
4 Horror Tales: Dark Forest (2006)

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 1H 39M

Director : Kim Jung-min


A group of friends on a trek in a dark forest begin to die one by one.


Lee Jong-hyuk
Lee Jong-hyuk
Jung Woo-Jin
So E Hyun
So E Hyun
Kim Jung-A
Kim Young-jun
Kim Young-jun
Park Choong-seon
Park Choong-seon
Kim Jung-min
Kim Jung-min
Psycho Killer 3
Choi Seong-min
Choi Seong-min
Lee Seo-yeon
Lee Seo-yeon
Kim Hye-sun
Kim Hye-sun
Oh Jung-won
Oh Jung-won


Kim Jung-min
Kim Jung-min
Ahn Byeong-ki
Ahn Byeong-ki
Kim Jung-min
Kim Jung-min


Espíritos - A Morte Está ao Seu Lado
Thun (Ananda Everingham), um jovem fotógrafo, e sua namorada Jane (Natthaweeranuch Thongmee) atropelam acidentalmente uma pedestre. Eles fogem da cena do crime e retornam às suas vidas normais, em Bangkok. A partir de então Jane passa a ser atormentada por estranhos pesadelos, enquanto que Thun nota que em suas fotos aparecem estranhas figuras, parecidas com fantasmas. O casal decide investigar o fenômeno e encontra outras fotografias com imagens sobrenaturais. Paralelamente os melhores amigos de Thun começam a morrer, um a um, de forma misteriosa.
O Grito 2
Uma atriz conhecida por suas atuações em famosos filmes de terror sofre um enexplicável acidente após ter uma visão arrepiante de uma criança - fantasma e perde o bebê que estava esperando. Quando ela é entrevistada para um programa de TV numa casa tida como mal assombrada, ela tem um mal súbito. A partir daí, todos os que tomaram parte nas filmagens encontraram um fim monstruoso nas mão da temível mulher - fantasma sedenta de vingança.
Espíritos Famintos
Depois de viver em Xangai durante três anos, Sarah (King), o seu marido, Jason (Chen), e o seu filho, Sam (Oye), retornam para a América do Norte para um funeral da família. Mas algo estranho está acontecendo. Sam começa a ver fantasmas e, em seguida, fica gravemente doente. Medicina ocidental tradicional não lhes dão nenhuma esperança. Sarah visita um misterioso farmacêutico que avisa que seu filho está sendo mantido como um morto vivo. Sarah deve descobrir o que os espíritos querem para poder salvar seu filho. O tempo é da essência, uma vez que o sol nasce no dia seguinte, o último dia do mês são dos fantasmas. Eles podem estar perdidos para sempre.
A Vingança do Pontianak
Um casamento em um vilarejo na Malásia tem um convidado indesejado: um fantasma vampiro que quer acertar as contas com o noivo e não vai poupar ninguém pelo caminho.
4 Horror Tales: Dark Forest
A group of friends on a trek in a dark forest begin to die one by one.
A bride-to-be jumps to her death after becoming convinced that a tragic accident has claimed the life of her groom-to-be. But, the end of her life is the beginning of the story when her groom-to-be is alive and his false death turns out to be his and her best friend's plan to get rid of her. Distraught by the betrayal, the spirit of the bride-to-be is craving for vengeance. This production is unusual in that it is a collaboration among twelve different Thai film directors.
Shake, Rattle & Roll V
"MALIGNO" A couple takes a vacation on a secluded island and strange forces are at work that seems to keep them on that island. When her boyfriend suddenly grows ill, Ruffa Gutierrez finds a handsome young man (Monsour del Rosario) in the woods who seems to exhibit magical powers. He offers to cure her sick friend on one condition that she stay with him forever. Will she accept any foods from that handsome man to save her loved one? "ANINO" A family of siblings moves into their new apartment but little did they know of a tragedy that occurred within its walls. A ghost of a murderer manifests itself in a form of a shadow and has now set its sight on them. They need to leave that house before they were killed.
Art student Jeong-hwa (Seo Woo) is moving to a smaller apartment by her school when she trips and falls, breaking a small statue on a box. She bends over to pick up the pieces and notices an amulet the shape of a queer mask and decides to use it for her exhibit assignment. After she moves she hears a weird knocking sound next door. She can’t sleep because of the knocking sound every midnight and starts sketching the amulet. One night, Jeong-hwa comes home late and runs into a strange woman with long tangly hair and barefoot in front of the elevator. She gets off without a word and starts knocking next door. Jeong-hwa is terrified, what is going to happen to her?
Coming Out
A young woman asks her brother to videotape her confession. The brother thinks this is all a joke and unnecessarily ridiculous. The woman nevertheless insists on proceeding on telling on tape what she's been hiding to her family including her brother all along. She is coming out.
Hong Hoon
Directed by Kulp Kaljareuk, this modern adaptation of a classic horror tale revolves around two people whose loved ones die after they get a wax figure shaped like themselves. An investigation into the deaths brings the two together as they seek the truth behind the mystery.
Shake, Rattle & Roll III
A Trilogy-Horror. In "Yaya" a young couple hires a mysterious nanny for their baby. In "Ate" a young woman discovers that her sister has been dead and been made alive again. In "Nanay" a student unwittingly brings home from a beach field trip the egg of a horrible alien monster.
Shake, Rattle & Roll IV
"GURO" Mr. Zerrudo is the newest teacher at Jodie's school. Unfortunately, Jodie discovered that her heartthrob professor transforms into a hideous monster. Jodie must find a way to undo the transformations before the school becomes the monster's prey. "KAPITBAHAY" One by one, the children who play at a neighborhood park are abducted by a Witawit, monstrous-looking creature who lives in the park’s trees. Little Nikkie and yaya Tising try to get to the bottom of the mystery and rescue the abducted children. "MADRE" A homeless family and their neighbors in the city of Manila are plagued by attacks from a Manananggal. A little boy named Teks suspects a nun working at a free clinic, to be that flying creature but no one believes him. Will he be able to prove his suspicions before he becomes the creature's next victim?
Being of Neglected
A young hitchhiker is traveling alone on a lonely road when he meets a mysterious girl pushing a motorcycle. He offers to help her and she starts telling him a story about a ghost who usually appears on that same road.
Stories of Apparitions
A horror anthology focusing on various groups of people who encounter haunted photographs.
A honeymoon is supposed to relaxing, romantic, and fun. But getting one’s marriage off to the right start requires picking the perfect location. The newly married lovebirds at the heart of DIECOVERY get this part all wrong, choosing as their dream getaway a remote part of Thailand where a girl was brutally murdered 25 years before. Unable to seek her revenge in all the years since, the deceased’s restless spirit eagerly awaits their arrival.
Two Heads A Body
Ta has just recently returned to his peaceful home village but now a group of bandits has been causing trouble for the village. The mayor has requested Ta and his friend Saibua to assist in getting rid of this menace. However, on their way, they get ambushed and are decapitated. But even when their heads and bodies are separated, they still have unfinished business to take care of.
A group of Japanese girls forget the number-one rule for avoiding demonic possessions and foolishly use an Ouija board in a house where a murder was committed. Now they've got the spirit and the spirit is definitely out to get them!
Birthday Mail
A nasty new e-mail is making the rounds. It's not just a virus: open this message and you've got 10 days left to live! How does this all connect to a girl who committed suicide 10 years ago, and is there any way to break the deadly e-mail chain? The latest recipients of the lethal love note have 10 days to unravel the answer before their time is up!
Fome Animal
Lionel (Timothy Balme) é um rapaz quieto e reservado. Ele está apaixonado pela doce Paquita (Diana Penalver) e acredita que eles estão destinados a serem felizes para sempre. Sua mãe Vera (Elizabeth Moody) é possessiva e não gosta de imaginar seu filhinho amando outra pessoa. Quando Lionel e Paquita marcam um encontro romântico no zoológico, Vera os segue e acaba sendo mordida por uma criatura que se assemelha a um macaco. Logo, a mulher começa a se tornar um zumbi. A partir daí, Lionel terá de tentar esconder sua mãe do resto da sociedade antes que a praga zumbi se espalhe.
Uma Noite Alucinante: A Morte do Demônio
Cinco estudantes da Universidade de Michigan decidem passar um final de semana em uma casa isolada. Lá eles encontram o livro dos mortos, um documento que data da época da Babilônia e que está relacionado ao livro dos mortos egípcio. Enquanto vasculham a casa os amigos gravam em fita alguns encantamentos demoníacos, escritos no livro. A partir de então eles são possuídos por espíritos, um a um. O primeiro alvo é Cheryl, brutalmente estuprada pelas forças do mal. Ash, seu irmão, resolve levá-la a uma cidade próxima, mas descobre que a única ponte que leva ao local está destruída. Logo a transformação de Cheryl em demônio é concluída, resultando em seu ataque aos amigos.