The Agro Rebel: Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps (2001)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 45M

Director : Bertram Verhaag


Sepp Holzer explains some of the innovative, labour-saving agricultural techniques he applies at his farm in the Eastern Alps of Salzburg, Austria.


Sepp Holzer
Sepp Holzer
Veronika Holzer
Veronika Holzer
Bernd Lötsch
Bernd Lötsch


Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag
Sigbert Stark
Sigbert Stark
Sound mixer
Sandra Büthe
Sandra Büthe
Gabriele Kröber
Gabriele Kröber


Babe, o Porquinho Atrapalhado na Cidade
Quando descobre que sua dona está prestes a perder sua fazenda, Babe, o leitão-pastor, vai para a cidade com ela e amigos animais para levantar fundos e, assim, salvar a propriedade.
Babe, o Porquinho Atrapalhado
A fazenda do Sr. Hoggett (James Cromwell) é um lugar quase perfeito, onde cada coisa ocupa o lugar certo. Até que nasce Babe, um leitãozinho que pensa que é um cachorro. E convence até o dono da fazenda, que o inscreve no Campeonato Nacional de Cães Pastores, com consequências imprevisíveis.
A Revolução dos Bichos
Os animais moradores da Granja do Solar, cansados dos maus tratos rotineiros, se rebelam contra o dono do local, o beberrão Sr. Jones. Após o expulsarem, os bichos se organizam e instauram novas regras, formando uma comunidade democrática, livre do domínio dos humanos. Os inteligentes porcos, no entanto, logo tratam de impor suas idéias e um novo reinado do terror ganha forma.
Este documentário a preto e branco do russo Viktor Kossakovsky foca-se em Gunda, uma porca mãe de dois porquinhos, e no seu dia-a-dia, interagindo com os animais que a rodeiam, como duas vacas e uma galinha só com uma perna. Passou em 2020 no Festival de Berlim e teve em Joaquin Phoenix e Paul Thomas Anderson alguns dos seus fãs mais ferrenhos ainda antes da estreia. Phoenix, vegano e activista dos direitos dos animais, tornou-se inclusivamente produtor executivo.
A Revolução dos Bichos
Os animais de uma fazenda se revoltam com sucesso contra seu dono humano, apenas para deslizar para uma tirania mais brutal entre eles.
Terras de Sangue
Um casal decide sair da agitada Londres para viver numa fazenda isolada da Escócia. Mas o que era para ser um momento de descanso acaba se tornando seus piores pesadelos, quando eles são surpreendidos por pessoas mascaradas querendo matá-los durante a noite.
A história de um canibal em um páramo medieval está entrelaçada com a do filho de um ex-industrial nazista na Alemanha moderna. O jovem alemão, que se sente mais atraído por porcos do que por sua noiva, e o canibal se tornam vítimas sacrificiais de suas diferentes sociedades.
Sepp Holzer's Secrets of Eden
Filmmaker Claudia Hefner showcases the Kramerterhof, an Alpine estate which Sepp Holzer has transformed from an ordinary farm into a paragon of permaculture. Spectacular aerial photography helps viewers to appreciate the magnificence of the landscape and the efficiency of the property.
Daddy's Deadly Darling
Teenager Lynn kills her father while he tries to rape her - the receiving officer at the mental hospital cannot convince her that her father is dead. After electric shock treatment she escapes in a nurses car. There is a farm where the manager is unable to feed his pigs on the usual swill, they have tasted blood - Human Blood! Lynn stumbles on the farm, she is looking for work she explains. "Papa they tell me, what do you see One little girl as deadly as can be." The circle begins, feed people to the pigs - then eat the pigs.
At the focal point of this movement, and of this film, are the farmers and chefs who are creating a truly sustainable food system. Their collaborative work has resulted in great tasting food and an explosion of consumer awareness about the benefits of eating local. Attention being paid to the local food movement comes at a time when the failings of our current industrialized food system are becoming all too clear. For the first time in history, our children'€™s generation is expected to have a shorter lifespan than our own. The quality, taste and nutritional value of the food we eat has dropped sharply over the last fifty years. Shipped from ever-greater distances, we have literally lost sight of where our food comes from and in the process, we've lost a vital connection to our local community and to our health.
Kilian Jornet, Path to Everest
Surrounded by the mountains and people who are his inspiration, in ‘Path to Everest’, the mountain athlete Kilian Jornet reveals his most intimate fears, contradictions and passions. Summits of My Life is the personal project of Kilian Jornet, in which for five years he has traveled to some of the most important peaks of the planet to try to establish FKT (fastest known time) of ascent and descent of some of the most emblematic mountains of the world. The project is closely linked to values and a way of understanding the purist and minimalist mountain. The experiences lived in each challenge have been captured in different films.
Permaculture Soils
We’ve all seen environmental problems highlighted everyday on the media. Now comes the solution. From the man who said, “You can solve all the world’s problems in a garden” comes Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Soils DVD. 137 minutes of Permaculture soil creation strategies that really work! Even if you have never built a garden or got your hands dirty before, you will learn the secrets of real soil creation – partnering with the life in the Soil! Geoff will take you through every step of the process and explain in detail how to do it yourself. From Compost creation to larger Kitchen Gardens and then to broad acre farming – this is the future of biological agriculture.
Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale
Featuring the characters from Murray Ball's "Footrot Flats", (New Zealands most beloved local cartoon strip ). Questions to be answered include: Will Wal Footrot win the affections of Cheeky Hobson over the sleazy Spit Murphy? Will the Dog win the affections of the lovely Jess? Will Wal make a good impression on the All Black selectors at Saturdays rugby match? Can Rangi and Pongo save Cooch's prize stag from the depths of Blackwater station, home of the Murphy's, their vicious dogs and deadly croco-pigs? All this and more will be answered as the small town of Raupo comes to life on the big screen.
The Monster of Mangatiti
When 19 year old Heather Walsh accepts a job on a farm in the Mangatiti Valley, she has no idea paradise will become a nightmare. This true New Zealand story tells of Heather's horrific ordeal.
Mullewapp - A Pig's Tail
One day before Waldemars big birthday party, the excitement rising in Mullewapp. Waldemar may withhold the chocolate-creamy strawberry pie that is to give it to celebrate, to eat up already, but then appeared unexpected walk on the quiet farm on barely. The rude boar bristle Horst and his gang have his eye on the birthday treats and take Mollywoop residents hogging. The three friends Waldemar, Franz von Hahn and Johnny Mauser guessed immediately: Here's wrong! But they are tricked by windy boar chief Horst and with a trick he sends them thereby unintentionally on a particularly adventurous bike tour. How can they now liberate their beloved home only by the invaders?
Verso L'Ignoto
Cervino - La montagna del mondo
Of the Land
Within the last half century, our agriculture and food has changed more than it has changed before in several thousand years. New technologies and scientific ingenuity have given rise to genetically modified organisms (GMO) and other novel foods. Some people have raised concerns about the safety of GMOs in our food supply, given their incredible dominance in the majority of our diet. Traditional, organic farmers, have consistently been under attack by large corporate farming interests, who seek to dominate the food industry and run family farms out of business. This film looks at our current food system as well as a variety of smaller, organic options available to consumers who want to support sustainable farming methods.
Le Grandi Nord Delle Alpi: Cima Grande di Lavaredo
Le Grandi Nord Delle Alpi: Grandes Jorasses