All American Bully (2015)

No one is innocent.

Gênero : Thriller

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Jason Hawkins


Cyberspace is the new school playground when it comes to bullying. Children and teens of all ages use social networking sites to blast their peers, reveal dirty secrets, and taunt those around them, often destroying lives in the process. This is a story of two close young friends who have a falling out, and internet bullying ensues, evolving into physical violence. Questions arise about what is the real truth, and who actually are the victims. As it turns out, no one is as innocent as they appear. Can you handle the real answers?


Adrienne King
Adrienne King
Principal Kane
Daren Ackerman
Daren Ackerman
John Brooks
Alexander Fraser
Alexander Fraser
Devon Manning
Dara Davey
Dara Davey
Shelly Mulgrove
Patrick Ford
Patrick Ford
Mr. Taylor
Darren Hicks
Darren Hicks
Garrett Jiles
Bob Olin
Bob Olin
Mike Manning
Brian Walker
Brian Walker
Kyle Dunn
Lissie Lewis
Lissie Lewis
Chuck Elam
Chuck Elam
Aaron Gregory Austin
Aaron Gregory Austin
Hollie Olson
Hollie Olson
Carol Brooks
Shania Sierra
Shania Sierra


Jason Hawkins
Jason Hawkins
Jason Hawkins
Jason Hawkins


Em Um Mundo Melhor
Em uma nação africana devastada pela Guerra, o médico cirurgião Anton enfrenta um fluxo constante de perda e tragédia. Enquanto isso, na Dinamarca, sua mulher está preocupada com seu filho mais velho, Elias, que é constantemente perseguido por Sofus, o valentão da classe. Quando Christian entra para a turma, ele e Elias se juntam no ódio a Sofus. Rude e cruel desde a morte de sua mãe, Christian passa por uma fase agressiva, enquanto seu pai Claus, devastado, não consegue lidar com seu comportamento. A partir da amizade conturbada dos dois garotos, as duas famílias criam um vínculo.
Whispering Corridors
The ghost of a student who died at a Korean school comes back to seek vengeance and protect her friends.
Four horror tales revolve around an accident victim, a bullied youth, ghost stories and a deceased princess.
Você de Novo
A jovem Marni se dá conta de que seu irmão está prestes a se casar com Joanna, a garota que tornou sua vida no colégio um inferno. Então ela faz de tudo para revelar o verdadeiro caráter da noiva do rapaz, mas a situação realmente explode com a chegada de Ramona, a tia de Joana, que era rival da mãe de Marni na escola. Quando as duas mulheres mais velhas voltam à adolescência, o resultado é de muita confusão no casamento.
Tom Brown's Schooldays
When Tom Brown arrives at Rugby boarding school, he’s mercilessly tormented by the school’s evil bully Flashman. With the help of his friend East, plucky Brown devises a plan to get back at Flashman; in the meantime, he’s asked to look out for a timid new student, whose life is accidentally put in peril during a school race.
O Jovem Törless
No início do século passado, na Áustria, o jovem estudante Törless, tímido e inteligente observava o comportamento sádico de seus amigos da escola, e não toma nanhuma providência, quando estes escolhem como vítima um colega da sala de aula, até que a tortura vai longe demais. Adaptação do aclamado livro, Young Törless de Robert Musil, esta obra prima, deu internacionalidade ao movimento do Cinema Novo Alemão, e ganhou em 1996 no Festival de Cannes, o Prêmio da Crítica Internacional para o já bastante premiado ciretor, Volker Schlondorff. Estudo intrigante da natureza humana na sociedade moderna.
Kali Ma
When an Indian mother finds out her son is the victim of a vicious bully, she delivers her own brand of vigilante justice.
Peter-No-Tail is a cat who's born without a proper tail on a farm by the Swedish countryside. Due to economical difficulties, the farmer is forced to get rid of Peter. The farmer can't bring himself to drown the cat, so he sneaks Peter inside the car of a family who are renting a house close to the farm for their summer vacation. When the family finally reach their home in Uppsala, Sweden, they find Peter and decide to keep him. Without a tail, he becomes the talk of the town among the other cats and, especially Mike, who teases him cruelly. Mean Mike and his two companions, Bill and Bull, are notorious for the nasty tricks they like to play on other cats. Mike is currently trying to court Molly Silk-Nose, but his rough and silly approach does not impress her, since she becomes interested in the kind and gentle Peter. But Mike won't give up that easily and he has a plan for how he'll get his revenge.
Griff, O Invisível
Griff, office worker by day, superhero by night, has his world turned upside down when he meets Melody, a beautiful young scientist who shares his passion for the impossible.
Tammy and the T-Rex
An evil scientist implants the brain of Michael, a murdered high school student, into an animatronic Tyrannosaurus. Michael escapes, wreaks vengeance on the high school tormentors who killed him, and is reunited with his sweetheart Tammy. Together, the couple try to elude the mad scientist and the police and find a more appropriate vessel for Michael's brain.
X Game
After a childhood friend's suicide, Hideaki and his former classmates reunite to pay their respects. Soon after, a DVD, marked X arrives revealing a man being tortured, triggering a flashback in Hideaki, reminding him of witnessing a schoolmate being subjected to humiliating batsu (punishment) games. One evening, Hideaki is kidnapped and when he awakens the next day, he discovers he is in a recreation of his old school-room, along with his fellow classmates. Trapped and held captive by mysterious hooded figures, each of them must now play a brutally violent, version of the punishment game, in order to survive.
The House That Screamed
Southern France, 19th century. Teresa, a young girl, arrives at an isolated female boarding school that is tyrannically mastered by Mrs. Fourneau, the strict headmistress, whose protective shadow haunts Luis, her weak son.
Memento Mori
The ghost of a lesbian high-school girl takes revenge on the people who used to bully her. And another young girl finds her old diary detailing her love and rejection when she was alive.
Christmas Every Day
Billy Jackson is not having a good Christmas. He got a basketball for Christmas and just cannot make a jump shot. His Uncle David is coming to town to open a Valu-Mall, which will put his Dad's store out of business. When he tells his little sister Sarah that there is no Santa she makes a wish that it would be Christmas every day. Billy now has to relive Christmas Day over and over again.
Boys Grammar
Bullying is taken to unimaginable extremes at an exclusive private boys school.
Pelle é um gato que nasceu sem cauda adequada. Ele compensa isso estudando muito e, para grande pertubação de seu arquirrival Mans, recebe um diploma extravagante que muito poucos gatos na Suécia obtiveram. Algum tempo depois, ele é visitado por seu parente Pelle Swanson, que o convida para visitar seu novo país, a América. Lá tudo é maior, até os ratos são bem mais gordos. Tudo parece possível na América, até mesmo a perspectiva de finalmente ter um rabo adequado e uma namorada para chamar de seu.
A Maldição da Forca
Abel Frye era um rapaz tímido. Até o dia em que foi humilhado por uma garota. Enfurecido, ele brutamente assassinou a menina e em seguida se enforcou em plena escola. Agora seu fantasma atormenta e enlouquece os alunos da Roger's High School. Pelo menos esta é a história contada nos corredores da escola, pelos próprios alunos. Uma lenda difícil de acreditar, mas que ganha proporções assustadoras quando três jogadores do time de futebol americano da Roger's entram em coma após serem assombrados por apavorantes visões. Para investigar o caso é acionada a experiente equipe do Projeto Veritas, uma organização secreta que tem por finalidade buscar a verdade absoluta dos mais estranhos e escabrosos crimes cometidos por todo país.
The Disco Years
Tom Peters looks back to 1978, the year in high school that he came out of the closet. Tom's mom is both sweet and intrusive, urging him to take out girls. She also drags him to her disco-dancing lessons. His friendship with Matt becomes his first love, and then Matt turns on Tom with homophobic venom. Later, Matt and Matt's new girlfriend trash the classroom of an effeminate teacher with more vicious homophobia. At first, Tom joins in heaping scorn on the teacher, then he has to decide if it isn't time to open the closet door. A crisis of sorts ensues with his mom, and disco proves to be a balm.
I Not Stupid
Kok Pin, Boon Hock and Terry are classmates in "EM3" stream. In Singapore, that means that at the age of 12, the government has decided that they are not as academically inclined as their peers. Kok Pin is creative and a born artist but his parents would rather he focus on his Maths and Sciences. Boon Hock comes from a low-income family and needs to balance school and helping out at the food stall. Terry, a spoilt brat is just too lazy a student. While the three children suffer from the pressure of school, their parents have another set of problems - their jobs and careers.
Aqui, encontramos o confiante e estudioso John McGill quando ele está prestes a iniciar o ensino secundário, onde espera continuar a sua carreira acadêmica brilhante. Mas há nuvens escuras no horizonte. Sua amizade com o garoto de classe média Julian, brilha uma luz de fundo em ambos os seus podres e as disfunções de sua casa, onde seu pai está sempre bêbado, violento e ineficaz, sua mãe é perturbada e reprimida e seu irmão mais velho está sempre em conflito com a lei. Na escola, há um ou dois bons professores, mas a maioria são desinteressados na cultura de gangue brutal e territorial que se espalhou a partir de conjuntos habitacionais locais para o pátio da escola. A pergunta inquieta que Mullan coloca é que John pode ou não transcender o destino de sua classe, educação e família para fazer algo de bom para si mesmo.