
Sokol Did Not Love Him (1988)

Sokol Did Not Love Him

Gênero : Drama, Guerra

Runtime : 1H 42M

Director : Branko Schmidt


The story begins in a small rural village in Ladimirevci, Eastern Croatia in 1943, where a land owner Sima is helping the Partisan Movement and the official Ustasha regime in order to save the life of his son Beneš, who is enlisted in the German army. Sima doesn't want to let his son fight for the wrong side any more, and doesn't want to give him to the Partisans either, so he hides him in his attic for the time being. The story is interwoven with episodes of Sima trying to muster a beautiful stallion - Sokol - who only answers to his son Beneš and clearly doesn't like his old man.


Fabijan Šovagović
Fabijan Šovagović
Filip Šovagović
Filip Šovagović
Krunoslav Šarić
Krunoslav Šarić
Ivo Gregurević
Ivo Gregurević
Nada Subotić
Nada Subotić
Suzana Nikolić
Suzana Nikolić
Mate Ergović
Mate Ergović
Čič Steva
Đorđe Bosanac
Đorđe Bosanac
Branka Trlin-Matula
Branka Trlin-Matula
Ivo Fici
Ivo Fici
Ankica Dobrić
Ankica Dobrić
Željko Šestić
Željko Šestić
Ljiljana Gener
Ljiljana Gener
Slavko Juraga
Slavko Juraga
Zvonimir Torjanac
Zvonimir Torjanac


Branko Schmidt
Branko Schmidt
Branko Schmidt
Branko Schmidt
Fabijan Šovagović
Fabijan Šovagović


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Sokol Did Not Love Him
The story begins in a small rural village in Ladimirevci, Eastern Croatia in 1943, where a land owner Sima is helping the Partisan Movement and the official Ustasha regime in order to save the life of his son Beneš, who is enlisted in the German army. Sima doesn't want to let his son fight for the wrong side any more, and doesn't want to give him to the Partisans either, so he hides him in his attic for the time being. The story is interwoven with episodes of Sima trying to muster a beautiful stallion - Sokol - who only answers to his son Beneš and clearly doesn't like his old man.
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