
Debt (2004)

Who owes whom?

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Jorge Ernesto Lanata


DEBT is the story of a frantic pursuit: the search for the responsible for the televised cry of hunger of Barbara Flores, an eight-year-old Argentinean girl. Buenos Aires, Washington, the IMF, the World Bank and Davos; corruption and the international bureaucratic lack of interest.


Jorge Ernesto Lanata
Jorge Ernesto Lanata
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Carlos Saúl Menem
Carlos Saúl Menem
María Julia Oliván
María Julia Oliván


Jorge Ernesto Lanata
Jorge Ernesto Lanata
Jorge Ernesto Lanata
Jorge Ernesto Lanata
Juan Pablo Domenech
Juan Pablo Domenech
Andrés G. Schaer
Andrés G. Schaer
Andrés Goldstein
Andrés Goldstein
Daniel Tarrab
Daniel Tarrab
Miguel Abal
Miguel Abal
Director of Photography
José María 'Pigu' Gómez
José María 'Pigu' Gómez
Director of Photography
Andrés G. Schaer
Andrés G. Schaer
Sergio Zóttola
Sergio Zóttola


Trabalho Interno
A crise financeira mundial que aconteceu em 2008, causou a perda de milhões de empregos e casas e mergulhou os Estados Unidos em uma profunda recessão econômica. Matt Damon narra um documentário que fornece uma análise detalhada dos elementos que levaram ao colapso e identifica peças-chave do mundo financeiro e político. O diretor Charles Ferguson realiza uma gama de entrevistas e traça a história dos Estados Unidos para a China para a Islândia e para outros mercados financeiros mundiais.
Requiem for the American Dream
Discurso definitivo com Noam Chomsky, amplamente considerado como o intelectual vivo mais importante, sobre a característica definidora do nosso tempo - a concentração deliberada da riqueza e do poder nas mãos de uns poucos escolhidos.
The Ascent of Money
British historian and author Niall Ferguson explains how big money works today as well as the causes of and solutions to economic catastrophes in this extended version The Ascent of Money documentary. Through interviews with top experts, such as former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and American currency speculator George Soros, the intricate world of finance, including global commerce, banking and lending, is examined thoroughly.
Inequality for All
U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich tries to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap.
Capitalismo: Uma História de Amor
Na sequência do colapso da economia mundial, em 2008, a classe média americana enfrenta atualmente a maior taxa de desemprego dos últimos 26 anos, tendo atingido os dois dígitos (Out/2009). Decidido a encontrar respostas que todos anseiam, Michael Moore entra em ação pedindo explicações ao poder político e às instituições financeiras. Apontando o dedo ao capitalismo, no seu estilo tão característico.
Margin Call - O Dia Antes do Fim
Peter Sullivan (Zachary Quinto), Seth Bregman (Penn Badgley) e Will Emerson (Paul Bettany) trabalham no setor de riscos em uma corretora, que está realizando uma série de demissões. Cerca de 80% do setor em que trabalham foi demitido, entre eles o chefe do trio, Eric Dale (Stanley Tucci). Ao pegar o elevador Eric entrega a Peter um pen drive, que contém algo em que estava trabalhando no momento. O alerta para que tomasse cuidado com o conteúdo chama a atenção de Peter, que fica após o horário de trabalho para dar uma olhada no arquivo. Logo ele descobre que trata-se de uma análise da volatilidade da empresa, que indica que há duas semanas ela ultrapassou e muito o limite de risco o qual pode correr. Desta forma a empresa está prestes a falir, o que provoca uma reunião de emergência com diversos setores da empresa, entre eles seu dono, o acionista John Tuld (Jeremy Irons).
Enron: Os Mais Espertos da Sala
Um estudo sobre um dos maiores escândalos corporativos da história dos Estados Unidos, em que executivos da Enron, a 7ª maior companhia do país, fugiram com bilhões de dólares e deixaram acionistas e investidores sem um único tostão. Através de depoimentos e gravações é mostrada como funcionava a hierarquia interna na Enron.
The True Cost
O colapso de uma fábrica de roupas no Bangladesh, em 24 de abril de 2013, fez capa nos principais meios de comunicação do mundo. Quem nunca se deparou com um “Made in Bangladesh” ou outros países subdesenvolvidos nalguma etiqueta de roupas? Para o cineasta americano Andrew Morgan o impacto foi tão grande que acabou por originar a ideia central para o documentário The True Cost.
A Dama de Ferro
Cinebiografia de Margaret Thatcher, ex-Primeira Ministra britânica, que retrata desde a sua infância até o período mais impopular do seu governo, em 1982, quando ela tentava salvar sua carreira nos 17 dias que antecederam a Guerra das Malvinas.
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? reveals how American corporations orchestrated the dismantling of middle-class prosperity through rampant deregulation, the outsourcing of jobs, and tax policies favoring businesses and the wealthy. The collapse of the U.S. economy is the result of conscious choices made over thirty five years by a small group: leaders of corporations and their elected allies, and the biggest lobbying interest in Washington, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To these individuals, the collapse is not a catastrophe, but rather the planned outcome of their long, patient work. For the rest of the country, it is merely the biggest heist in American history.
O filme leva-nos através de uma extensa entrevista com Michael Ruppert, um ex-policia de Los Angeles que se tornou um jornalista freelance. Ele foi pioneiro ao prever a crise financeira atual numa altura em que a maioria dos analistas em Wall Street e Washington a negava.
O Homem Que Inventou o Natal
Antes de criar a grande obra Um Conto de Natal, o autor Charles Dickens estava sem ideias e precisando de um livro genial para sustentar sua família e retomar sua carreira. Misturando inspirações da vida real com uma imaginação incomparável, ele é capaz de criar personagens inesquecíveis que mudaram o natal para sempre.
O Vidente das Finanças
MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser, used the number pi to predict economic turning points with precision. When some big New York bankers asked him to join the club to help them to take over Russia, he refused to join the manipulation. A few days later the FBI stormed his offices accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi Scheme - an attempt to stop him talking about the real Ponzi Scheme of debts that the US has build up over the years and which he thinks starts to collapse after October 1, 2015, a mayor pi turning point he is predicting.
Park Avenue: Money, Power & The American Dream
If income inequality were a sport, the residents of 740 Park Avenue in Manhattan would all be medalists. This address boasts the highest number of billionaires in the United States.
A Corporação
A partir da polêmica decisão da Suprema Corte de Justiça americana concluindo que uma corporação, aos olhos da lei, é uma "pessoa", são analisados os poderes das grandes corporações no mundo atual. A exploração da mão-de-obra barata no Terceiro Mundo e a devastação do meio ambiente são alguns dos fatos explorados, que entrevistam presidentes de corporações como a Nike, Shell e IBM, além de Noam Chomsky, Milton Friedman e Michael Moore.
Money as Debt II
Bailouts, stimulus packages, debt piled upon debt…Where will it all end? How did we get into a situation where there has never been more material wealth & productivity and yet everyone is in debt to bankers? And now, all of a sudden, the bankers have no money and we the taxpayers, have to rescue them by going even further into debt! Money as debt II explores the baffling, fraudulent and destructive arithmetic of the money system that holds us hostage to a forever growing DEBT… and how we might evolve beyond it into a new era.
Master of the Universe
He was one of Germany's leading investment experts with an income of several million Euros per day. Now, he sits on one of the upper floors of an empty bank building in the middle of Frankfurt, overlooking a skyline of glass and steel. And talks. In an extended mix of a monologue and an in-depth interview, which is as frightening as it is fascinating, he shares his inside knowledge from a megalomaniac parallel world where illusions are the market's hardest currency. Marc Bauder's 'Master of the Universe' is based on meticulous research and provides us with geniune insight into the notoriously secretive and self-protective 'universe' of which our nameless protagonist experiences himself a master. Where other films on the financial meltdown have focused on the epic nature of larger-than-life business, Bauder probes the mentality that made it possible in the first place. A tense drama where psychology meets finance - two things that are more closely linked than you would like to believe.
Roger e Eu
Quando o cineasta realizador de documentários Michael Moore fez seu primeiro trabalho importante, Roger and Me, literalmente niguém acredita nele, e não era para menos: o que se propunha era pedir explicacões a Roger Smith, presidente da General Motors, pelo fechamento de onze fábricas na cidade de Flint (cidade natal de Moore, no estado de Michigan) que deixou 30.000 pessoas sem trabalho. O mais flagrante era que as fábricas automomobilisticas deixavam um superávit milionário. Durante dois anos Moore tentou sem êxito entrevistar Roger Smith mas entretanto fez o retrato de um cidade que um dia foi modelo de bem-estar e entrou na miséria por uma decisão da mesma companhia que a levantou.
The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel
Exposes how companies are desperately rebranding as socially responsible — and how that threatens democratic freedoms.


A Place of One's Own
Moody, atmospheric ghost story starring Mason as a retired tradesman who purchases an old mansion that has been vacant for 40 years because it is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who had died there. Unaware of the mansion's reputation, Mason and his wife Mullen move in and hire a young woman, Lockwood, to keep house. Soon after Lockwood's arrival, strange things begin to happen in the household, and it becomes apparent that she is possessed by the spirit of the dead girl, though Mason scoffs at the idea. On death's door and bedridden, Lockwood asks for the same doctor who treated the woman who died 40 years ago. He arrives and treats her. The next morning Lockwood is cured, and it is revealed by the police that the doctor's dead body was found in his carriage hours before the time Mason claims he arrived to see Lockwood. Convinced that not only the ghost of the girl but that of the doctor as well entered his home, Mason finally believes in the supernatural.
Back to Normandy
A filmmaker returns to Normandy thirty years after a working on a movie based on a local homicide and tries to find the actors who worked on the project.
Love Is Like That
A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their passionate relationship, they resort to robbing an aging actress for money.
Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
I Love Vienna
I love Vienna is a social comedy that explores the clash of cultures and values.
The Forgotten
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain Tom Watkins, the ex-prisoners' CO, begins to suspect that government-man Adam Roth, who is in charge of the debriefing, may be pursuing a hidden agenda that will result in the early deaths of Watkins and the five men under his command.
The Man with the Objective Lens
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
Know Your Mushrooms
KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS follows uber myco visionaries Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans (two of the more expert and unforgettably mercurial characters in the community) as they lead us on a hunt for the wild mushroom and the deeper cultural experiences attached to the mysterious fungi.
House of Ricordi
The film covers a hundred years in the lives of the Ricordi family, the Milan publishing house of the title, and the various composers and other historic personalities, whose careers intersected with the growth of the Ricordi house. It beautifully draws the parallel between the great music of the composers, the historic and social upheavals of their times, as well as the "smaller stories" of the successive generations of Ricordi.
Frankenstein, the Vampire and Company
Two screwballs get mixed up with monsters, mad scientists and vampires.
The White Room
The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, King Boy D and Rockman Rock, try to find and gain access to the mystical White Room. They leave a party at their house and drive in their 1968 US Cop Car through night-time London and the dusty plains of the Sierra Nevada region of Spain. There they face judgement: will they be allowed to enter the White Room? Meanwhile their lawyer David Franks tries to find a loophole to free them from their contract with Eternity.
Emma, Dark Doors
Emma is a teenager when she is the victim of a terrible road accident in London, and needs psychiatric care after she suffers from resulting brain injury. Her mother, Silvia, confines her in the house, and Emma's personality becomes aggressive, leading to a regrettable series of violent deaths.
Paura: Lucio Fulci Remembered - Volume 1
This documentary examines the life and legacy of controversial Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci through interviews with his colleagues, each of whom answers the question, "What is your fondest memory of Lucio Fulci?". The responses are as varied as the people who knew the late writer-director, providing a nuanced look at the man behind such gory grindhouse classics as City of the Living Dead and The House by the Cemetery.
South West 9
Five very different characters are thrown together in one weird, mashed up day. It started out like any other, but 24 hours later everything had changed. South West 9 takes you through the windscreen of the new millenium. The death of idealism, capitalism, religion and hippies. Even the drugs don't work anymore. The 'summer of love' generation have come down and they're ready to riot. Seattle. Stockholm. Paris. Genoa. May Day riots.
Pep Munné is an aging plastic surgeon who falls for a young female assistant (Mariana Anghileri) while attending a medical conference. Soon he begins inventing new reasons to spend more time with her. His wife Cristina (María Barranco) begins meeting with a psychiatrist (Jean Pierre Noher) in order to figure out what is going on in her marriage.
Football Under Cover
David Asmmann's Football Under Cover documents the hard work involved in setting up an exhibition soccer match, known as a "friendly," between a German girls squad and Iranian women's team. In addition to showing how the two groups come from very different cultures, the documentary showcases what playing the game means to the members of both teams, and displays how passionate the fans of these two squads are.
Les prédateurs
In 1988, after much cunning political maneuvering, Loïk Le Floch-Prigent and Alfred Sirven become the chief executives at Elf. They discover a company that runs on kickbacks: in exchange for the oil rights, Elf makes handsome but discreet payoffs to the leaders of African nations. With the tacit complicity of President Mitterrand, and with eventual political and personal interests in mind, the new management takes charge of the slush fund. Within months, Sirven, Le Floch-Prigent and his wife Fatima Belaïd fill their pockets with more than they could ever have imagined.
Chasing Butterflies
Mother stands in for a runaway bride and marries the groom by proxy, then both set out to convince her daughter to reconsider. Later they mistake the missing bride and her companion for two escaped convicts and pursue them with a sex obsessed teenage boy in tow. All paths cross at a remote motel run by a jilted church deacon.
Space Riders
Adrenaline junkie Roger Gilbert leads an otherwise ordinary life until one day he rides to where no man had ridden before.... the planet Stardust 420.
Season of Peace in Paris
A Yugoslavian man meets a woman in Paris, where he has come to do some research, and their mutual attraction leads to a liaison and shared adventures, not many good.