
Audrey Hepburn: Remembered (1993)

Gênero : Documentário, Cinema TV

Runtime : 1H 7M

Director : Gene Feldman, Suzette Winter


Audrey Hepburn was one of movies best-loved stars, blessed with beauty, talent, an elegant sophistication, and an enduring aura of youthful innocence. As Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, she spoke for the world's suffering children and families, earning an affection and admiration that only increased with news of her untimely death. From the star herself we learn of her career, family, and friends.


Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder
Blake Edwards
Blake Edwards
Stanley Donen
Stanley Donen
Henry Mancini
Henry Mancini
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Mel Ferrer
Mel Ferrer
George Peppard
George Peppard
Roger Moore
Roger Moore
Hubert de Givenchy
Hubert de Givenchy
Robert Wolders
Robert Wolders
Sean H. Ferrer
Sean H. Ferrer
Richard Attenborough
Richard Attenborough
Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor


Gene Feldman
Gene Feldman
Gene Feldman
Gene Feldman
Suzette Winter
Suzette Winter
Suzette Winter
Suzette Winter


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Christine Jorgensen goes to 1950s Denmark and makes headlines for having the first sex-change operation.
Mahler, Uma Paixão Violenta
Famed composer Gustav Mahler reflects on the tragedies of his life and failing marriage while traveling by train.
Diário Íntimo
Profundamente marcada pela prisão do pai, do qual nunca mais recebeu noticías, em 1938, na ex União Sovietica, para onde a família tinha emigrado e pela morte da mãe por epidemia de tifo, a diretora hungara, Márta Mészáros, nos apresenta uma obra semi autobiográfica... 1947. Uma jovem Hungara, Juli, orfã (seu pai, comunista refugiado na União Sovietica, foi fuzilado durante as purgas estalinistas), regressa ao seu país em ruínas, depois da guerra mundial.. Ela é confiada a uma tia, Magda, uma resistente antifascista e firme defensora do novo regime na Hungria... Venceu o grande prémio do jurí, em Cannes.
The Vanishing Virginian
The perineal District Attorney and conservative southern patriarch cherishes the old ways and does his best to adjust to change.
A glimpse at the life of legendary Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein.
Hollywood Mortuary
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Ramin, an ex-wrestler who once won seven matches in 55 seconds, lives alone in the east Georgian town of Kvareli. Long time ago he fell in love with a girl whom he lost soon after he met her. Now, at 75, still unmarried but full of life, he travels to a remote Georgina village to seek her out. This film presents Ramir's journey through the Georgian landscape and through the memories of this man with a old aged body and an unbeatable heart.
Mestre das Marionetes
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A Maja Desnuda
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Robin Hood of El Dorado
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
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A Verdadeira História de Martin e Lewis
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Saint Petersburg, 1858. A group of composers known as The Five meet at Balakirev's. Young Modest Mussorgsky, both a civil servant and a musician, has become a fixture there. He tells about the first opera he plans to compose. Then he goes to the country where he discovers the lowly conditions of the peasants and the bloody conflicts with the rich land owners. He works on Gogol's 'The Marriage', trying to render into music the natural accents of the play's naturalistic dialogue. But his efforts do not pan out. On the other hand, he starts writing his opera on the story of Boris Godunov. The Marinsky Theatre refuses to stage the work. The Five, and Mussorgsky among them, are libeled and the group starts disintegrating. When 'Boris Godunov' is finally performed in 1874, it is a popular success.
Biographical film about the composer Rimskiy-Korsakov. Belongs to the gallery of costume historical and biographical films of the postwar cinema of the Soviet Union. The film tells about the last two decades in the life of Russian composer.
Bittersweet Memories
1952, Québec - Alys Robi, vocalist at the top of her popularity and recognized worldwide, was interned in spite of herself, by her father. Medical authorities prescribe her the only cure for a possible cure: the lobotomy. Under the bright lights of the operating room, Alys sees her 28-year life flash before her eyes.
A Mulher do Pastor
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It's Russian
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Lansky: A Mente do Crime
Meyer Lansky nasce num bairro pobre de Chicago, no início do século. Na adolescência, ele já comete pequenos furtos. Mais tarde, associa-se a Bugsy Siegel e Lucky Luciano. Os três transformam-se nos mais perigosos gângster dos EUA, entre os anos 30 e 50, desafiando a lei e impondo suas próprias regras através da corrupção e da violência. Poucos o conheceram. Todos os temiam.
A Star Named Ayrton Senna
Em "Uma Estrela Chamada Ayrton Senna", em depoimentos exclusivos, Senna revela, com suas próprias palavras, seus valores pessoais, experiências profissionais, táticas, preocupações sobre o risco do esporte e momentos controvertidos. Amigos e pessoas que conviveram com ele mostram um outro lado, até então desconhecido do ídolo, relembrando ainda alguns dos momentos mais inesquecíveis de sua carreira, do kart à Fórmula 1.
The Billionaire
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