
Frozen with Fear (2001)

Gênero : Crime, Mistério, Cinema TV

Runtime : 1H 26M

Director : Paul Lynch


Katherine Sullivan, an acute agoraphobic, witnesses the murder of her husband and speaks with the investigating detective. Then both the body and the detective disappear. Katherine hires private investigator Jack Mize to figure out, only Mize isn't so sure Katherine's version of reality is the truth...


Bo Derek
Bo Derek
Katherine Sullivan
Stephen Shellen
Stephen Shellen
Jack Mize
Wayne Rogers
Wayne Rogers
Charles Sullivan
Dawn McKelvie Cyr
Dawn McKelvie Cyr
Sarah Harper
Steven Morgan
Steven Morgan
Wally McKinnon
Wally McKinnon
Peggy Gedeon
Peggy Gedeon
Janet Monid
Janet Monid
Dr. Eberson
Andrew Lambert
Andrew Lambert
Shawn Fitch
Shawn Fitch
Dr. Becker
Bryan McSorley
Bryan McSorley
Mark A. Owen
Mark A. Owen
Lt. Jennings


Paul Lynch
Paul Lynch
William Bigelow
William Bigelow
Milan Kymlička
Milan Kymlička
René Verzier
René Verzier
Director of Photography


Poodle Springs
Private eye Philip Marlowe and his bride move to a desert town, where he uncovers a land scheme.
Cyrano de Bergerac
As incomparable in swordplay and wordplay as he is, the gallant soldier, philosopher, and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is as timid as a schoolboy before the fair Roxanne. Derek Jacobi delivers an electrifying award-winning portrayal of Rostand's legendary log-nosed swordsman in this highly acclaimed production from the world's premier theatre troupe, The Royal Shakespeare Company. The bold Cyrano boasts he can defeat a hundred men in a swordfight, but because of his grotesque nose lacks the confidence to court the woman he loves. Yet so entranced with Roxanne is Cyrano that he uses the eloquence of his poetry to woo her for a rival.
The Unloved
Lucy is eleven years old. Having been neglected by her estranged mother and father, she is placed in a children's home. Through her eyes, we follow her struggle to cope with the system; her only saving being her self-belief and certainty that she is being watched over and protected by the holy spirit.
Minha Vida é Vencer
Katelin é uma adolescente que está decidida a ser famosa como patinadora no gelo. Ela descobre que uma treinadora russa famosa está chegando para trabalhar em uma escola particular e tenta conseguir uma bolsa de estudos para ser uma de suas alunas.
The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God
They called themselves the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, but because of their ecstatic dancing, the world called them Shakers. Ken Burns creates a moving portrait of this particularly American movement, and in the process, offers us a new and unusually moving way to understand the Shakers.
George Carlin: On Location at USC
George Carlin's first ever comedy special, filmed live at the University of Southern California. Here, he talks about monopoly, flying on planes, random thoughts, walking, and other things.
Louis Theroux: America's Medicated Kids
Faced with the challenging behaviour of their kids, more and more parents in America are turning to psychoactive medication to help them cope, even though the drugs, and sometimes the diagnoses, remain controversial. Louis travels to one of America's leading children's psychiatric treatment centres, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to get to know the diagnosed children and hoping to understand what drives parents to put their kids on drugs.
The Eye Creatures
A teenager and his girlfriend must save the world from "eye" aliens after their attempts to convince authorities of an invasion fall on deaf ears.
O Padrasto 3 - Ele Voltou Para Ficar
Tendo sobrevivido às facadas que sofreu no final do filme anterior, o padrasto, escapa da instituição em Puget Sound, Washington, onde foi colocado há quatro anos, procurando um cirurgião plástico recluso para realizar uma extensa cirurgia plástica nele para alterar sua aparência, sem anestesia.
Meus Caros Estudos
Laura 19 anos, estudante em seu primeiro ano de faculdade, quer terminar seus estudos, não importa o custo. Embora tenha um trabalho casual, ela não pode fazer face às despesas. Cada vez mais desesperada com sua situação financeira, ela resolve responder a um anúncio on-line certa noite. "Joe, 57, gostaria de conhecer estudantes para os momentos de ternura . 100 euros por hora." Uma vez e nunca mais, Laura promete a si mesma. Três dias depois, Laura está em um quarto de hotel com Joe - e assim começa uma espiral descendente. A ilusão do dinheiro "fácil": Esqueça as sensações repugnantes e pense apenas no envelope cheios de dinheiro. No momento em que ela chega ao seu segundo cliente, Laura, uma jovem estudante com a ferida, mas já uma prostituta, quer parar. Será que ela consegue fazer isso?
Christopher e seus Amigos
Isherwood foge de sua vida reprimida na Inglaterra e se joga na decadente - mas febril - Berlim dos anos 30, pré-Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Garfield's Babes and Bullets
Garfield the cat daydreams that he's an old-time private detective.
Operação Cupido 3
Terceiro filme da série, que tinham Mills no papel das duas gêmeas. Agora, como governanta de trigêmeas cujo pai está noivo de uma mulher muito chata.
The Last Days of Lehman Brothers
The heads of Wall Street's biggest investment banks were summoned to an evening meeting by the US Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, to discuss the plight of another - Lehman Brothers. After six months' turmoil in the world's financial markets, Lehman Brothers was on life support and the government was about to pull the plug. Lehman CEO, Dick Fuld, recently sidelined in a boardroom coup, spends the weekend desperately trying to resuscitate his beloved company through a merger with Bank of America or UK-based Barclays. But without the financial support of Paulson and Lehman's fiercest competitors, Fuld's empire - and with it, the stability of the world economy - teeters on the verge of extinction.
The Bridge
A group of German boys is ordered to protect a small bridge in their home village during the waning months of the second world war. Truckloads of defeated, cynical Wehrmacht soldiers flee the approaching American troops, but the boys, full of enthusiasm for the "blood and honor" Nazi ideology, stay to defend the useless bridge.
Família se vê cercada por criaturas sobrenaturais em uma pequena cidade da Nevada na qual o xerife está possuído pelo demônio. Eles enfrentam o desespero para combater o humano maléfico que convoca entidades do mal.
La Passion
A Garfield Christmas Special
Garfield, Jon and Odie go to Jon's family farm for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.
George Carlin: Life Is Worth Losing
Carlin returns to the stage in his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatre in New York City for HBO®. His spot-on observations on the deterioration of human behavior include Americans’ obsession with their two favorite addictions - shopping and eating; his creative idea for The All-Suicide Channel, a new reality TV network; and the glorious rebirth of the planet to its original pristine condition - once the fires and floods destroy life as we know it.
O Veterano
Ray, veterano de guerra, volta ao Vietnã. Lá ele encontra Doc, um soldado considerado morto há muito tempo. Enquanto acertam as contas, Sara, uma civil contratada para procurar prisioneiros de guerra desaparecidos, passa a vigiá-los na esperança de obter informações. Conforme os veteranos revivem o passado, forma-se uma teia de mistérios. E, novamente, apenas um deles voltará para casa...