
Altersglühen - Speed Dating für Senioren (2014)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Jan Georg Schütte


13 people between the end of 60 and the middle 80: They have already experienced many things in their lives. Everyone has their own hopes, desires, conflicts and problems. What unites them is the longing for closeness - for a loving, lovable partner and the somewhat unusual way they have chosen to escape their loneliness: a speed dating. So you dare to an event in which each face a man and a woman and only have seven minutes to get to know each other and open courageously in ever new constellations to a foreign counterpart.


Mario Adorf
Mario Adorf
Johann Schäfer
Senta Berger
Senta Berger
Maria Koppel
Michael Gwisdek
Michael Gwisdek
Volker Hartmann
Matthias Habich
Matthias Habich
Helge Löns
Brigitte Janner
Brigitte Janner
Christa Nausch
Angela Winkler
Angela Winkler
Clara Bayer
Hildegard Schmahl
Hildegard Schmahl
Martha Schneider
Jörg Gudzuhn
Jörg Gudzuhn
Kurt Mailand
Victor Choulman
Victor Choulman
Sergej Stern
Christine Schorn
Christine Schorn
Edith Wielande
Gisela Keiner
Gisela Keiner
Leni Faupel
Jochen Stern
Jochen Stern
Hatmut Göttsche
Ilse Strambowski
Ilse Strambowski
Hilde Matysek
Jan Georg Schütte
Jan Georg Schütte


Jan Georg Schütte
Jan Georg Schütte
Jan Georg Schütte
Jan Georg Schütte


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Direito de Morrer
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