Small Mall (2004)

Suburbian Dreams & Delusions

Gênero : Documentário, Comédia

Runtime : 1H 7M

Director : Róbert I. Douglas


A Eurovision singer, Iceland's strongest woman, a male model, a plumber who wants to direct movies. They all work in the shopping mall that this documentary focuses on ... most of them want to get out, even just to the bigger mall down the road.


Erlendur Eiríksson
Erlendur Eiríksson
Damon Younger
Damon Younger


Róbert I. Douglas
Róbert I. Douglas
Róbert I. Douglas
Róbert I. Douglas


Na esperança de encontrar o lugar perfeito para morar, um jovem casal acompanha um estranho corretor de imóveis até um bairro misterioso repleto de casas idênticas. Ao tentarem sair do local, eles percebem que estão presos em um labirinto surreal que misteriosamente os leva de volta para onde começaram.
Meu Tio
Solto em uma sociedade de materialismo, nosso anti-herói favorito, Monsieur Hulot está de volta. Ele explora a burguesia opressivamente enganada de sua irmã e causa todos os tipos de problemas na fábrica de mangueiras de plástico antisséptico, onde ele consegue um emprego.
Playtime - Tempo de Diversão
A jovem turista americana Barbara e o desajeitado francês Mr. Hulot se conhecem e acabam se encontram intermitentemente em suas jornadas paralelas pelas ruas de Paris.
As Aventuras de M. Hulot no Tráfego Louco
Em sua entrega final, Monsieur Hulot é contratado como diretor de design da empresa automobilística e acompanha seu novo veículo (um trailer com absurdos gadgets) para um salão de automóveis em Amsterdã. Naturalmente, a estrada é pavimentada com contratempos da era moderna “Trafic” de Jacques Tati.
What Would Jesus Buy?
A serious docu-comedy about the commercialization of Christmas. What Would Jesus Buy? follows Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir as they go on a cross-country mission to save Christmas from the Shopocalypse: the end of mankind from consumerism, over-consumption and the fires of eternal debt!
An aged father and his younger, mentally challenged son have been working hard every day to keep the bathhouse running for a motley group of regular customers. When his elder son, who left years ago to seek his fortune in the southern city of Shenzhen, abruptly returns one day, it once again puts under stress the long-broken father-son ties. Presented as a light-hearted comedy, Shower explores the value of family, friendship, and tradition.
Radiant City
Since the end of World War II, one of kind of urban residential development has dominate how cities in North America have grown, the suburbs. In these artificial neighborhoods, there is a sense of careless sprawl in an car dominated culture that ineffectually tries to create the more organically grown older communities. Interspersed with the comments of various experts about the nature of suburbia
A Man Like Me
A postal worker falls in love with the Chinese waitress at a Chinese restaurant. They start dating and quickly fall in and out of love, the waitress returning to China. The young man looks for comfort in his father but he's too preoccupied with winning the Eurovision song contest. After listening to loser friends talk about what Sylvester Stallone would do in his situation, the postal worker decides to buy a ticket to China and follow his love to her home.
The Elephant in the Living Room
A film about the controversial world of exotic animal ownership within the suburbs of the United States. "The Elephant in the Living Room" offers an unprecedented glimpse into the fascinating subculture of trading and raising the most deadly and exotic animals in the world as common household pets.
Under the Glacier
Our hero is Umbi (an acronym for emissary of the bishop), sent by him to undertake an important investigation at Snæfell-glacier. In particular he is to look into the conduct and behavior of Jón Prímus, the old pastor at Snæfell. Fantastic rumors are rife: amongst other things it is said that a corpse is lodged in the glacier! Armed with his tape recorder and notebook, Umbi embarks upon his mission. He tries to question the weird locals, a weird lot, but gets evasive answers. Slowly he is dragged into a quagmire of strange happenings and his efforts to understand only make him confused. If at the beginning he is a chipper, a mere device, by the end of the story he is inextricably involved, a committed participant in the bizarre events.