
Life Running Out of Control (2004)

About gene food and designer babies

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 35M

Director : Bertram Verhaag


This documentary movie shows riscs and dangers of gene manipulation on plants. It uses the example of so-called BT-Cotton in India.



Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag
Stefan Schindler
Stefan Schindler
Director of Photography
Gabriele Kröber
Gabriele Kröber
Zoltan Ravasz
Zoltan Ravasz
Sound Director
Michael Busch
Michael Busch
Sound Director
Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag
Michel Morales
Michel Morales
Michael Bauer
Michael Bauer
Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag
Gerardo Milsztein
Gerardo Milsztein
Director of Photography
Bertram Verhaag
Bertram Verhaag


Genesis 2.0
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Splice - A Nova Espécie
Clive Nicoli (Adrien Brody) e Elsa Kast (Sarah Polley) ficaram famosos no meio científico pelas suas experiências na combinação do DNA de vários animais, gerando criaturas bizarras. Eles são apaixonados, tanto pelo trabalho que fazem quanto um pelo outro. Agora eles querem dar um passo adiante e combinar o DNA de animais com o de seres humanos, só que seus financiadores vetam a ideia. Eles seguem adiante com a iniciativa, em segredo. O resultado desta experiência é Dren (Delphine Chanéac), um ser cujo ciclo de vida extremamente rápido faz com que atinja a fase adulta em questão de meses. Clive e Elsa tentam manter Dren em segredo, mas logo a ligação entre eles deixa de ser meramente científica para se tornar pessoal.
Alien: O Regresso
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Dublê da Morte
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It Happened in Broad Daylight
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San Gottardo
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Opção de Risco
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She Knows Too Much
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The Lake
A thriller set in a Swedish village. Lisa comes back from London to sell a house left to her by her father. He mysteriously disappeared in the forest in the winter and is presumed dead in an accident. Lisa suspects there is more to the story as her father was disliked in the village. The old hunting lodge by the lake hides a secret. When Lisa starts her search for the truth painful facts about her father, herself and the village will be revealed.
Vertraue mir
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Russisch Roulette
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