Terror House (1998)
Where every door leads to hell!
Gênero : Terror
Runtime : 1H 13M
Director : Jon McBride, John Polonia, Mark Polonia
Three college students spend the night at a supposedly haunted house.
Após a morte de seu pai, o aspirante a escritor Sal Paradise conhece Dean Moriarty, um charmoso ex-presidiário casado com a sedutora Marylou. Sal e Dean se tornam amigos, e os três caem na estrada. Viajando pelo país, eles encontram diversas pessoas que impactam sua jornada de forma indelével.
A 22 year old man who has lived inside a crystal room because of a rare illness, meets an up and coming rock star, and the two fall in love.
A newlywed is terrified when her husband brings her to live in the old house that figures in her recurring nightmare.
A horrible creature with an insatiable appetite for human flesh feasts on a group of terrified campers.
Adolescentes ficam presos em um antigo teatro de ópera, durante um projeto escolar. Sem saber que estão sendo vigiados, tornam-se alvo de um palhaço assassino.
Um antigo guerreiro indiano que chegou ao fim de sua vida é trazido de volta de sua “morte” para salvar sua família de um grupo de invasores de índios inimigos nesta história única de “índios sem um único caubói”.
Um estudante encontra uma antiga amiga na rua e iniciam uma relação que caminha para possibilidades trágicas: ambos decidem que o melhor caminho para a vida é o suícidio. Num outro momento conhecemos Tongsu, um diretor fracassado, que encontra com uma mulher e a reconhece como sendo a atriz do filme que ele acabara de assistir. Decide segui-la. Sem saber, seus caminhos ecoam de forma estranha nos passos do estudante suicida. Indicado para a Palma de Ouro em Cannes.
A duo of gun happy redneck hunters stupidly break a sacred circle in a hunting spree, which releases the deadly wendigo. The wendigo kills many of the hunters gruesomely, leaving the chosen woman and a gun toting idiot to destroy the deadly beast.
Um comediante em ascensão luta contra o estresse de uma carreira paralisada, um relacionamento estagnado e os surtos selvagens de sonambulismo que ele está desesperado para ignorar.
A bullied young boy befriends a flying, talking moose that crashed through his ceiling after a test-flight with Santa went terribly awry in this holiday film for the whole family. But later, just as Mr. Moose and Beril strike up a friendship, the young boy's nefarious landlord Mr. Pannecke decides a mounted moose head would make a fine new addition to his trophy wall. But Santa has other plans for Mr. Moose, and when he turns up looking for his lost pal, Beril is faced with the prospect of losing his one and only friend.
Sweeney Todd, a barber, and Maggie Lovett, a baker, join forces to commit a series of brutal, gory murders in London with a little help from Tobias Ragg, an employee of Maggie's bakery. They abduct a number of customers from the barber shop and kill them, baking them into meat pies which are sold to the public.
Suíça. Simon (Kacey Mottet Klein) é um garoto de 12 anos que comete pequenos roubos em uma estação de esqui. Ele mora com a irmã, Louise (Léa Seydoux), e vende os produtos roubados para vizinhos do conjunto habitacional em que vive. Quando Louise perde o emprego, ela passa a depender dos ganhos do irmão. Só que o tempo passa e ela, sem perceber, fica cada vez mais dependente dele.
Melba Stokes, her mother Sheba and daughter Cheryl embark on a crime spree after their California beauty parlor is repossessed. Their destination is Arkansas, where the three generations of women want to reclaim the family farm.
A terrifying psychological thriller set near the beautiful landscape of Glacier National Park, Montana. Two high school friends, Travis and Nate, are on a road trip to Canada when they're attacked by mysterious and vicious creatures. Nate is stolen into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him back. Travis recruits Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against these monsters in an effort to retrieve Nate.
When Viktor meets Gizella one day beside the lake, he takes an interest in her and begins to call on her regularly. The one passion in the life of Gizella, who is unable to speak, is dancing. When Viktor deceives her and she finds him with another woman, she moves away and begins a career as a ballerina. Later, as she is on tour performing “The Dying Swan”, the artist Glinskiy attends her performance. Glinskiy, whose own obsession is to depict death in his art, becomes fascinated by Gizella, and he is determined to use her as a model for a special project.
Former cop Jake 'Tiger' Sharp returns to his old hometown after having been in prison for the murder of his wife's killer. Illegal hunting seems to be widespread and inbred rednecks control the city with an iron fist. Jake manages to make himself an enemy to hillbillies and he and his newly found daughter had to flee for their lives. Fortunately, Jake a GAT that can shoot grenades and rockets ...
A woman is brutally raped by four men, and she plans to seek vengeance. After five years, she hasn't gotten over it yet, and she and her friend are again raped by four men. This time, she tracks them down and finally has her revenge.
Follow Tanner Hall and crew around the world in his latest ski dvd, Believe DVD. Watch Tanner, Seth Morrison, Kyle Petersen, Sean Pettit, Callum Pettit, Anthony Borownowski, Ian Provo, Dan Treadway, CR Johnson and more as they take skiing to a level unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Believe takes you from sessions in chest deep blower pow at Mt. Baker to a little cat time in Retallack, British Columbia. The journey continues while picking up major speed through Whistler, B.C., then on to a massive roadside session in Japan as the crew mashes the all time dirtiest pillows in Mica and up North to Haines, Alaska as Seth Morrison throws a 150+ double front flip to stop! Believe is the new standard in ski films, don’t get left behind.
Tyler Crawley precisa do apoio de seus amigos mais do que nunca, por isso, decidiu preparar um fim de semana com os colegas de infância de se reconectar com aquela velha amizade que parece danificada pela passagem do tempo. O vínculo entre amigos foi arrefecimento ao longo dos anos e parece ter diminuído a capacidade de compreensão. No entanto, ele está convencido de que, se você passar alguns dias com eles gozando de um orgias e coisas divertidas será como antes, mas errado.
Five extremely disturbed, sociopathic children escape from their psychiatric transport and are taken in unwittingly by a group of adult villagers on winter vacation.