
Trail to Laredo (1948)

HOT with a gun...TOPS with a tune!

Gênero : Faroeste

Runtime : 54M

Director : Ray Nazarro
Escritor : Barry Shipman


Filmed at the Providencia Ranch (today's Forrest Lawn in Burbank, CA), this typical "Durango Kid" Western featured the Cass County Boys performing "Go West Young Lady" by Sammy Cahn and Saul Chaplin, in addition to series regular Smiley Burnette singing his own "It's My Turn" and "The Yodeler. This time, the Durango Kid (Charles Starrett) is chasing down a gang of outlaws shipping stolen gold in crates marked "ring bolts," ably assisted by Smiley, a treasury agent working undercover as a house painter. Virginia Maxey supplies female interest and little Tommy Ivo, in one of his six appearances in the Durango Kid series, also gets in the way of the action.


Charles Starrett
Charles Starrett
Steve Ellison aka The Durango Kid
Jim Bannon
Jim Bannon
Dan Parks
Virginia Maxey
Virginia Maxey
Tommy Ivo
Tommy Ivo
Ronnie Parks
Hugh Prosser
Hugh Prosser
Smiley Burnette
Smiley Burnette
Smiley Burnette


Ray Nazarro
Ray Nazarro
Barry Shipman
Barry Shipman
Dave Ragin
Dave Ragin
Camera Operator


Two-Fisted Stranger
Arriving to become the new Deputy, Steve Gordon takes over as Sheriff instead when he finds the Sheriff has been killed. He doesn't last long and is fired for incompetence. But he realizes Brady is pulling off a swindle. Having found the proper soil, Brady has salted it with cheap diamonds, gotten Smiley to accidently find them, and is now taking money from eager investors and planning to flee with it.
The Return of the Durango Kid
A masked outlaw steals from bank robbers to help the poor.
O Texano Solitário
am Jason está sendo assediado por uma gangue que está atrás de seus arrendamentos de petróleo secretamente liderados pela atraente viúva Clarabelle Adams, e ele olha para o velho amigo Steve Driscoll e seu alter ego, o Durango Kid.
South of Death Valley
When Steve Downey arrives to reopen his brother-in-law's gold mine, he finds a war between the ranchers and the miners. Ashton has had the water poisoned killing cattle. When Ashton's men find Steve's hat, they kill Tom Tavish and frame Steve for the murder. Escaping jail the Durango Kid goes into action.
Riders of the Lone Star
An outlaw gang is trying to stop the reopening of a mine as they look for the money left there by the famous outlaw Dusty Morton. After a ten year absence, Morton has apparently reappeared and Steve arrives looking for him. He finds his son who also wonders if his father is still alive. With the gang soon after him, the Durango Kid goes into action and Steve tries to learn who the real Dusty Morgan is.
Bandits of El Dorado
Wanted outlaws have mysteriously disappeared. Ranger Captain Henley and Steve have a plan to find them. Steve becomes a wanted man by faking the killing of Henley. Not only is he now in trouble as both the Rangers and the Mexican Rurales are after him, but Smiley knows him and may expose his masquerade to the bad guys.
Horsemen of the Sierras
When Robin Grant inherits a valuable range, certain evil interests try their best to kill off Robin and claim the land for themselves. US Marshall Steve Saunders comes to the boy's rescue.
Snake River Desperadoes
Starrett tries to prevent a range war between settlers and the Native Americans. Blue and his fellow scoundrels think they can profit from the bloodshed,but the Durango Kid along with a couple of precocious youngsters put an end to Blue's terrorism.
El Dorado Pass
Charles Starrett returns as The Durango Kid in Columbia's El Dorado Pass. It all begins when Durango, in his everyday guise of Steve Clanton, is falsely accused of robbing a stagecoach. The genuine criminal is not only a thief but a coin collector, searching for a valuable specimen by staging holdups.
Lightning Guns
The Durango Kid rides again in Lightning Guns. As ever, the masked Durango (alias Steve Brandon) is played by Charles Starrett, who this time around is on the trail of a gang of cold-blooded killers. Rancher Dan Saunders (Edgar Dearing) is held responsible for the killings because of his opposition to a politically expedient dam project. Durango believes that Saunders is innocent, and he intends to prove it.
Laramie Mountains
Markham and his men have found gold on the Indian reservation and are trying to get rid of them by starting an Indian war. Dressed as Indians they are attacking the soldiers. Steve Holden is the Indian agent sent to prevent a war. After finding proof that white men posing as Indians were responsible, he is able to locate the gang's hideout but quickly becomes a prisoner slated to be killed. - Written by Maurice VanAuken
Contrabandistas da Fronteira
O agente do Tesouro Steve Ransom (Charles Starrett) tem a missão de desmascarar Jonathan Cole (Fred Sears), chefe de uma gangue de contrabandistas que operam perto da fronteira entre o México e o Texas. escritores nunca foram bons em geografia. Apesar dos avisos de Steve, seu amigo Smiley (Smiley Burnette) faz uma investigação sobre o rancho Cole e é feito prisioneiro, assim como Steve está recebendo a prova que ele precisa contra Cole.
O Cavaleiro de Durango
Numa região de fronteira do velho oeste uma verdadeira guerra é travada entre os pioneiros. O rancheiro Sam Lowry (Frank LaRue) é covardemente assassinado pela gangue de Mace Ballard (Kenneth MacDonald) sob a falsa acusação de que estaria traindo os colonos. Depois desse crime brutal surge no horizonte um novo personagem. "Durango Kid", um pistoleiro mascarado que, com ares de Robin Hood, resolve defender todas as pessoas oprimidas da região. Durango é na realidade Bill Lowry (Charles Starrett), um homem íntegro e honesto que deseja ver a justiça novamente imperando naquela terra sem lei.
Frontier Gunlaw
Jim Stewart comes to Mesa City and buys a ranch from publisher Matt Edwards, who is confined to a wheelchair. The area is terrorized by an outlaw gang known as The Phantoms. When Jim's cattle herd is rustled and his ranch foreman Pop Evans killed, he takes an active hand against the gang in his guise as the Durango Kid.
Law of the Canyon
Freight wagons are being stolen and ransomed back to their owners. Government agent Steve Langtry (and his alter ego the Durango Kid) is sent break up the Hood Gang that's behind the robberies.
The Kid from Broken Gun
Charles Starrett makes his final appearance as The Durango Kid, this time as Steve Reynolds, a postal inspector who has gone underground to catch the bad guys. His longtime sidekick, Smiley Burnette appears as an itinerant optometrist who is hardly in the plot line of the film. Jock Mahoney plays Jack Mahoney, an eastern educated dude who has come back home. The Durango Kid teaches Jack how to draw and fire a six-gun, and the two ultimately work together to bring the outlaws to justice.
Carson e Drake descobrem uma caverna de ouro que pertence aos índios que não sabem disso, então eles tentam fomentar uma guerra que vai acabar com os nativos americanos e reivindicar o metal amarelo.
Phantom Valley
The Durango Kid, along with assistance from sidekick Smiley Burnett, investigates a pair of murders that threaten to fuel a range war.
Heading West
Dakota Indian Agent Steve Reynolds receives a copy of the Bonanza City Nuggett from Jim Mallory and reads a story blaming the Durango Kid for recent gold mine raids.
Quando o xerife Jeff Connor, de Powder River, não consegue parar a onda de crimes, seu filho, Larry, escreve para o Durango Kid pedindo ajuda. Taggart, o dono do bar, é o chefe secreto dos fora-da-lei, enquanto o irmão de Connor, Bill, está em conluio com ele. Steve Randall, o Durango Kid, e seu amigo, Smiley Butterbean, chegam a tempo de parar um assalto da diligência, e Steve é nomeado vice-xerife. Taggart tem um de seus homens, Slade, posar como o Durango Kid e enquanto ele está falando com as pessoas da cidade, o resto da gangue saqueia a cidade, e isso de alguma forma danifica o Durango Kid aos olhos de Larry e sua irmã Doris. Steve sugere que o xerife Connor visite o governo sobre um projeto ferroviário, e Taggart instrui Slade e o líder da gangue a matar Connor em sua viagem de volta.