Engenho Prado - Guerra de Baixa Intensidade na Zona da Mata Norte de Pernambuco (2003)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M





Bruce Banner é um cientista e trabalha ao lado de sua grande paixão, a bela Betty Ross, em um projeto que envolve a reconstituição de tecidos com a utilização da radiação gama. O problema todo começa quando, após ter seus genes alterados por um acidente envolvendo a radiação gama, Bruce Banner passa a se transformar em um ser gigantesco e verde que expressa no corpo todos os seus demônios mais íntimos e pessoais.
Terapia do Prazer
Um casal feliz recém-casado visita um terapeuta sexual para determinar por que a esposa não consegue atingir o orgasmo com o marido. Isso faz com que uma horrível memória reprimida surja e ela se torne cada vez mais distante.
Now & Later
Sex, politics and American culture are mixed into a combustible combination in Now & Later. Angela is an illegal Latina immigrant living in Los Angeles who stumbles across Bill, a disgraced banker on the run. She takes him in. Through passionate sex, soul-searching conversations ranging from politics to philosophy, and other worldly pleasures, Angela introduces Bill to another worldview. As their affair heats up, the course of Bill's life begins to take an abrupt and unexpected turn.
Cabeça ou Coração
A mente e o coração de um trabalhador de idade média entram em conflito sobre o que ele quer e o que ele precisa.
Baseado no romance homônimo de Émile Zola, o filme aborda os movimentos grevistas de um grupo de mineiros no norte da França do século XIX contra a exploração de que são vítimas. Entretanto, ao se levantarem contra o sistema, passam ser alvos da repressão das autoridades.
The Square
The Square looks at the hard realities faced day-to-day by people working to build Egypt’s new democracy. Cairo’s Tahrir Square is the heart and soul of the film, which follows several young activists. Armed with values, determination, music, humor, an abundance of social media, and sheer obstinacy, they know that the thorny path to democracy only began with Hosni Mubarek’s fall. The life-and-death struggle between the people and the power of the state is still playing out.
Vida em Família
A young woman, Janice, is living with her restrictive and conservative parents, who lead a dull working-class life and consider their daughter to be “misbehaving” whenever she’s trying to find her own way in life.
Os Girassóis Cegos
O diretor espanhol volta novamente seu olhar para a guerra civil espanhola, aqui nos anos 40, e retrata toda a imbecilidade da perseguição política dos adeptos do general Franco aos republicanos. Salvador, estudante de seminário, depois de ir para a guerra é mandado pelo padre superior a um colégio para dar aulas e esfriar a cabeça. Logo conhece Elena, mãe de um aluno, e por ela se interessa. Elena tem vida extremamente difícil por causa das perseguições e a obsessão de Salvador por ela pode destruir sua família.
Tiananmen: Sete Semanas Que Mudaram o Mundo
The true story of the seven weeks that changed China forever. On June 4, 1989, pro-democracy demonstrations were violently and bloodily repressed. Thousands of people died, but the basis for China's future was definitely planted.
Revolution: New Art for a New World
Drawing on the collections of major Russian institutions, contributions from contemporary artists, curators and performers and personal testimony from the descendants of those involved, the film brings the artists of the Russian Avant-Garde to life. It tells the stories of artists like Chagall, Kandinsky and Malevich - pioneers who flourished in response to the challenge of building a new art for a new world, only to be broken by implacable authority after 15 short years and silenced by Stalin's Socialist Realism.
Maaveeran Kittu
A state topper from a lower caste goes missing after an upper caste cop picks him up for questioning. What has happened to him?
Come to My Voice
This is the story of two women on opposite ends of a lifetime, a very young, curious Jiyan and her life-weary but resistant grandmother Berfe, in order to save the person who links them to each other.
Russia vs. Russia
More than twenty years after Vladimir Putin came to supreme power in Russia on May 7, 2000, Russian society is deeply divided. A young, modern generation opposes the growing repression by the regime, which still retains the support of many members of previous generations. Who are these ordinary citizens who dream of living in a different Russia? What price will they have to pay to achieve the freedom and justice they so desire?
O Que há na Escuridão
Um caso de assassinatos em série abala uma pequena cidade semi-rural na província de Hebei, na China. O filme explora o caso do ponto de vista de uma adolescente, Jing (Su Xiaotong), que se envolve no caso enquanto luta com a sua crescente sexualidade. Diante da inépcia e do autoritarismo da polícia e da mentalidade conservadora e restritiva dos moradores da cidade, Jing começa a desenvolver a sua própria teoria sobre o caso.
Camilo, an adolescent rower on a Xochimilco jetty, has his first sexual encounter with another man. One day he thinks he is being discovered by Beto, a colleague from work. When confronted, Camilo accidentally ends up revealing his homosexuality. Not knowing what to do, Camilo reacts violently and decides to flee Xochimilco.
Hechos probados
In the midst of a climate of political repression, Ernesto is a student who believes that the "revolution" will only begin if there is a martyr for the cause; Isaac, his best friend and his student leader, seems like the ideal candidate.
Let's Not Live Like Slaves
Let It Be (1970-1974)
Chapter 15 of the series 18 decades of life in Mexico in the twentieth century. Images of the cultural, social and political life in Mexico from 1970 to 1974. During the presidential term of Luis Echeverria Alvarez fantasies of prosperous and modern country it dissolves; Mexico live in political crisis. It is a time of omnipotence, barbarism, and violence intervention: the world seeks new ways. In Mexico, it held the World Cup, unionism is strengthened and inflation responds to the continuing economic imbalances.
Adios Amor
In Adios Amor, the discovery of lost photographs sparks the search for a hero that history forgot—Maria Moreno, a migrant mother driven to speak out by her twelve children’s hunger. Years before Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta launched the United Farm Workers, Maria picked up the only weapon she had—her voice—and became an outspoken leader in an era when women were relegated to the background. The first farm worker woman in America to be hired as a union organizer, Maria’s story was silenced and her legacy buried—until now.