
Harts 5 - Geld ist nicht alles (2013)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 0M

Director : Julian Tyrasa



Fabian Böckhoff
Fabian Böckhoff
Tobias Hart
Dirk Dreißen
Dirk Dreißen
Kurt Rowan
Frank Dukowski
Frank Dukowski
Frank Barat
Uli Engelmann
Uli Engelmann
Josef Seegers
Oliver Stadel
Oliver Stadel
Dr. Ernst Siebold
Karoline Hugler
Karoline Hugler
Katharina Siebold
Victor Neumeister
Victor Neumeister
Amadeus Siebold
Urban Luig
Urban Luig


Julian Tyrasa
Julian Tyrasa


Senhora Stern
A Senhora Stern, sobrevivente do Holocausto, tem 90 anos. Ela deseja achar uma saída desta vida, mas a cada tentativa de deixar este mundo, a vida lhe traz novas surpresas, como momentos únicos ao lado de sua neta e seu grupo de amigos.
In Search of Greatness
Uma jornada cinematográfica pelos segredos da genialidade segundo os atletas mais notáveis do mundo. O documentário inclui entrevistas com Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan e um certo brasileiro imortalizado mundialmente como Pelé.
Álcool: Diversão ou Droga?
Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics.
Fritzi: A Revolutionary Tale
September 1989 in the GDR. With the change of the general mood in the country, the life of 12-year-old FRITZI changes as well. Her best friend Sophie has fled with her mother through Hungary to West Germany and the only thing Fritzi has left is Sophie's little dog Sputnik. But Fritzi misses Sophie just as much as her little four-legged friend does. Therefore, she decides to bring Sputnik to Sophie. But there is only one way to get there: over the strictly guarded border. A very dangerous adventure for a 12-year-old girl and a small dog...
Hasse & Tage - En kärlekshistoria
Hasse and Tage were best friends for over 30 years. Their films, shows, songs and books influenced an entire nation and were the glue that held people's home together. As a comedic duo, they united right-wing ghosts and anarchists in laughter. When Tage dies prematurely, his children lose a father, Hasse a father figure and all of Sweden a country father. And when Palme dies just months after Tage, the Swedish stable society begins to crumble. For the first time, the Alfredson and Danielsson families open up the archives and give us exclusive access to their stories, photographs and recordings.
La leyenda
Set in the dizzy world of TC 2000 racing La Leyenda tours the action genre overflowing with adrenaline and speed...
Ronny & Klaid
Uma Rapariga da sua Idade
Mariana é uma rapariga à procura de um contexto com o qual pensou comprometer-se desde que saiu de casa dos pais para viver com Alex, em Lisboa. Quando ele parte para Nova Iorque, ela não suporta o que lhe resta. Embora um regresso fosse impensável, ela volta ao Norte. O abandono de Lisboa com o peso de ter falhado consigo e a travessia do rio de volta a casa levam-na ao encontro da lenda do esquecimento: quem atravessasse esse rio esquecer-se-ia do seu passado. Alex volta enquanto Mariana conquista um enquadramento que lhe possa servir. Ele não acredita mais neste país. Ela está mais próxima do lugar onde a sua vida começou. Ele parte. Ela não regressa.
Prosto z nieba
Lotti oder der etwas andere Heimatfilm
After ten years in Vienna, Lotti Funke is returning to her old hometown of Bleicherode in the Thuringian province. There, however, she is not welcomed with open arms, which is not only due to the fact that she simply left her six-year-old daughter with her old mother.
Everything Always All the Time
Andreas wants Kim, but Kim wants something more. She wants a penis. She doesn't want to talk about this with Andreas. And when their best friend, Anna, moves in, it all gets to be a bit much. But if two people feel lonely around each other, can they be less alone when there are three of them?
Uma Janela Para o Mar
Faced with life changing news, María, a fifty-five-year-old Spanish woman from Bilbao, chooses to take a trip to Greece with her closest girlfriends against the advice of her son and doctors. A spontaneous decision leads her to the island of Nisyros, a tiny haven of peace and calm that immediately feels like home. While exploring the beautiful island and soaking in its hidden treasures, she meets Stefanos and finds herself falling in love against all odds.
36 Maridos
36 Husbands é uma comédia de espionagem mística, musical, de Kung Fu estrelada por 3 mulheres poderosas - e um bando de maridos. Krista, a melhor espiã e mestre do Kung Fu, tem poderes extraordinários e ela os coloca em ação em sua busca para retardar a marcha constante em direção à Segunda Guerra Mundial. Juntamente com seus discípulos de Kung Fu, Gina e Nola, (e Frankie, um espião emprestado do MI6) eles lutam e amam seu caminho através do mundo deixando um rastro de corações partidos e planos sabotados. Todos os espiões e malfeitores estão sintonizando o programa de TV Bright Blue Gorilla. Por que eles assistem? É a música, é a comédia? Talvez você possa descobrir.
After the death of their infant child, a young couple are tormented by a malevolent, supernatural entity.
Quando o Amor Acontece
O fotógrafo Thomas McKenzie tem procurado a garota perfeita a vida toda - no entanto, quando duas mulheres capturam simultaneamente seu interesse, ele descobre que pode não estar buscando o tipo de amor que realmente nos torna completos. Esta comédia encantadora e infundida pela fé também possui canções originais e um elenco dinâmico, incluindo o vencedor do Prêmio Emmy David Lago & o reconhecido internacionalmente Victor Marx.
At the center of the family story is 13-year-old titular protagonist Madison, for whom cycle racing means just everything! She gives her all to emulate her cool and successful cycle-pro father. But when the talented and ambitious young racer has to unwillingly swap saddles for a mountain bike, things go haywire.
Vontade de Vencer - Anselmo Ralph
Anselmo Ralph's private life during 1 year.
All Love Schmidt
Is a documentary movie about a remarkable person, Bruno Schmidt, 51 years old and a passionate bicyclist, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) - an un-curable disease. Bruno got the diagnosis ALS in December 2014 and has one remaining big dream: a bicycle tour through Germany to encourage others with the disease, and to drive the awareness for ALS. Every day, Bruno is faced with bringing home to his wife and daughter the mere fact what ALS will do to him; straight down the line, mercilessly, raw and emotional. Nevertheless, he always looks on the bright side of things, not least due to the fantastic people he encounters on his journey.
Inside Kilian Jornet
Para Kilian, maior atleta de montanha do mundo, os trinta anos coincidiram com o melhor e pior ano de sua vida. Ele reflete sobre lesões, busca por equilíbrio e a chegada da filha.
Animals and Other People
The film introduces viewers to Vienna's animal shelter and its inhabitants.