
Emmanuelle 2000: Emmanuelle's Sensual Pleasure (2001)

Gênero : Drama, Romance

Runtime : 1H 26M

Director : Fred Olen Ray
Escritor : Hillary Tolstoy


Emmanuelle heads to New York to settle down business and make it her own way.


Holly Sampson
Holly Sampson
Shauna O'Brien
Shauna O'Brien
Maggie Henson
Brandy Miller
Brandy Miller
D.J. West
D.J. West
Phillip Henson
Jason Schnuit
Jason Schnuit
Griffin Drew
Griffin Drew
Dayna Estes
Danny Pape
Danny Pape
Royce Mathers
Daniel Anderson
Daniel Anderson
P.J. Penn
Summer Fields
Summer Fields
Fantasy Girl
Daniel Busch
Daniel Busch
Steve Barkley
Goldie Gray
Goldie Gray
Mia Zottoli
Mia Zottoli
Timothy Stempien
Timothy Stempien
Jack Denver
Gina Ryder
Gina Ryder


Fred Olen Ray
Fred Olen Ray
Emmanuelle Arsan
Emmanuelle Arsan
Hillary Tolstoy
Hillary Tolstoy
Jackson Wilde
Jackson Wilde
Peter Diamond
Peter Diamond
Alain Siritzky
Alain Siritzky
Executive Producer
Howard Wexler
Howard Wexler
Director of Photography
Helen Hywater
Helen Hywater
Chris Larsen
Chris Larsen
Production Design
Inga Uttensven
Inga Uttensven
Costume Design
Robert Lombard
Robert Lombard
Gregory Neuhaus
Gregory Neuhaus
Art Direction


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