
Urs (2009)

Gênero : Aventura, Animação, Drama

Runtime : 10M

Director : Moritz Mayerhofer


For many years, Urs has had to look after his aging mother. But now he sets out for a dangerous journey: He carries his mother up a mountain to find a better place for both of them. But she wants to stay at home.


Thomas Hinke
Thomas Hinke
Ellen Schaeuble
Ellen Schaeuble


Moritz Mayerhofer
Moritz Mayerhofer
Moritz Mayerhofer
Moritz Mayerhofer
Stina McNicholas
Stina McNicholas
Peter Thomas Gromer
Peter Thomas Gromer
Michael J. Diehl
Michael J. Diehl
Sound Designer


In Absentia
A woman sits alone on a chair at a table in a room on one of the top floors of an asylum. Bright spot lights dot the night, sometimes shining on her window. She sharpens pencils and writes on a page in a copy book. The pencil point often breaks under her fingers' force. She places broken points outside the window on the sill. A satanic figure is somewhere nearby, animated but of straw or clay, not flesh. She finishes her writing, tears the paper from the pad, folds it, places it in an envelope, and slips it through a slot. Is she writing to her husband? "Sweetheart, come." Written by
Stille Nacht IV: Can't Go Wrong Without You
Short animated film featuring the song "Can't Go Wrong Without You" by His Name Is Alive.
The Quays' interest in esoteric illusions finds its perfect realization in this fascinating animated lecture on the art of anamorphosis. This artistic technique, often used in the 16th- and 17th centuries, utilizes a method of visual distortion with which paintings, when viewed from different angles, mischievously revealed hidden symbols.
The Comb
A porcelain doll’s explorations of a dreamer’s imagination.
Stille Nacht II: Are We Still Married?
Stop-motion animated short film with a white ball, a rabbit, and a girl, and a voice singing "Are We Still Married".
Stille Nacht III: Tales from Vienna Woods
Near an extraordinary chair with many legs, a hand is visible gripping an edge. The hand is weathered, the fingers cracked and scarred. The end of a rifle appears and a shot fires. The bullet is visible whirling through space; it caroms and then goes through a pine cone. A long spoon emerges from a drawer in the chair and stretches toward the hand. The bullet is on the spoon. Later, the hand holds the bullet between two fingers; another shot is fired.
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies
Stop-motion animated short film in which, among other things, a man made of wire looks malevolent.
The Phantom Museum: Random Forays Into the Vaults of Sir Henry Wellcome's Medical Collection
A display at the strange and wonderful artifacts in a collection of medical curiosities.
The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer
In Prague, a professorial puppet, with metal pincers for hands and an open book for a hat, takes a boy as a pupil. First, the professor empties fluff and toys from the child's head, leaving him without the top of his head for most of the film. The professor then teaches the lad about illusions and perspectives, the pursuit of an object through exploring a bank of drawers, divining an object, and the migration of forms. The child then brings out a box with a tarantula in it: the professor puts his "hands" into the box and describes what he feels. The boy receives a final lesson about animation and film making; then the professor gives him a brain and his own open-book hat.
The Calligrapher
With harpsichord music in the background, a dandy, seated at a table, plucks a quill pen from a ceiling full of them above him, dips it in ink, thinks, then draws a straight line down the page in front of him, out of which sprout six more quill pens, each held by a hand. The calligrapher moves all the hands and pens in unison, drawing an elaborate feathered wing, which comes to live, peeling off the page, and, now a quill pen, slips in to his hand. He tucks it behind his left ear.
Nocturna Artificialia
Enigmatic, stop-motion, animated story of a man's day.
1 Seconde
“When he shot Une seconde (4 min., 20 sec.), a video animation without computer graphics, Richard Angers tried to adapt Norman McLaren’s animation techniques to video shooting and editing. A long-term solitary task, in which images are moved by hand, centimetre by centimetre, in which one plays with the number of images per second, and in which the ± pure quest for effects is more important than the message”. BLANCHARD, Louise. “Les vidéastes sont au ‘rendez-vous’”, Le Journal de Montréal, Montreal (9 February 1992), p. 38.
The Summit
Two men seek to negotiate an agreement of international significance.
O Gruffalo
Um rato sai para passear na floresta e se encontra com vários predadores.
Final Flesh
The Pollard family is calmly discussing their impending death by atom bomb when Mrs. Pollard recounts a dream in which she sensually bathes herself in the “Tears of Neglected Children”.
This Unnameable Little Broom
Stop-motion animated short film in which a puppet on a trike captures a puppet bird-man.
Street of Crocodiles
A puppet, newly released from his strings, explores the sinister room in which he finds himself.
'Amy, is narrated by a model (Liisa Repo-Martell) who’s painfully uncomfortable with her own body and “old woman’s” face. Astonishing closing image is a tightly composed telephoto shot on the start of a marathon race among young schoolgirls, dashing toward and then across the screen in ultra-slo-mo, and accompanied by a girls’ chorus hauntingly singing Brian Wilson’s God Only Knows. Widely eclectic lensing and looks in various media and in color and black-and-white flow nicely from one section to the next, aided by gifted editor Mark Karbusicky.' ~ Robert Koehler, Variety
Gloria Mundi
Hamdias, a producer who's set out to break new boundaries, plans to finance a film about torture. According to him, torture, the clash of two or more people, is not only what substantiates basic human relationships but also love and politics. Unfortunately Hamdias dies in a freak accident and his project is grounded. After some time, Galai (Olga Karlatos), who should have been the main actress of Hamdias movie, sets out to complete the controversial project. As soon as filming starts again, the thin line that separates reality from a nightmarish obsession begins slowly to blur.
Em um pequeno porto no sul da França, um farol ao mar é fotografado quadro a quadro durante um dia todo, do nascer ao pôr do sol. Embalada pelo barulho das ondas e do vento incessante, a mesma série de fotos é repetida três vezes.