Bertram Verhaag

Nascimento : 1944-03-01,


Wurzeln des Überlebens
Code of Survival
A Dangerous Idea
Consulting Producer
A dangerous idea has threatened the American Dream from the beginning - the belief that some groups and individuals are inherently superior to others and more deserving of fundamental rights. Such biological determinism provided an excuse for some of America's most shameful history. And now it's back. This documentary reveals how biologically determined politics has disenfranchised women and people of color, provided a rationale for state sanctioned crimes committed against America's most vulnerable citizens, and now gains new traction under the Trump administration.
Der Bauer und sein Prinz
Gekaufte Wahrheit – Gentechnik im Magnetfeld des Geldes
Pensioners Inc.
The average age of the employees at the Vita Needle Company, a needle factory near Boston, is an amazing 73 years. Anyone who can make it up the front steps gets hired. Full of joy and vitality, the elderly workers talk about the dream they all share: to be able to climb up the steps leading to the production hall for as long as possible!
Scientists Under Attack
There is no difference between natural foods and genetically modified foods? That’s not what research says. This documentary discusses those who have spoken out against the scientific government scam of genetically modified foods and have been fired, harassed and other things as well as the results of their research.
Percy Schmeiser - David versus Monsanto
Life Running Out of Control
This documentary movie shows riscs and dangers of gene manipulation on plants. It uses the example of so-called BT-Cotton in India.
Life Running Out of Control
This documentary movie shows riscs and dangers of gene manipulation on plants. It uses the example of so-called BT-Cotton in India.
Life Running Out of Control
This documentary movie shows riscs and dangers of gene manipulation on plants. It uses the example of so-called BT-Cotton in India.
Life Running Out of Control
This documentary movie shows riscs and dangers of gene manipulation on plants. It uses the example of so-called BT-Cotton in India.
The Thunderbird Woman
86000 Sekunden
Documentary film.
The Secret and the Sacred: Two Worlds at Los Alamos
Hidden in the mountains of Northern New Mexico lies the birthplace of the Atomic Age: Los Alamos, home of the „Manhattan Project“. Here Robert J. Oppenheimer and his staff created the first atomic bomb, „Trinity“, the scientific prototype to „Little Boy“ and „Fat Man,” the bombs which hastened the end of World War II by leveling Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although the laboratory is today also a leading center of genetic research, it remains a place of secrecy, for its main mission is to maintain the existing nuclear arsenal – a task that hides behind the name, “Stockpile Stewardship”.
The Agro Rebel: Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps
Sepp Holzer explains some of the innovative, labour-saving agricultural techniques he applies at his farm in the Eastern Alps of Salzburg, Austria.
The Agro Rebel: Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps
Sepp Holzer explains some of the innovative, labour-saving agricultural techniques he applies at his farm in the Eastern Alps of Salzburg, Austria.
De Olhos Azuis
Documentário frio sobre um tema fervente: os workshops sobre racismo desenvolvidos pela estadunidense Jane Elliott.
Das achte Gebot
Restrisiko oder Die Arroganz der Macht
Echt tu matsch
Echt tu matsch
Typisch Weiber
A short educational story for children.
Typisch Weiber
A short educational story for children.
Was heißt'n hier Liebe?
German film.