
Maciste, Avenger of the Mayans (1966)

Gênero : Aventura

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Guido Malatesta



Kirk Morris
Kirk Morris
Barbara Loy
Barbara Loy
Andrea Aureli
Andrea Aureli
Demeter Bitenc
Demeter Bitenc
Luciano Marin
Luciano Marin
Antonio Casale
Antonio Casale
Luciana Paoli
Luciana Paoli
Lucy Bomez
Lucy Bomez
Rita Klein
Rita Klein
Nando Angelini
Nando Angelini
Domenico Maggio
Domenico Maggio


Guido Malatesta
Guido Malatesta
Guido Malatesta
Guido Malatesta


The Last Robin Hood
While Ludovic Dubois, a young summer camp monitor in Saint-Benoît, entertains the children by playing Robin Hood, the lord's niece is kidnapped by her uncle, in the castle next door. Helped by the children and the customs inspector, the last of the Robin Hoods will free the "Princess Isabelle", and will end up marrying her.
Mole Men Against the Son of Hercules
Maciste arranges for himself and his new friend Bangor to be captured by a mysterious band of white-clad marauders and taken to an underground city. There the two are forced to turn an enormous wheel along with other captives as part of a gold-and-diamonds mining operation. The underground city's queen, Halis Mosab, takes note of the handsome, muscular Maciste and chooses him to be her consort if he can meet such challenges as saving the kidnapped Princess Saliura from a gigantic ape. Maciste kills the ape and carries Saliura back to the aboveground world. The white-clad marauders can't follow them if it means being caught in the sunlight which instantly dissolves them. Maciste then returns to the underground city to save the other captives. Meanwhile, high priest Kahab informs his son, Katar, that their queen is not one of them but, unbeknownst to her, was kidnapped as a small child from the "world above." If Katar can marry her...
A Challenge for Robin Hood
After being falsely accused of murder, Sir Robin of Loxley takes refuge in the untamed wilderness of Sherwood Forest where he stumbles across a group of outlaws. Although initially suspicious of the aristocrat's motives, the men are soon won over by his integrity and prowess and Robin transforms them into a formidable fighting force, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. As word of his fame and valour spreads, a legend is born.
O Filho de Hércules Contra os Monstros de Fogo
O heróico Maciste (Reg Lewis), o mais popular dos "filhos" de Hércules, vê-se envolvido numa inusitada e sanguinária batalha entre guerreiros rivais. O motivo: as belas mulheres de uma tribo, tendo que enfrentar seres terríveis, assustadores e familiares, como a Hidra e um monstro marinho para concluir sua nobre missão.
O Incêndio de Cartago
200 aC, Roma e Cartago estão em conflito. Navios de guerra são enviando para a batalha sobre o controle de Cartago. Contra este pano de fundo de guerra está uma confusão romântica entre duas mulheres apaixonadas pelo mesmo guerreiro e dois homens apaixonados pela mesma mulher. Com o progresso amoroso e militar, torna-se claro que Cartago vai queimar e, pelo menos, alguns dos antigos amantes vão se queimar também, em mais de uma maneira.
Hercules of the Desert
A fabulous land of green pastures is protected from invasion by the mysterious Valley of the Thundering Echo. Queen Farida draws together the desert tribes to conquer the land, even though a prophecy has promised the land to the Gameli tribe. The Gameli journey to the Silver Temple, where the High Priest summons the legendary Maciste from the mountain rock to defeat their enemies and guide them to their promised land.
Maciste Contra os Mouros
In the late 1500s, forces of the Duke of Malaga topple the Sacred Obelisk in the North African city of Melida before they're defeated by the local Sheik. The Shiek's men then sail to Spain and kidnap the Duke's daughter, Isabella.
Maciste no Vale dos Reis
Maciste travels to Egypt, where he leads a revolt against an evil queen. In Son of Samson, Maciste (Mark Forrest) -- scion of the famed muscleman -- travels to the Egyptian city of Tanis to checkmate villainous Queen Smedes (Chelo Alonso), who's persecuting the citizenry.
Maciste - O Gladiador de Esparta
In this sword and sandal fantasy, Poseidon must battle a gladiator quartet in ancient Rome. If he wins, the son of Hercules will have his life and anything else he wants. Sure enough, he wins and asks that the life of a Christian girl be spared. But the girl refuses her liberty until all of her fellow believers are also released.
Hércules Contra os Mongóis
Though Genghis Khan eventually sought peace with the West, his death in 1227 AD puts into power his three war-like sons: Sayan, Susdal, and Kin Khan. These sons quickly overrun the city of Tuleda and take prisoner Princess Bianca, though young Prince Alessio escapes. Hercules comes to the rescue of Bianca, winning her freedom in a tournament in exchange for becoming a slave himself. Forces from the West soon come to re-take Tuleda and Hercules -- freed from his bonds -- helps to dispatch Genghis Khan's three sons while again saving Bianca and reuniting her with her young brother.
Tender Dracula
Two writers and their girlfriends visit the castle of an actor who specializes in playing vampire roles. As the night progresses, they begin to wonder if the man is an actor playing a vampire, or a vampire playing an actor.
Robin Hood and the Pirates
On his way to (or from) the Crusades, Robin Hood is shipwrecked but saved by pirates who plan to return him home in order to ransom him to his father.
O Triunfo de Robin Hood
O popular anti-herói Robin Hood e seus companheiros da Floresta de Sherwood assumem a defesa dos interesses do Rei Ricardo Coração de Leão contra seu irmão, o Príncipe John, enquanto o primeiro está em sua Cruzada na Terra Santa.
Zorro contra Maciste
Após a morte de Filipe II, Rei de Navarra, as princesas Malva e Isabella disputam quem irá suceder o monarca no trono. Malva, cruel e ambiciosa, sentindo que a escolhida será Isabel, decide desaparecer com o testamento do falecido rei antes que ele seja tornado público. Para isso, cria um plano mirabolante que acaba jogando dois heróis, Zorro e Maciste, um contra o outro.
The Men of Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood is persuaded by two nobles whom he believes to be loyal to King Richard to recover secret plans attaining to the rescue of the king from captivity in Germany. Though disguised as a troubadour, Robin is betrayed and captured. Lady Alys and the merry men help him escape in time to foil an intended ambush on King Richard as he returns from the Crusades.
Nefertiti, A Rainha do Nilo
Chronicles the rise and fall of the woman who eventually became known as Queen Nefertiti.
Romulus and the Sabines
The classic story from the early days of Rome where there are no women. Romulus, the founder of Rome, finds women to be wives from Sabina where there are a lot of women. The Sabine men, of course, attack Rome to get their wives and daughters back.
Maciste e a Rainha de Samar
Hercules is summoned to oppose the evil Queen Samara, who has allied herself with aliens and is sacrificing her own people in a bid to awaken a moon goddess.
Maciste In King Solomon's Mines
Maciste is captured and forced to work as a slave in an African mine.
Fu Manchu e o Beijo da Morte
Fu Manchu inocula dez mulheres com veneno, para matar dez líderes mundiais.