The People's Champion (2004)

The saga continues.

Gênero : Documentário, Ação

Runtime : 0M


If the first one stunned you, The People's Champion will floor you. This jawbusting follow-up contains the best of Manny Pacquiao's world title defense fights flashing that on-ring bravura that has made him one of the world boxing's crème de la crème. If you've been keeping count of fighters felled by the man with fists of gold, this one could blow your score sheet. Pound for pound, it's world-class sports entertainment at its finest.


Manny Pacquiao
Manny Pacquiao



Rocky II: A Revanche
Após a luta contra Apollo Creed, Rocky promete à sua esposa largar os ringues. Mas os fãs de boxe insistem em uma revanche entre os dois pugilistas. Sem dinheiro, Rocky se vê obrigado a aceitar o desafio e recebe a benção da esposa para lutar. Agora o lutador deve se preparar para o combate do século e decide treinar intensamente, sonhando apenas em terminar a luta sem ser nocauteado pelo campeão.
Million Dollar Baby - Sonhos Vencidos
Frankie Dunn passou a vida nos ringues e treinou grandes pugilistas. Magoado com o afastamento da sua filha, é uma pessoa fechada e que só se relaciona com Scrap, outro ex-pugilista e seu único amigo, que trabalha no seu ginásio. Mas ambos reparam na qualidade e na perseverança de Maggie Fitzgerald, uma jovem que tem um dom para o boxe e quer que Frankie a treine, apesar de ser mulher e já velha para começar uma carreira. Vencido pela determinação dela, Frankie aceita ser o seu treinador.
Rocky III: O Desafio Supremo
Depois de ter sido derrotado pelo arrogante Clubber Lang, Rocky Balboa decide reconquistar o título de campeão de pesos pesados e se prepara para uma revanche. Para treinar, o lutador pede a ajuda de seu antigo adversário, Apollo Creed.
Espada da Vingança
Um príncipe Norman retorna para casa para buscar a justiça para o assassinato de seu pai, morto por seu tio, Earl Durant. Depois de ganhar a confiança e a lealdade de alguns exilados agricultores, leva a uma batalha brutal com o vilão. A sede de sangue do protagonista irá levá-lo a sacrificar tudo para consumar sua vingança.
Um Sonho Distante
A trama se passa em 1892 e tem início na Irlanda. Joseph Donnelly é um jovem analfabeto que se revolta contra um poderoso proprietário de terras, por considerá-lo responsável pela morte de seu pai. Durante um duelo, uma jovem passa com uma carroça e salva a sua vida. Insatisfeitos com a vida que levavam, eles decidem partir para os Estados Unidos, atrás do sonho americano.
From abject poverty to becoming a ten-time boxing world champion, congressman, and international icon, Manny Pacquiao is the true definition of a Cinderella story. In the Philippines, he first entered the ring as a sixteen-year-old weighing ninety-eight pounds with the goal of earning money to feed his family. Now, almost twenty years later, when he fights, the country of 100 million people comes to a complete standstill to watch. Regarded for his ability to bring people together, Pacquiao entered the political arena in 2010. As history’s first boxing congressman, Pacquiao now fights for his people both inside and outside of the ring. Now at the height of his career, he is faced with maneuvering an unscrupulous sport while maintaining his political duties. The question now is, what bridge is too far for Manny Pacquiao to cross?
Irresistível Paixão
Charmoso ladrão (George Clooney), sem saber, usa carro de agente do FBI para fugir da penitenciária. Ele acaba conhecendo e se apaixonando pela bela dona do carro, a agente Karen (Jennifer Lopez), mas tem que tomar cuidado para planejar um golpe perfeito, sem que sua própria amada o coloque atrás das grades.
O Dragão Chinês
Levado por seu tio a Bancoc para viver com os primos, o jovem Cheng passa a trabalhar na fábrica de gelo local, cujo proprietário está envolvido com tráfico de drogas e prostituição. Com a escalada da violência, Cheng revela-se profundo conhecedor das artes marciais e enfrenta a quadrilha inteira.
Ajuste de Contas
Billy "The Kid" McDonnen (Robert De Niro) e Henry "Razor" Sharp (Sylvester Stallone) foram grandes boxeadores que, agora, estão aposentados. Entretanto, mesmo tendo subido no ringue pela última vez há décadas, eles aceitam se enfrentar em uma última luta para desempatar o confronto histórico. Enquanto se preparam para o confronto, os dois terão que confrontar pessoas de seus passados: a bela Sally (Kim Basinger) e o filho B.J. (Jon Bernthal).
O Trambique do Século
Rev Sultan (Samuel L. Jackson) é um promotor no mercado de lutas de boxe, e ele acredita que esse mercado precisa ser renovado. Ele encontra então um homem que é capaz de derrotar o campeão. O problema é que ele não é lutador e é branco, diferente de todos os grandes nomes do boxe que são negros. Mesmo assim, Sultan convence o rapaz a treinar com ele para o grande desafio.
Gladiator: O Desafio
Um luta para vencer, o outro luta para sobreviver. Dois amigos são colocados um contra o outro por um promotor de lutas corrupto em uma batalha brutal que ameaça destruir sua amizade e suas vidas.
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Este documentário sobre o inventor do jornalismo gonzo Dr. Hunter S. Thompson aborda os principais marcos de sua vida: sua relação intensa com o Hells Angels, sua candidatura quase bem-sucedida ao cargo de xerife em Aspen, seu envolvimento na campanha presidencial do Senador McGovern e muito mais.
O Recomeço
Murphy (Brian Presley) estava entre os jogadores de futebol americano mais talentosos e promissores do país. Porém, o atleta se feriu gravemente no último lance de uma partida que iria definir sua carreira. Quinze anos mais tarde ele leva uma vida simplória, como fazendeiro, e enfrenta problemas financeiros. Como num truque de mágica, Murphy é levado de volta ao passado e pode recomeçar sua carreira nos campos, mas a nova oportunidade lhe trará dilmeas que só ele pode solucionar.
Vingança Violenta
Sean Kane (Chuck Norris) se aposenta da polícia de São Francisco após o assassinato de seu parceiro, passando a enfrentar o crime por conta própria, o que o leva a investigar uma rede de tráfico de drogas
Ir ao Mar
Um jovem e sonhador comediante aceita um emprego como subalterno em um cruzeiro onde ele espera ter a chance de se tornar um grande comediante à bordo de navios.
Águia 1 - O Resgate
A group of US Marines are sent to rescue captured a US Marine and a Filipino Captain while stopping a group of Al-Qaeda-backed local rebels from launching biological weapons.
Corpo e Alma
Charley Davis, against the wishes of his mother, becomes a boxer. As he becomes more successful the fighter becomes surrounded by shady characters, including an unethical promoter named Roberts, who tempt the man with a number of vices. Charley finds himself faced with increasingly difficult choices.
Quando Meus Pais Não Estão em Casa
Singapura, 1997. A rotina da família Lim é modificada com a chegada de Terry, empregada doméstica que foi para a cidade sonhando com uma vida melhor. Encarregada de cuidar do filho do casal, ela desenvolve uma relação íntima com o menino.
The Mistress
A young woman is torn between the affections of her two lovers. One is a young bachelor who brings passion into her life. The other is a married man who has kept her as his mistress for years. Architect JD has a chip on his shoulder about his father Rico never really accepting him as his son. Seamstress Sari struggles to take care of her family. The two meet by chance, and JD aggressively pursues Saris affections. Though the two are clearly a good match, there is a problem standing in the way of their bliss: Sari is the mistress of JDs father. Against his better judgment, JD continues to court Sari even after finding out this difficult fact. He hides his true identity as Ricos son, and fights to win Saris heart.
Meu Lutador Favorito
Hillary Kramer, successful Perfume magnate awakes one morning to find that her accountant has robbed her blind and left for South America. Going through all of her remaining assets she finds a boxer, purchased as a tax write off. She decides to take Kid Natural, (Eddie Scanlon) who is much more at home giving driving lessons, into the ring and use him as her key to riches. Eddie thinks this will only get him killed and resists.


No Fear: The Manny Pacquiao Story
Thanks to his fierce reputation as an aggressive left-handed slugger and his status as a two-time world champion, diminutive Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao is recognized as one of the hardest punchers in any weight class and a bona fide national hero. Incorporating footage from his most memorable fights, this inspiring documentary chronicles his rise from humble beginnings to unprecedented fame beyond his wildest dreams.
Pacquiao vs. Diaz
June 28, Pacquiao will try to add his fourth world title to a resume that has left him universally rated the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world, now that Floyd Mayweather Jr. has -- at least for the moment -- left the stage. Yet as accomplished as Pacquiao has become, all men have their limits. The question is: Has Pacquiao finally reached his? When Pacquiao slips into the ring to challenge WBC lightweight champion David Diaz, he will be facing a 135-pound opponent who began his career weighing 142 and has worked down from there. In other words, when these two first became professionals there were 36 pounds between them.
Pacquiao vs. Morales III
Dubbed as the “Grand Finale”, Pacquiao vs. Morales 3 will be the deciding match for this great rivalry. This rivalry could easily be one of the best rivalries in boxing history and is likened to the Barrera-Morales and Gatti-Ward rivalries. Pacquiao vs. Morales III will take place at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas on November 18, 2006.
Pacquiao vs. Cotto
Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto, billed as Firepower, was a boxing match for the WBO welterweight championship. The bout was held on November 14, 2009, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. The fight was sanctioned as a world title fight in the welterweight division, where the weight limit is 147 pounds, however Cotto's camp agreed to fight at a catchweight of 145 pounds to accommodate Pacquiao's smaller physique. Cotto's camp also conceded the larger share of the purse to Pacquiao, who received a 65% share of pay-per-view buys, compared to Cotto's 35% share.
Anak ng Kumander
A rebel's son, Kumander Idel (Manny Pacquiao) pursued his father's work as an outlaw who hides in the mountains with a group of men creating chaos on the corrupt officials who continue to oppress people. Just like a typical anti-hero, he carries a big gun with sexy girls shooting guns along with shootouts in the jungle. Using his own unique code of honor, he applies justice to all those who deserve punishment. He eventually should make a choice between his values and a chance for an easier life.
Pacquiao vs. Margarito
Manny Pacquiao vs. Antonio Margarito, billed as World Super Welterweight Championship, was a Super Welterweight fight for the WBC Super Welterweight championship. The bout was held on November 13, 2010, at Cowboys Stadium, in Arlington, Texas, United States. The match was put together after the second negotiation for the long awaited "superfight" between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. had failed. Pacquiao defeated Margarito by unanimous decision.
Pacquiao vs. Hatton
Ricky Hatton vs. Manny Pacquiao, billed as The Battle of East and West, was a boxing match for The Ring light welterweight championship. The bout was held between Manny Pacquiao of General Santos, Philippines and Ricky Hatton from Manchester, United Kingdom. The fight was held on May 2, 2009 at the MGM Grand Las Vegas at Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Hatton was knocked down by Pacquiao twice during the first round, and again in the second round to lose by KO in the 2nd round.
Pacquiao vs. Morales II
Pacquaio vs. Morales II was set on January 21, 2006 at Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. The HBO Pay per view commentators are Emmanuel Steward, Larry Merchant, & Jim Lampley. Pacquaio Morales I was fought for the WBC International super featherweight title and elimination fight for the WBC Super Featherweight Title.
Pacquiao vs. Barrera
The first fight between Manny Pacquiao and Marco Antonio Barrera has been the fight of the year of 2003 (while for Ring Magazine was Arturo Gatti vs Micky Ward 3). For Manny Pacquiao was the second fight in the featherweight division, he had won the first one against Serikzhan Yeshmagambetov (2003-03-15), while Barrera was fighting in this category since 2001 when he defeated Naseem Hamed. Manny Pacquiao vs Marco Antonio Barrera 1 was not valid for any world title but it was certainly one of the greatest boxing fights ever
Wapakman is a Philippine superhero film directed by Topel Lee and starring eight-division world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao.
Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya
Oscar De La Hoya vs. Manny Pacquiao, also billed as The Dream Match, was a professional boxing welterweight superfight. The bout took place on December 6, 2008 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.
From abject poverty to becoming a ten-time boxing world champion, congressman, and international icon, Manny Pacquiao is the true definition of a Cinderella story. In the Philippines, he first entered the ring as a sixteen-year-old weighing ninety-eight pounds with the goal of earning money to feed his family. Now, almost twenty years later, when he fights, the country of 100 million people comes to a complete standstill to watch. Regarded for his ability to bring people together, Pacquiao entered the political arena in 2010. As history’s first boxing congressman, Pacquiao now fights for his people both inside and outside of the ring. Now at the height of his career, he is faced with maneuvering an unscrupulous sport while maintaining his political duties. The question now is, what bridge is too far for Manny Pacquiao to cross?