Emmanuelle na América (1977)
LAURA GEMSER: The bare black Emanuelle in the decadent West!
Gênero : Drama, Mistério
Runtime : 1H 40M
Director : Joe D'Amato
Escritor : Maria Pia Fusco
An American journalist travels throughout the world in search of a good story by joining a modern-day harem and traveling to Venice to see what really goes on at diplomatic parties. While trying to expose a corrupt government official, Emanuelle stumbles upon a group that uses kidnapped girls to make and sell snuff films
College has always been a time for experimentation, sexual, cultural and otherwise. "Harvard Man" plays out against a background of love, sex, basketball, crime and experimentation. Action and philosophy in young people's quest to discover their true identity.
To exist in daylight, Countess Elizabeth Bathory -- the infamous Blood Countess and widow of legendary vampire Count Dracula -- makes a blood pact with an Egyptian goddess involving three lovely victims and a living Mummy. A centuries-old craving collides with an ancient curse in this horrific climax to Frontline Entertainment's Countess Dracula and Mummy's Kiss movie series!
A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders "witches" and "heretics" during the Inquisition.
Veronika (Sarah Michelle Gellar) é uma jovem de 28 anos que, aparentemente, tem uma vida perfeita: possui um bom apartamento em Nova York, é bonita e tem um ótimo emprego. Porém ela sente um vazio dentro de si mesma, sem conseguir entendê-lo. Sem conseguir entender o significado de sua vida, ela decide se suicidar tomando vários remédios. Duas semanas depois, Veronika desperta do coma e percebe que está em uma clínica para doentes mentais. Lá ela é informada que ssua tentativa de suicídio fez com que seu coração parasse, gerando ferimentos que jamais se recuperarão. Sem saber ao certo quanto tempo ainda lhe resta, ela decide viver de uma forma inteiramente diferente do que vinha fazendo até então.
A fabled painting from royal palace was discovered after 400 years. Once properly restored, it could fetch at least $40 million in the international auction market. Bae is the owner of the gallery which possesses the painting. She scouts top-tier restoration artist Lee to work on the painting. With Lee's expert stroke, the controversy surrounding the painting is slowly unveiled. As the painting's true form is restored, art experts in Korea hold a collective breath. Little do they know that they're only a part of a bigger scheme.
A Molokai-based civilian pilot and an undercover DEA agent intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for druglord Seth Romero. Seth, his henchmen, and other island undesirables launch a full-scale assault on the duo. If they're going to survive, they'll need the help of agent Rowdy Abilene and his partner/kickboxing expert Jade.
Darius Lovehall is a young black poet in Chicago who starts dating Nina Moseley, a beautiful and talented photographer. While trying to figure out if they've got a "love thing" or are just "kicking it," they hang out with their friends, talking about love and sex. Then Nina tests the strength of Darius' feelings and sets a chain of romantic complications into motion.
Um grande empresário tenta fechar o único fliperama da cidade, alegando que os videogames estão estragando a juventude. Na verdade, ele não quer que sua sobrinha namore o rapaz que administra o local. Diante da ameaça, os jovens fãs de games resolvem contra-atacar.
After being released from prison, a young gangster with a chip on his shoulder decides to punish society by making snuff films.
Filme de aventura sobre dois jovens irmãos que enfrentam perigos e conflitos da vida sem orientação familiar.
Esta história freudiana sobre a sexualidade adolescente, ambientada em um mundo pós-apocalíptico de identidades mutáveis e animais falantes, é um dos filmes mais experimentais de Malle e um devaneio cinematográfico como nenhum outro.
Four women spend the night in an old deserted sanitarium on a mountain. They each in turn fall into the the evil hands of a doctor…
A young woman travels with her partner to England on the unexpected death of her brother. Staying with her sister-in-law, she finds her companion soon drawn into a satanic cult based in the house whose rites seem to centre somewhat on large-scale sexual congress.
Secret agent Drew Stargrove is brutally murdered by the ruthless hermaphrodite gang leader Velvet Von Ragnar. The murdered secret agent's son, Lance Stargrove is thrust into the dangerous and intriguing world of secret agents and espionage when he seeks revenge. Danja Deerling teams up with Lance as his sidekick and love interest.
A masked killer stalks an institution for mentally disturbed rich women.
Mark é um homossexual viciado em drogas. Depois de ter uma overdose num quarto de hotel, Mark acorda num quarto da “Casa Gênesis”, onde foi internado pela própria família, a instituição evangélica promete usar um programa de 12 passos para transformar o jovem em hétero. Na instituição Mark conhece Sott (Robert Gant), outro interno considerado ex-gay e que passa a ser mentor de Mark no programa de “recuperação”. Deste relacionamento surge um romance.O filme mostra os problemas de aceitação dos internos e dos familiares, além da questão religiosa.
After a one-night stand a couple is faced with the terrifying possibility of what they really want.
On one gloomy rainy night, a writer encounters an unexpected visit paid by a woman of his past. Seeking solitude from her ex-lover, she finds solace in this gentleman and from that day on, they cherish every inch of each other's body and indulge in ecstasy until her forbidden past is gradually revealed.
Numa faculdade em Roma, o professor Dodo sofre uma profunda depressão desde que foi deixado por sua bela mulher - que o trocou por outro homem. Ele a quer de volta e tem sonhos eróticos constantes com a ex. Mas várias coisas acontecem para que ele a esqueça. Primeiro, ele é seduzido por uma aluna que lhe pediu carona. Depois, visitando pai, conhece a sensual enfermeira que dá atenção a muitas outras coisas além da perna qubrada do velho.
Inspired by the Baader-Meinhof gang, a film about modern left Germans adopting the culture of extreme left-wing movements of the 1970s. East German dominatrix Gudrun leads a revolutionary gang of her own in Berlin. She has her men kidnap the son of a rich businessman in order to gain publicity. Claiming that heterosexuality is a social norm created to keep the people down, she forces her male minions to have sex with each other.