
Shot / Countershot (1987)

Gênero :

Runtime : 1M

Director : Peter Tscherkassky


Not a stage direction, but rather something very concrete is hidden behind the technical term. Something which betrays a little of the yearning for intelligent and playful dealings with the medium of short film…



Peter Tscherkassky
Peter Tscherkassky


August Underground
Imagine walking down the street and finding an unmarked VHS tape. Curiosity piqued, you take it home and pop it in. What starts off as two men screwing around with a video camera quickly transforms into an ultra-realistic torture sequence where the unidentified psychopaths tape their exploits as they torment and violate a woman tied to a chair.
Six Shooter
A black and bloody Irish comedy about a sad train journey where an older man, whose wife has died that morning, encounters a strange and possibly psychotic young oddball...
O Gruffalo
Um rato sai para passear na floresta e se encontra com vários predadores.
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore
Winnie the Pooh and friends decide to throw a birthday celebration for gloomy, old Eeyore.
The Last Horror Movie
A serial killer uses a horror video rental to lure his next victim. What begins as a teen slasher transforms into a disturbing journey through the mind of Max Parry, a mild mannered wedding photographer with a taste for human flesh.
Zumbis: Os Mensageiros do Apocalipse
No início do século 21, um vírus desconhecido começou a se espalhar entre as pessoas. Em poucas semanas engoliu todo o planeta, desde as pesquenas comunidades rurais até as grandes metrópolis. Após a morte de um hospedeiro, o vírus encontra refúgio nos cadáveres. Logo, o planeta foi infestado com uma nova ameaça: os mortos vivos. Assim começa nossa viagem ao mundo dos mensageiros do apocalipse!
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon
From Richard Gale, mad maker of CRITICIZED, comes a film that will never have you looking at cutlery the same way again. Set-up as an epic-length trailer for an upcoming release, HORRIBLY SLOW... depicts a man's endless pursuit by what has got to be one of the most determined and patient murderers the screen has ever seen.
Eaten Alive: A Tasteful Revenge
Stacey is an executive in a cosmetic and fashion company. Expecting a big promotion and crushed when her roommate, Lisa gets it instead, Stacey plans her revenge. Unknown to her boss and her fellow co-worker, Robin, Stacey has developed a shrinking ray with the help of Dr. Baines. She confronts Lisa first, shrinks her down to bite size and devours her. To eliminating any witnesses, Stacey eats Dr. Baines and then turns her attention to Robin and her boss, Trish. Each of them is reduced in size and then EATEN ALIVE!
The Unknown
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
Edo, Japan. Calligraphists are not mere writers, they can bring drawings to life and utilize kanji. Three calligraphists from the art wielding clan join up and fight against an exiled calligraphist and his minions to protect the Tokugawa shogunate.
Os Três Porquinhos
Os dois porquinhos construindo casas de feno e varas zombam de seu irmão, construindo a casa de tijolos. Mas quando o lobo chega e derruba suas casas (depois de truques como se vestir como uma ovelha enjeitada), eles correm para a casa de seu irmão. E por toda parte, eles cantam a música clássica, "Quem tem medo do lobo mau?".
The Silent City
The story revolves around 3 soldiers who are on the outskirts of a war torn city. They are patrolling an area when a bomb is accidentally set off and they have to wait for help.
Alf, Bill and Fred
This is a short film about a man, a dog and a duck who enjoy bouncing together.
Tóquio Mate
Mate se oferece para rebocar um carro japonês inspirado num Toyota Century, mas acaba em Tóquio, no Japão.
Ocean Oasis
Ocean Oasis is a fascinating journey into the bountiful seas and pristine deserts of two remarkably different, but inextricably linked worlds — Mexico's Sea of Cortés and the Baja California desert.
O Último Exorcismo
Numa fazenda no estado de Louisiana, nos Estados Unidos, Louis Sweetzer (Louis Herthum) acredita que sua filha Nell (Ashley Bell) está possuída por um demônio. Ele chama o reverendo Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian), com dezenas de exorcismos realizados, para salvar a jovem. Marcus decide filmar este seu último exorcismo, mas o que encontra no local é diferente de tudo que já tinha visto antes.
A Gentlemen's Duel
Two gentlemen battle for the "prize". Things escalate quickly...
O Velho e o Mar
Sem conseguir fisgar um peixe há quase três meses, o velho Santiago resolve enfrentar o alto-mar sozinho para provar aos outros e a si mesmo que ainda é um bom pescador. Quando se depara com um marlim gigante, ele vê sua má sorte mudar, imergindo numa jornada de lutas e sonhos para pescá-lo.
A Pequena Vendedora de Fósforos
O curta, baseado no conto de Hans Christian Andersen, conta a história de uma pequena garotinha russa, no período pré-revolucionário, que tem um ardente desejo de encontrar conforto e felicidade em sua vida. Desesperada para se aquecer, a menina acende os fósforos que ela vende e imagina uma vida muito diferente para si mesma, nas chamas impetuosas cheias de imagens de parentes amorosos, comida abundante e um lugar para chamar de lar.
The Danish Poet
A woman ponders over the strange coincidences that made her forefathers and -mothers meet and create the premises for her becoming the person that she is.