
Brahman Naman (2016)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 34M

Director : Qaushiq Mukherjee


Quando o time de Quiz da Universidade de Bangalore se prepara para entrar na competição nacional da Índia, eles realizam uma viagem atravessando o país, determinados a derrotar os seus arqui-rivais de Calcutá ao mesmo tempo em que estão desesperadamente tentando perder a virginidade.


Shashank Arora
Shashank Arora
Tanmay Dhanania
Tanmay Dhanania
Chaitanya Varad
Chaitanya Varad
Vaishwath Shankar
Vaishwath Shankar
Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy
Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy
Subholina Sen
Subholina Sen
Anula Navlekar
Anula Navlekar
Sid Mallya
Sid Mallya
Denzil Smith
Denzil Smith
Biswa Kalyan Rath
Biswa Kalyan Rath
Shataf Figar
Shataf Figar
Brian D'Costa
Kartik Iyer
Kartik Iyer
Anisa Butt
Anisa Butt
Amrusha Palchaudhuri
Amrusha Palchaudhuri
Disha Raychaudhuri
Disha Raychaudhuri
Tanaya Saigal
Tanaya Saigal
Mournanjali Balraj
Mournanjali Balraj
Rita's Sister
Kanchan Bhattacharya
Kanchan Bhattacharya
English Professor
Naresh Narasimhan
Naresh Narasimhan
Ramu's Father
Naina's Father
Anirudh Acharya
Anirudh Acharya
Falah Faisal
Falah Faisal
Ashok Mandanna
Ashok Mandanna
Devansh Mathur
Devansh Mathur
Subhojit Sen
Subhojit Sen


Qaushiq Mukherjee
Qaushiq Mukherjee
Naman Ramachandran
Naman Ramachandran
Manas Mittal
Manas Mittal
Tarun Bhandari
Tarun Bhandari
Sound Designer
John R. Herbert
John R. Herbert
Celine Loop
Celine Loop
Steve Barron
Steve Barron
Elaine J. Constantine
Elaine J. Constantine
Co-Executive Producer
Dina Dattani
Dina Dattani
Co-Executive Producer
Alex Dunnett
Alex Dunnett
Erica Emm
Erica Emm
Executive Producer
Hani Farsi
Hani Farsi
Executive Producer
Madalena Hudson
Madalena Hudson
Executive Producer
Statten Roeg
Statten Roeg
Associate Producer
Scott Roughgarden
Scott Roughgarden
Co-Executive Producer
Angeline-Rose Troy
Angeline-Rose Troy
Co-Executive Producer
Debbie Vandermeulen
Debbie Vandermeulen
Executive Producer
Miti Adhikari
Miti Adhikari
Music Producer
Neel Adhikari
Neel Adhikari
Qaushiq Mukherjee
Qaushiq Mukherjee
Director of Photography
Siddhartha Nuni
Siddhartha Nuni
Director of Photography
Nalini Rathnam
Nalini Rathnam
Tabasheer Zutshi
Tabasheer Zutshi
Art Direction
David Scherer
David Scherer


The Deceivers
India, 1825: the country lives in mortal fear of cult members known as the “Deceivers." They commit robbery and ritualistic murder. Appalled by their activities, an English military man, Captain William Savage, conceives a hazardous plot to stop them. In disguise, he plans to himself become a “Deceiver” and infiltrate their numbers. Ever present in Savage’s adventures is a sense of dread; he is in constant fear of betrayal and vengeance and also undergoes a disturbing psychological transformation as he experiences the cult’s blood lust firsthand.
When a newlywed American couple goes to India on their honeymoon, little do they realize that they are about to go on the adventure of a lifetime. A huge ruby from the time of the Indian Maharajas has been stolen and placed in the backpack of the Americans. When the bad guys realize this, they kidnap the wife... Now the husband and his Indian friend (played by a famous Tamil Indian actor) must go out to save her.
The Fearless Freaks
Equal parts punk and psychedelia, the Flaming Lips emerged from Oklahoma City as one of the most bracing bands of the late 1980s. The Fearless Freaks documents their rise from Butthole Surfers-imitating noisemakers to grand poobahs of orchestral pop masterpieces. Filmmaker Bradley Beesely had the good fortune of living in the same neighborhood as lead Lip Wayne Coyne, who quickly enlisted his buddy to document his band's many concerts and assorted exploits. The early footage is a riot, with tragic hair styles on proud display as the boys attempt to cover up their lack of natural talent with sheer volume. During one show, they even have a friend bring a motorcycle on stage, which is then miked for sound and revved throughout the performance, clearing the club with toxic levels of carbon monoxide. Great punk rock stuff. Interspersed among the live bits are interviews with the band's family and friends, revealing the often tragic circumstances of their childhoods and early career.
Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai
A tale of two gangsters from the eras of past and present, whose lives enter parallel paths as they struggle to survive within Bombay's criminal underworld.
As Aventuras de um Virgem
Matt é virgem e seus amigos estão determinados em documentar sua primeira relação sexual. Para tanto se preparam para filmar a perda da virgindade de Matt com Nicole, sua namorada. Só que ela não gosta nem um pouco de saber que está sendo gravada. Agora Matt precisa enfrentar duas situações: tornar-se um homem e reconquistar Nicole.
Paris Is Burning
Documentário filmado em meados dos anos 80 e só finalizado em 1990. "Paris is Burning" é uma crônica sobre a "ball culture" de New York e as minorias culturais que participavam e organizavam este evento: comunidade homossexual latina e afro-americana. Ball Culture foi uma "cena underground" muito específica, onde se misturava desfile de moda com habilidades de dança como o breakstreet, movimentos hieróglifos do Antigo Egito e ginástica olímpica. A enigmática cantora-performer Grace Jones utilizou desta cena para compôr seu estilo.
Paul: O Alien Fugitivo
Dois aficionados por ficção científica querem descobrir o que se encontra na infame Área 51 em Nevada e acabam encontrando um alienígena em fuga.
O Menino e o Elefante
Robert Flaherty and Zoltán Korda shared best director honors at the Venice Film Festival for collaborating on this charming translation of Rudyard Kipling’s “Jungle Book” story “Toomai of the Elephants.” A harmonious mix of the two filmmakers’ styles, Flaherty's adeptness at ethnographic documentary meeting Korda's taste for grand adventure, ELEPHANT BOY also served as the breakthrough showcase for the thirteen-year-old Sabu, whose beaming performance as a young mahout leading the British on an expedition made him a major international star.
Bonnie Scotland
Stan and Ollie stow away to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. When things don't quite turn out that way, they unwittingly enlist in the Scottish army and are posted to India.
Lanceiros da Índia
In the Northwest Frontier of India, the 41st Bengal Lancers leaded by the harsh Colonel Tom Stone are having trouble with the rebellious leader Mohammed Khan. After two casualties, the experienced but insubordinate Lieutenant Alan McGregor receives as replacement, the arrogant Lieutenant Forsythe and the immature son of Colonel Stone, Lieutenant Donald Stone. With the intention to prove that he will not have any privilege in the troop, the reception of Colonel Stone to his son is absolutely cold, but he becomes the protégé of McGregor. When Lieutenant Stone is kidnapped by Mohammed Khan, McGregor and Forsythe disobey the direct order of their commander, disguise as Indian peddlers and go to Khan's fortress to attempt to rescue their friend
Almôndegas 3
Rudy é um rapaz tímido que vai passar o verão numa colônia de férias decidido a perder a virgindade. Seu jeito desengonçado, porém, só consegue metê-lo em confusões. Mas a situação começa a mudar quando o fantasma da atriz pornô Roxy Dujour aparece para lhe dar dicas de como conquistar as mulheres. Além disso, ela repagina o visual nerd do garoto e o ensina a colocar um salame dentro da calça para aumentar a "segurança", por assim dizer.
True Blue
The story of the year the Oxford and Cambridge boat race changed from a gentleman's race to one where winning was everything.
The Drum
Set in the India of the British Raj, the evil and untrustworthy Prince Guhl (Raymond Massey) plans to wipe out the British troops as they enjoy the hospitality of Guhl's spacious palace. It's up to the loyal young Prince Azim (Sabu) to warn the troops of Guhl's treachery by tapping out a message on his drum.
Natale in India
Destinies intertwined for two antithetical people who meet during a trip to India, where lots of misunderstandings and funny situations will take place.
Corações Instáveis
Recentemente saído de uma relação, Caleb torna-se desdenhoso em relação às mulheres e faz questão de o mostrar como se fosse uma medalha de honra. Mas a sua atitute é posta à prova quando o seu irmão mais novo Peter chega a casa na companhia da sua nova namorada Emma, de quem Caleb desconfia imediatamente. Os seus esforços para proteger o irmão tornam-se infrutíferos quando ele próprio começa a sentir-se atraído por Emma. Estes sentimentos inesperados forçam Caleb a confrontar as vulnerabilidades que o atormentam há muito...
Comer Orar Amar
Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) é uma mulher moderna que, após o divórcio, decide fazer uma viagem pelo Mundo, de modo a redescobrir-se a si própria. Retira-se do trabalho pelo período de um ano e entra numa zona de risco, de forma a mudar a sua vida. Nos lugares exóticos que visita, ela vive o simples prazer de comer em Itália, sente o poder de rezar na Índia e, inesperadamente, descobre o amor em Bali.
Her Minor Thing
Jeana does IT for the Sacramento Fire Department. She and Tom, a self-confident local TV news reporter, are about to go on a cruise to Rio when he lets slip on TV that she is a virgin. It's a slow news week, so this becomes a story: the media pursue Jeana, she breaks up with Tom and wants the tickets or her cruise money back, and Tom can't believe she's serious. Her path crosses that of Paul, a photographer recently arrived from Texas who's also Tom's cameraman; he's had six serious relationships that have ended with his heart broken. A triangle of sorts develops. Will Jeana end up with either man? Will she end up on the cruise? And what about that minor thing?
O ano é 1984 e Michael Jackson é rei até em Waihau Bay, Nova Zelândia. Aqui encontramos Boy, um garoto de 11 anos, que vive numa fazenda com sua Avó, uma cabra e seu irmão mais novo, Rocky, que acha que tem poderes mágicos. Pouco depois de sua Avó sair por uma semana, o Pai de Boy, Alamein, aparece do nada. Tendo imaginado uma versão heroica de seu Pai durante sua ausência, Boy fica cara a cara com a versão real de um bandido incompetente que voltou para encontrar um pacote de dinheiro que havia enterrado anos atrás. É aí onde entra a cabra.
Hey Babu Riba
In 1985, four middle-aged Yugoslav emigres return to Belgrade for the funeral of Mariana, their beautiful compatriot. They called her Esther, for Esther Williams, she was the coxswain for their four-man rowing team, and they each loved her. They'd last seen her in 1953, when they rowed her across the Adriatic, pregnant, to join her exiled father in Italy. In flashbacks we learn the story of their youthful baptism into sex, smoking, rock and roll (Hey Ba-ba-re-bop), Hollywood and Swedish films, blue jeans on the black market, and their rivalry with Ristic, the Communist Party youth leader for whom they had instant antipathy.
Deixe-me Entrar
Owen é um garoto solitário, que vive com a mãe e é sempre provocado pelos valentões da escola. Um dia ele conhece, perto de sua casa, Abby. Sempre nas sombras, ela aos poucos de aproxima de Owen e logo se tornam amigos. Só que Abby possui um segredo: ela é muito mais velha que sua aparência indica e necessita de sangue para sobreviver. Para consegui-lo, seu acompanhante realiza assassinatos na surdina, de forma a retirar o sangue das vítimas e levá-lo para Abby.