Dear Enemy (2006)
Gênero : Drama, Guerra, História
Runtime : 1H 26M
Director : Gjergj Xhuvani
Dear Enemy tells the true story of the director’s grandfather who became friends with a German officer during the WWII German occupation of Albania while hiding a partisan, an Italian soldier and a Jewish watchmaker in his cellar.
Documentary about the U.S. Air Force's P-47 Thunderbolt bomber's role in the Italian Campaign.
In 1939, at a Paris café, six friends of various nationalities vow to meet again at the same spot after the end of WW2.
Veterans of the Vietnam War tell about their experiences. The disasters but also the glorious moments of war. The central figure in the documentary is the scenario writer of Full Metal Jacket, Michael Herr. The veterans describe how it felt to kill for the first time and how those feelings still hunt them.
Stand up comedian Graham Elwood's journey physically, and emotionally, as he travels through Afghanistan's war zones to entertain the embattled U.S. troops.
The stooges are auto mechanics working for the R.A.F. in England. After wrecking an officers car they need a place to hide, but their choice, a sewer pipe, turns out to a bomb which is dropped on the enemy. Finding themselves behind enemy lines, Moe and Curly disguise as German officers and Larry dresses as a seductive fraulein. While general Bommel chases after Larry, Moe and Curly steal the secret plans from the high command.
The film charts the fortunes of two women who loved each other as sisters, but whose paths diverge when the Revolution brings an end to their old way of life in the brothel.
A downed American bomber crew quickly falls prey to the clever interrogation techniques of the Germans in this dramatic training film.
Documentary of the planning and delivery of the last great bomber attack on the city of Tokyo by the U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II.
The mass murder of Jewish people by the Nazi regime is chronicled, with a warning that anti-Semitism is on the rise and the events of the Holocaust could happen again. The history of European Jewish culture and events before and during the Holocaust are seen in newsreels, photographs, and animated segments. The words of the victims of the era are read, and footage from the liberation os a concentration camp is shown.
Tells two tales set during WWII: A seemingly feckless and selfish finally takes up arms in the national struggle against the Nazis. Set in a POW camp, Polish inmates cling to their hopes for an eventual escape, encouraged by the legendary escape of one of their own.
Robert Lamoureux plays a General in the Resistance. With an unlikely team of French patriots, he easily outwits the buffoonish Germans and steals the master copy of their plans to invade England. By doing so, he prevents the invasion and makes it more likely that the Allies will win the war.
Based on the true story of Melbourne Johns, an aircraft factory foreman sent to France to prevent the Nazis getting hold of some vital equipment.
Gettysburg é um documentário de 2011 dirigido por Adrian Moat, que foi exibido pela primeira vez em 30 de Maio de 2011 (Memorial Day) no canal History. Este documentário é narrado pelo ator Sam Rockwell, foi produzido em comemoração de 150º aniversário da Guerra Civil Americana. Gettysburg mostra o horror do pivot 1863 Batalha de Gettysburg, seguindo as histórias de oito homens, enquanto eles colocam suas vidas em risco para lutar por aquilo em que acreditavam..
O homem mais rico do mundo em 1942, o playboy americano Brendan Byers III estava entediado, quando recebe convocação para servir no exército. Byer deseja lutar, mas é rejeitado no exame médico. Ele e mais três homens que também não foram aceitos, se reúnem e resolvem formar um exército particular. Depois de um treinamento ministrado por um policial corrupto e um jardineiro japonês, ex-integrante do exército de seu país, Byers III está pronto para sua missão. A bordo de um luxuoso iate carregado de caviar, vinhos e queijos raros, ele parte com seus homens e mais o mordomo e motorista rumo à Itália, onde as tropas aliadas não conseguem avançar. Seu plano é se disfarçar como um oficial nazista muito parecido com ele (Kesselring), para fazer com que as tropas alemães recuem e abram caminho para os aliados. Mas ele não sabe que Kesselring conspira contra Adolf Hitler e tem um plano para matar o ditador alemão.
Kelu is a warrior in 16th century Kerala whose father was killed by Vasco da Gama and his troops. Kelu vows to avenge his father's death with the assistance of Vavvali and Ayesha, a warrior princess.
1944. Adolf Hitler mostra toda sua confiança no marechal de campo, Erwin Rommel, quando deixa em suas mãos uma missão decisiva. Agora, diante de certas dúvidas, o militar deverá demonstrar a perfeição de seu plano e sua lealdade ao Führer.
Patrolled by desperate gunmen looking to capture any vessel that strays into their path, the waters off East Africa are among the most dangerous in the world. With Somali pirates continuing to make headlines, this timely documentary tells the story of the US container ship Maersk Alabama, which was stormed by bandits in April 2009. With the captain taken hostage, the unarmed crew made the remarkable decision to confront the gun-toting invaders in a brave attempt to save their skipper and the ship. Now, using dramatic recreations and interviews with the crew and their families, this exclusive one-hour special reveals the incredible events that took place over those few days.
This Crime Does Not Pay series entry dramatizes the idea that during wartime, people should not discuss anything related to their work when in public. A casual remark can be overheard by an enemy agent and used to sabotage the war effort. In this short, the story involves shipments of parts to a defense plant.
An account of Black American soldiers in World War II who combated racism in the segregated military and on the home front.
Parte 2 do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. No final de 1809, Natasha Rostova vai a seu primeiro baile. O príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky se apaixona por ela e pretende se casar com ela, mas seu pai exige que eles esperem. O príncipe viaja para o exterior, e Natasha 'morre' de saudades dele. Mas ela então conhece Anatol Kuragin e esquece do Andrei. No último minuto, ela se arrepende e abandona seus planos de fugir com Anatol. O príncipe Andrei fica sabendo de tudo e declara que seu noivado acabou. Pierre Bezukhov, tentando acalmá-la, de repente, anuncia que a ama.