
Liberty Train – Bürger’s Long Journey (2014)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Matthias Schmidt, Sebastian Dehnhardt


“Liberty Train – Bürger’s Long Journey” sheds light on the events of the PEACEFUL REVOLUTION of 1989 from different perspectives. It centres on the eyewitnesses who, together with thousands of other people who had fled East Germany, were in the garden of the West German Embassy in Prague on the evening of the 30 September 1989.


Kilian Land
Kilian Land
Jens Rohde
Max Rothbart
Max Rothbart
Thomas Rosin
Timo Weisschnur
Timo Weisschnur
Jens Hase
Mario Rohn
Mario Rohn
Frank Schilcher
Frank Schilcher
Wolfgang Zarnack
Wolfgang Zarnack
Frank Elbe
André Hinderlich
André Hinderlich
young man
Mathias Bleier
Mathias Bleier
Wolfgang Ischinger


Matthias Schmidt
Matthias Schmidt
Sebastian Dehnhardt
Sebastian Dehnhardt


Sempre no Meu Coração
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The Love Light
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Cycling the Frame
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The Broken Jug
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Something to Do with the Wall
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The Moon Is Down
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Sky Devils
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Dead Survivors
Duas Vidas
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