
Barba Azul (1972)

He had a WAY with the world's most beautiful, most seductive, most glamorous women ...he did AWAY with them.

Gênero : Mistério, Thriller, Terror

Runtime : 2H 5M

Director : Edward Dmytryk


Baron von Sepper is an Austrian aristocrat noted for his blue-toned beard, and his appetite for beautiful wives. His latest spouse, an American beauty named Anne, discovers a vault in his castle that's filled with the frozen bodies of several beautiful women.


Richard Burton
Richard Burton
Baron von Sepper
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Virna Lisi
Virna Lisi
Nathalie Delon
Nathalie Delon
Karin Schubert
Karin Schubert
Agostina Belli
Agostina Belli
Sybil Danning
Sybil Danning
A Prostitute
Joey Heatherton
Joey Heatherton
Edward Meeks
Edward Meeks
Jean Lefebvre
Jean Lefebvre
Greta's Father
Erica Schramm
Erica Schramm
Greta's Mother
Doka Bukova
Doka Bukova
Mathieu Carrière
Mathieu Carrière
The Violinist
Karl-Otto Alberty
Karl-Otto Alberty
Friend of von Sepper
Marilù Tolo
Marilù Tolo
Kurt Großkurth
Kurt Großkurth
Von Sepper's Friend
Thomas Fischer
Thomas Fischer
Von Sepper's Friend
Peter Martin Urtel
Peter Martin Urtel
Von Sepper's Friend
Sándor Szabó
Sándor Szabó
The Doctor
Dennis Burgess
Dennis Burgess
The Coroner


Edward Dmytryk
Edward Dmytryk
Edward Dmytryk
Edward Dmytryk
Ennio De Concini
Ennio De Concini
Maria Pia Fusco
Maria Pia Fusco
Luciano Sacripanti
Luciano Sacripanti
Velisar Kresteff
Velisar Kresteff
Associate Producer
Remo Odevaine
Remo Odevaine
Associate Producer
Alexander Salkind
Alexander Salkind
Ilya Salkind
Ilya Salkind
Executive Producer
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone
Original Music Composer
Gábor Pogány
Gábor Pogány
Director of Photography
Jean Ravel
Jean Ravel
Tamás Vayer
Tamás Vayer
Art Direction
Daniel Carillo
Daniel Carillo
Production Supervisor
Ludmilla Goulian
Ludmilla Goulian
Production Manager
Dezsõ Jutasi
Dezsõ Jutasi
Production Manager
Marc Maurette
Marc Maurette
Production Manager
Wolfgang von Schiber
Wolfgang von Schiber
Production Supervisor
David Klein
David Klein
Production Coordinator


Traição em Hong Kong
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O Relógio Verde
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O Cativeiro
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Os Saqueadores
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Fronteira da Violência
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O Uivo da Bruxa
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An American Affair
In the early 1960s, teenager Adam Stafford (Cameron Bright) becomes obsessed with his new neighbor, Catherine Caswell (Gretchen Mol), a divorcée and free spirit. Stafford spies on Caswell as she meets with strange men, and, despite the warnings of his conservative parents, he begins working for her as a gardener. Amid rumors of her affair with President Kennedy, the two become close, but political intrigue surrounding her acquaintances soon infringes on their friendship.
Despertar de um Crime
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