
Broad Horizons (1968)

Gênero : Ação, Drama

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Viktor Gjika
Escritor : Dritëro Agolli


In 1968, Horizonte Te Hapura, directed by Viktor Gjika, one of the pioneers of Albanian moviemaking, broke new ground. Its subject matter was contemporary, rather than being a historical piece or an action drama set among the partisans of World War II. In the story, a dockworker sees that a crane, a crucial piece of shipyard equipment, is being endangered by a violent storm, and despite considerable danger to himself works to save it. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi


Dhimitër Orgocka
Dhimitër Orgocka
Sandër Prosi
Sandër Prosi
Kapiten Zylo
Robert Ndrenika
Robert Ndrenika
Pandi Raidhi
Pandi Raidhi
Sulejman Pitarka
Sulejman Pitarka
Sokrat Dhëmbo
Nikolin Xhoja
Nikolin Xhoja


Bujar Kolaneci
Bujar Kolaneci
Art Direction
Shyqyri Sako
Shyqyri Sako
Art Direction
Viktor Gjika
Viktor Gjika
Dritëro Agolli
Dritëro Agolli


At midnight on Walpurgis Night, an English clerk, Renfield, arrives at Count Dracula's castle in the Carpathian Mountains. After signing papers to take over a ruined abbey near London, Dracula drives Renfield mad and commands obedience. Renfield escorts the boxed count on a death ship to London. From there, the Count is introduced into the society of his neighbor, Dr. Seward, who runs an asylum. Dracula makes short work of family friend Lucia Weston, then begins his assault on Eva Seward, the doctor's daughter. A visiting expert in the occult, Van Helsing, recognizes Dracula for who he is, and there begins a battle for Eva's body and soul.
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