Something Like Happiness (2005)
Gênero : Drama
Runtime : 1H 42M
Director : Bohdan Sláma
Over the course of a year, in a small town scarred and beaten down by industrialization, Tonda and Monika, friends since childhood, come to experience what life might be like if they could be with one another – which they seemingly can't. Or can they?
LAW & ORDER surveys the wide range of work the police are asked to perform: enforcing the law, maintaining order, and providing general social services. The incidents shown illustrate how training, community expectations, socio-economic status of the subject, the threat of violence, and discretion affect police behavior.
An army pilot is visiting the home of another army pilot in a neighboring country, and falling in love with his sister, when war breaks out.
Come Back, Africa chronicles the life of Zachariah, a black South African living under the rule of the harsh apartheid government in 1959.
The problem of slum dwellings in the 1930s.
"O filme sobre o Amazonas é meu primeiro ensaio em cores. Cheguei no Amazonas com uma idéia preconcebida e descobri que não existia a Amazônia lendária e mágica, a Amazônia dos crocodilos, dos tigres, dos índios etc.." (GR/RCN, p. 79) "(...) as belezas e riquezas naturais da região amazônica. Podemos considerar tipicamente glauberianos: o arrebatamento lírico das tomadas, e a insistência bem característica sobre as preocupações nacionalistas e progressistas do diretor, com a presença muito concreta da imagem das pessoas no trabalho, nas sequências urbanas, e do produto, da mercadoria." (SP/GR) (Cinemateca Brasileira)
Divided into three sections, Bill Morrison's The Highwater Trilogy examines our relationship to the threat of natural disaster by combining archival footage of icebergs, hurricanes, and floods with a soundtrack by David Lang and Michael Gordon.
After seeing that Nelson kisses his lover, Barlow poisons him. But it turns out that Nelson comes back to life when he was about to be buried. From that moment, Barlow does not stop chasing him to finish his work.
In a castle, somewhere in the Thirld World, Diaz is delirious, dreaming of the power he had in Eldorado, while oppressing the indians, workers and peasants. He is well aware of the menace his old victims represent, while a miracle-making shepherd fascinates and frightens him. Diaz finds a countrywoman, symbol of purity, and prepares a ceremony in his castle resembling his own funeral. - IMDb
A história de formação do quilombo Olho d'Água na Serra do Talhado em Santa Lúcia do Sabugi, alto sertão da Paraíba. A fundação feita pelo ex-escravo Zé Bento e sua família que sobreviveu cultivando algodão e produzindo cerâmica nos períodos de grande estiagem. A comunidade no início dos anos 1960 e o isolamento permanente do resto do Brasil.
An unusual children's film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war through the eyes of three youngsters. The three have a series of adventures which include saving a soldier from being captured by the Germans, helping out the resistance fighters, and meeting up with a young Russian woman trained in guerrilla warfare. As they learn more about life and danger, various circumstances constantly recall the reality of war itself. The title comes from a wounded pigeon under the care of one of the youngsters.
Santamaria and Urtigo are two bandits on the run, one is white, the other black. Santamaria is a mystical visionary and believes in the imminent coming of a purifying angel. Urtiga, his inseparable companion, is a simple-minded and ingenious man who follows Santamaria around and participates in the crimes he commits. The two bandits take over a house after kidnapping its owner and his girlfriend.
This documentary chronicles an Yves Montand concert for Chilean refugees in France.
A documentary covering the years Luis Buñuel spent in Mexico making films.
O filme registra a história de um dos maiores nomes da MPB: Antônio Carlos Jobim. A parceria com Vinicius de Moraes e a influência da música clássica em sua obra são temas do documentário.
Trinta e oito anos após os acontecimentos do clássico A Bela da Tarde de Luis Buñuel, Henri Husson pensa ter visto Séverine certa noite em um concerto. Ele a segue e a faz enfrentar seu passado, vingando-se lentamente dela.
Robert Frank revolucionou a fotografia e o cinema independente, fosse a retratar banqueiros, estrelas de rock ou mineiros. O filme mostra-nos um artista em ação, testemunha de uma era, recordando Jack Kerouac e Allen Ginsberg, com quem filmou a Beat Generation.
This is a montage of different images from the JFK, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy triumphs and assassinations, all three events being observed by Lyndon Johnson as the dark figure who is plotting the anti-black rights movement.
Em um lago de água doce, diversas criaturas aquáticas tentam comer outras para evitar que elas próprias sejam comidas.
On February 26, 1920, Robert Wiene's world-famous film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari premiered at the Marmorhaus in Berlin. To this day, it is considered a manifesto of German expressionism; a legend of cinema and a key work to understand the nature of the Weimar Republic and the constant political turmoil in which a divided society lived after the end of the First World War.
In 1966 I came up upon a book of Meher Baba, the Indian guru/scientist, in which he said that there are three great holy places in Europe: Avila, Assisi, and Fatima. In 1967, I decided to visit Avila where I had an enlightening experience. This is a filmed record of my visit to Avila, with my voice telling how I felt there and what happened (especially with the little dogs).