
The Abandoned Field: Free Fire Zone (1979)


Gênero : Guerra, Drama

Runtime : 1H 35M

Director : Nguyễn Hồng Sến


In Dong Thap Muoi during the days of the Vietnam War, Ba Do, Sau Xoa and their little child live in a small shack in the middle of an abandoned wetland zone. They are entrusted with the mission of maintaining Viet Minh's lines of communication in the area. Daily life goes on as the small family looks out for death from above.


Lâm Tới
Lâm Tới
Ba Đô
Robert Hải
Robert Hải
Major Mitscher
Thúy An
Thúy An
Sáu Xoa
Nguyễn Hồng Thuận
Nguyễn Hồng Thuận
Vũ (Ba Đô and Sáu Xoa's child)
Xuân Đế
Xuân Đế
Sublieutenant Jean
Đào Thanh Thủy
Đào Thanh Thủy
The Communication Girl
Nguyễn Hồng Sến
Nguyễn Hồng Sến
Station Zone's Leader (credited as Hồng Chi)


Nguyễn Hồng Sến
Nguyễn Hồng Sến
Nguyễn Quang Sáng
Nguyễn Quang Sáng
Lâm Trân
Lâm Trân
Huỳnh Kim Ngọc
Huỳnh Kim Ngọc
Art Direction
Trịnh Công Sơn
Trịnh Công Sơn
Đường Tuấn Ba
Đường Tuấn Ba
Director of Photography


Night Wars
Two Vietnam Veterans have realistic nightmares about the war. So real are these nightmares that they start getting injured in them, and bringing things back that they had in the dream. They then buy weapons and go in to try and get one of their friends out that originally died in a POW camp during the Vietnam war. This is made harder by a traitor from the US Military Corps.
Música da Alma
É 1968 e quatro jovens aborígines australianas talentosas aprendem sobre amor, amizade e guerra quando seu grupo feminino The Sapphires entretém as tropas americanas no Vietnã.
The Inextinguishable Fire
An austere treatise on the military-industrial complex that produces napalm.
Soldiers in Hiding
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The Executioner Part II
Someone is killing off LA's most vicious criminals and the police are powerless to do anything about it. As the commissioner enlists the help of his top lieutenant, Roger, to solve the case, Roger begins to suspect that the mysterious Executioner might be his old friend from Vietnam.
The 17th Parallel
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No Umbral da China
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First Kill
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Private McKinley Nolan vanished 40 years ago in Vietnam on the Cambodian frontier. Some say he was captured, some say he was a traitor, some even say he was an American operative. The US Army officially claims he was radicalized and went native, joining the Viet Cong and later encountering the Khmer Rouge. In 2006, retired US Army Lt. Dan Smith, revisiting the battlefields of his youth, may have encountered the elusive McKinley, alive. So began a journey into the heart of darkness.
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O Sobrevivente
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Bom Dia, Vietnã
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Jogo de Espiões
Quando Tom Bishop, um agente da CIA, é preso em solo chinês e acusado de espionagem, o governo norte-americano, a braços com uma negociação comercial com a China, prefere não se envolver. A única esperança de Bishop é o o seu antigo tutor, Nathan Muir, que lhe ensinou tudo mas que está à beira da reforma.
O assassinato de Richard Nixon
É 1974 e Sam Bicke perdeu tudo. Sua esposa o deixa com seus três filhos, seu chefe o despede, seu irmão se afasta dele e o banco não lhe dará dinheiro para começar de novo. Ele tenta encontrar alguém para culpar seus infortúnios e cria o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, que ele planeja matar.
Medo e Obsessão
Paul é um veterano da Guerra do Vietnã. Mentalmente perturbado, ele passa o tempo circulando por Los Angeles, investigando pessoas que lhe pareçam suspeitas. Sem confiar no Governo, ele procura, desesperadamente, o novo terrorista que poderá causar uma tragédia igual à de 11 de setembro. Para isso, ele conta somente com a ajuda do mendigo Jimmy.