man-eating vixens who've taken over the world, a ragtag caravan of refugees makes its way across the country to the relative safety of the West Coast. But en route, they're attacked by unrelenting waves of starving strippers. If looks could kill ... well, let's just hope they can't.
Brutal, bloody terror. In a world where the living dead rule the planet, two human hunters seek dead specimens for their scientist cohort to experiment on to find answers among the madness.


O Teatro dos Horrores
The Theatre of Death in Paris specialises in horror presentations. A police surgeon finds himself becoming involved in the place through his attraction to one of the performers. When bloodless bodies start showing up all over town he realises there could be links with the theatre.