
From Zero to Hero (2014)

Gênero : Romance, Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 34M

Director : Srđan Dragojević


Mladen (44) Belgrade born, is a timeshare salesman at Montenegrin Holiday resort. He is having an affair with his colleague, Sonja (40), who is married to Metod (50) the chief sales manager who learns about his wife's infidelity. He assigns Mladen the toughest client - Omer, a Bosnian war veteran, who doesn't try to hide his aversion to Mladen. Everything becomes hopeless when Omer's three year old son Svendy falls over the edge of the hotel terrace and ends up in a hospital. Grim mood that prevails among the potential buyers is about to ruin the sales. Sonja and Metod blackmail Mladen to continue the sales at the hospital while Omer and his wife are waiting for their son's operation.


Srđan Todorović
Srđan Todorović
Tanja Ribič
Tanja Ribič
Bojan Navojec
Bojan Navojec
Zoran Cvijanović
Zoran Cvijanović
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
Brane Šturbej
Brane Šturbej
Ana Kostovska
Ana Kostovska
Nataša Janjić-Medančić
Nataša Janjić-Medančić
Mira Banjac
Mira Banjac
Miloš Samolov
Miloš Samolov
Branko Đurić
Branko Đurić
Hristina Popović
Hristina Popović
Isidora Simijonović
Isidora Simijonović
Goran Navojec
Goran Navojec
Mladen Nelević
Mladen Nelević


Srđan Dragojević
Srđan Dragojević
Srđan Dragojević
Srđan Dragojević
Dušan Joksimović
Dušan Joksimović
Director of Photography


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