
The Last Summer (1974)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 26M

Director : Christo Christov


This film is a dramatic, colorful parable about migration from the countryside to the urban areas, revealing the deep-rooted attachment of the peasant Ivan Efreytorov to the patriarchal way of life.


Grigor Vachkov
Grigor Vachkov


Christo Christov
Christo Christov
Yordan Radichkov
Yordan Radichkov
Tzvetan Chobanski
Tzvetan Chobanski


Rootless Tree
Having remained alone in his village house, old Gatyo must move in with his son and daughter-in-law in their flat in the city. They receive him with great understanding and sympathy but cannot find the key to his heart. Torn out of his natural environment and left bewilderingly rootless, this good man cannot adapt himself to the urban way of life. He does not like the mayonnaise he is offered, does not know how to use the lift. The people hurrying in the streets seem to him indifferent, and some even sly and deceitful. He sees the city as a place full of hostile people and inanimate objects. He badly misses the warm human touch of his village. Death is the only possible solution to the tragic conflict of this peasant, crucified between the archaic and the modern, and unable to adapt to the urban lifestyle.
The Last Bachelor
The middle-aged poor painter Tsokov doesn't believe in marriage, something completely unacceptable in a cramped socialist society.
A Difficult Love
In a small town, two married people fall in love. What difficulties they will face and how to cope with them.
The Stand-In
In a provincial town comes Elena -young actress. Soon she meets Ivan, who is the same age as her and who works at the construction site. In order to be a part of her world he agrees to pay as stand-in for a movie in which she has a small role. During the premiere, the actor gets all the fame and the stand-in stay unnoticed.
O Retorno de Casanova
After many years of rambling across Europe the aging Giacomo Casanova is impoverished. He wants to return to the Republic of Venice but he doesn't dare going there directly because he was a fugitive when he left. While he tries to find a way to get a pardon he meets a young lady named Marcelina. The more he shows his affection, the more ostentatiously she rejects him. Even so he doesn't give up on her because her lover Lorenzo has grave gaming debts. In return for the required money Lorenzo tells Casanova about a looming secret rendezvous with Marcelina. Moreover he lets Casanova take his place. Undercover of the night Casanova finally seduces her. Lorenzo later feels his honor was besmirched and demands satisfaction. Casanova kills him in a duel and then goes home to Venice.
Three Men to Destroy
A man helps the victim of an auto accident, not realizing that the man has actually been shot. The men who shot him are now after the man who helped him, in order to eliminate him as a potential witness. Soon they are killing everyone he even comes in contact with in order to get him.
Let Sleeping Cops Lie
This movie tells the story of a group of right-wing cops have begun carrying out vigilante justice on drug dealers and other crime figures who might otherwise avoid punishment for their misdeeds. Police inspector Grindel (Delon) understands the feelings which motivate these deeds, but does not approve. However, he is not highly motivated to put an end to the group's activities until it begins to appear that they are now attacking fellow cops for reasons which are unclear.
Na Pele de um Tira
Quando o detetive Choucras, começa a investigar o desaparecimento de uma menina cega, se depara com uma série de crimes.
Flic Story
The film story depicts Emile Buisson, following the death of his wife and child, escaping from a psychiatric institution in 1947 and returning to Paris. Buisson, who three years later would become France's public enemy number one, begins a murderous rampage through the French capital.
Tom Horn
Um famoso ex batedor do exército é contratado por fazendeiros para caçar ladrões, mas se vê sendo julgado pelo assassinato de um menino quando estava realizando o seu trabalho muito bem. Tom descobre que as habilidades simples que ele domina não são de nenhuma ajuda para lidar com as ambições de fazendeiros e funcionários corruptos e nem com a marcha do progresso sobre ele e o velho oeste.
Cidadão Klein
Sr. Klein, um negociante de artes, se aproveita da situação dos judeus durante a ocupação de Paris para comprar e vender obras dos que querem fugir da França. Ao saber que é suspeito de ser judeu pelas autoridades nazistas, ele procura a identidade de outro Sr. Klein.
Perched on a Tree
Henry Roubier, a French promoter, and Enrico Mazzini, an Italian, have signed an agreement guaranteeing them a stranglehold on European highways. While driving on the roads of the south, Roubier takes two young hitchhikers, but an unfortunate swerve the car rushes by Henri and its occupants on the top of a pine tree onto the side of a cliff.
The One Man Band
Evan Evans, the director of a ballet troupe, is rehearsing his next show in Monaco, in preparation for a worldwide tour. When one member of his troupe leaves to get married, Evans imposes a regime of strict discipline on his remaining dancers. The latter get their revenge by presenting Evans’ nephew Philippe, the only male member of the group, with a baby and a note claiming he is the father…
As Loucas Aventuras de um Gendarme em Nova York
Após ser escolhido para representar a França em um congresso internacional, o gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) e sua brigada vão para Nova York.
O Avarento
Based on Molière's play. The children of Harpagon, Cléante and his sister Elise, are each in love but they still haven't spoken to their father yet. Harpagon is a miser who wants to choose the right man and the right woman for his children. When Cléante, at last, tries to speak to Harpagon, the old man informs the family that he wants to marry Marianne, the young girl loved by Cléante. Unaware of his son's sorrow, Harpagon doesn't understand why Cléante has become so angry with him.
The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...
O Círculo Vermelho
O grande ladrão Corey acabou de sair da prisão. Mas, ao invés de seguir a linha da liberdade que respeita a lei, ele se vê de volta ao mundo sombrio do crime, cruzando com um notório fugitivo e um ex-policial alcoólatra. Como esse trio improvável planeja um roubo contra probabilidades impossíveis, sua trilha é perseguida por um inspetor implacável, e a sorte sela seus destinos.
O Gendarme Se Casa
Quando o Gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) se apaixona por uma viúva e planeja casar-se com ela, sua filha travessa vai fazer de tudo para cancelar o casamento.
O Louco, Louco Mundo do Gendarme
Quatro novas gendarmes jovens chegam à delegacia do Gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) com o objetivo de aprender a profissão com os melhores.
A Piscina
Jean-Paul e Marianne formam o casal ideal e estão de férias em sua casa na bela cidade de Saint-Tropez. Tudo vai bem nos dias dos dois até que dois visitantes chegam: Harry e sua filha Penelope. O problema é que Harry é um antigo amante de Marianne. As altas tensões aumentam ainda mais quando Jean-Paul tenta seduzir Penelope.