
The Victim of the House of Pride (1976)

Gênero : Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 2H 20M


A Kuwaiti comedy play that revolves around Saif, a loyal and diligent worker whom experiences difficulties at home which lead to disastrous results.


Saad Al-Faraj
Saad Al-Faraj
عبدالرحمن أبوطبر
Abdulhussain Abdulredha
Abdulhussain Abdulredha
Abdel Aziz Al Namash
Abdel Aziz Al Namash
Esteqlal Ahmad
Esteqlal Ahmad
Majid Sultan
Majid Sultan
مازن الأمين
Sameer Al-Qallaf
Sameer Al-Qallaf
Lamia Khattab
Lamia Khattab



National Theatre Live: Frankenstein
Childlike in his innocence but grotesque in form, Frankenstein’s bewildered creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horror-struck maker. Meeting with cruelty wherever he goes, the friendless Creature, increasingly desperate and vengeful, determines to track down his creator and strike a terrifying deal. Urgent concerns of scientific responsibility, parental neglect, cognitive development and the nature of good and evil are embedded within this thrilling and deeply disturbing tale.
National Theatre Live: Coriolanus
When an old adversary threatens Rome, the city calls once more on her hero and defender: Coriolanus. But he has enemies at home too. Famine threatens the city, the citizens’ hunger swells to an appetite for change, and on returning from the field Coriolanus must confront the march of realpolitik and the voice of an angry people.
Três Reis
Em março de 1991, foi assinado o cessar-fogo na Guerra do Golfo. Em meio às comemorações no acampamento norte-americano, um mapa é descoberto junto a um dos prisioneitos iraquianos. Mostrando a rota de um tesouro enterrado no deserto do Iraque, quatro soldados americanos resolvem partir em sua busca.
Soldado Anônimo
Swoff (Jake Gyllenhaal) é a terceira geração de sua família a servir ao exército. Ele passa pelo campo de treinamento antes de ser designado para lutar no Iraque, onde precisa carregar seu fuzil e cerca de 50 quilos de equipamento nas costas através de desertos escaldantes. Estando em local que não entende, lutando contra um inimigo que não consegue ver e sem entender direito o porquê de estar ali, Swoff e seus companheiros de batalhão sobrevivem à adversidade local usando o humor negro e o sarcasmo.
National Theatre Live: John
Lloyd Newson interviewed more than 50 men asking them frank questions, initially about love and sex. One of those men was John.
National Theatre Live: Man and Superman
Academy Award® nominee Ralph Fiennes (The English Patient, Schindler’s List, Oedipus at the National Theatre) plays Jack Tanner in this exhilarating reinvention of Shaw’s witty, provocative classic. Jack Tanner, celebrated radical thinker and rich bachelor, seems an unlikely choice as guardian to the alluring heiress, Ann. But she takes it in her assured stride and, despite the love of a poet, she decides to marry and tame this dazzling revolutionary. Tanner, appalled by the whiff of domesticity, is tipped off by his chauffeur and flees to Spain, where he is captured by bandits and meets The Devil. An extraordinary dream-debate, heaven versus hell, ensues. Following in hot pursuit, Ann is there when Tanner awakes, as fierce in her certainty as he is in his. A romantic comedy, an epic fairytale, a fiery philosophical debate, Man and Superman asks fundamental questions about how we live.
O Candidato da Verdade
Bennett Marco é um oficial americano com problemas de insónias, que sofreu uma emboscada no deserto do Kuwait, da qual foi salvo pelo heroísmo do sargento Raymond Shaw. À noite, todavia, os pesadelos de Marco revelam-lhe indícios sinistros de que a verdadeira história daquela emboscada tem outra explicação que não a oficialmente aceite e que Raymond Shaw não é o herói impoluto que parece.
Based on the 1891 short story by Rabindranath Tagore, follows life of a caretaker whose life is disturbed due to a single act of carelessness.
Os Homens Que Encaravam Cabras
Bob Wilton é um repórter que tenta se perder de propósito dentro de uma guerra para que ele termine um casamento, mas ele conhece um agente das forças especiais, que revela a existência de uma unidade psíquica militar cujo objetivo é acabar com a guerra.
O Apartamento
Emad e Rana são casados e encenam a montagem da peça teatral "A Morte de um Caixeiro Viajante", de Arthur Miller. Um dia, eles são surpreendidos com o alerta para que eles e todos os moradores do prédio em que vivem deixem o local imediatamente. O problema é que, devido a uma obra próxima, todo o prédio corre o risco de desabamento. Diante deste problema, Emad e Rana passam a morar, provisoriamente, em um apartamento emprestado. É lá que Rana é surpreendida com a entrada de um estranho no banheiro, justamente quando está tomando banho. O susto faz com que ela se machuque seriamente e vá parar no hospital. Entretanto, é o trauma do ocorrido que afeta, cada vez mais, suas vidas.
Quatro Vidas de um Cachorro
Um cachorro morre e reencarna várias vezes na Terra. Embora encontre novas pessoas e viva muitas aventuras, ele mantém o sonho de reencontrar Ethan, o seu primeiro dono, que sempre foi seu maior amigo.
O Touro Ferdinando
Ferdinando é um touro com um temperamento calmo e tranquilo, que prefere sentar-se embaixo de uma árvore e relaxar ao invés de correr por aí bufando e batendo cabeça com os outros. A medida que vai crescendo, ele se torna forte e grande, mas com o mesmo pensamento. Quando cinco homens vão até sua fazenda para escolher o melhor animal para touradas em Madri, Ferdinando é selecionado acidentalmente.
Em Busca da Terra do Nunca
J.M. Barrie (Johnny Depp) é um bem-sucedido autor de peças teatrais, que apesar da fama que possui está enfrentando problemas com seu trabalho mais recente, que não foi bem recebido pelo público. Em busca de inspiração para uma nova peça, Barrie a encontra ao fazer sua caminhada diária pelos jardins Kensington, em Londres. É lá que ele conhece a família Davies, formada por Sylvia (Kate Winslet), que enviuvou recentemente, e seus quatro filhos. Barrie logo se torna amigo da família, ensinando às crianças alguns truques e criando histórias fantásticas para eles, envolvendo castelos, reis, piratas, vaqueiros e naufrágios. Inspirado por esta convivência, Barrie cria seu trabalho de maior sucesso: Peter Pan.
Birdman ou (A Inesperada Virtude da Ignorância)
Esperando ser levado a sério, Riggan Thomson, uma estrela envelhecida conhecida por interpretar um super-herói, tenta organizar uma peça da Broadway. Mas com as dificuldades da produção e a aproximação da noite de abertura, ele deve confrontar sua família, sua carreira e seu ego.
Shrek, o Terceiro
Quando Shrek se casou com Fiona a última coisa que estava nos seus planos era tornar-se Rei. Mas quando o seu sogro morre, o ogre vê-se na iminência de ficar com o trono. Sentindo-se pouco adequado para reinar, parte em busca de Artur, um primo distante de Fiona que pode ser a alternativa na sucessão. Porém, enquanto ele viaja em busca de um novo rei, há forças maléficas em movimento, dispostas a ameaçar Shrek e Fiona, bem mais perto do que eles imaginam.
Cinquenta Tons Mais Escuros
Incomodada com os hábitos e atitudes de Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan), Anastasia (Dakota Johnson) decide terminar o relacionamento e focar no desenvolvimento de sua carreira. O desejo, porém, fala mais alto e ela logo volta aos joguinhos do empresário, sendo que, aos poucos, passa a compreender melhor os jogos sexuais que ele tanto aprecia.
Nerve: Um Jogo Sem Regras
A estudante Vee, pressionada pelos amigos, decide participar do jogo online Nerve, que faz desafios reais aos seus jogadores. Porém, o jogo toma um rumo assustador e, ao chegar no estágio final, Vee precisa tomar decisões que irão determinar o seu futuro.
Motivada por vingança e o desejo feroz de proteger seu reino, Malévola cruelmente coloca uma maldição irrevogável na filha recém-nascida do rei dos humanos, Aurora. Conforme cresce, Aurora enfrenta um conflito fervente entre o reino da floresta, local onde ela cresceu e ama, e o reino humano, que mantém o seu legado. Malévola percebe que Aurora pode ser a chave para a paz no reino e é forçada a tomar medidas drásticas que mudarão para sempre os dois mundos.
Kick-Ass: Quebrando Tudo
Usando sua paixão por histórias em quadrinhos, o adolescente Dave Lizewski decide se reinventar como super-herói, apesar da total falta de poderes especiais. O adolescente arruma uma fantasia, batiza-se de "Kick-Ass" e começa a combater o crime com a ajuda de amigos justiceiros.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Para recuperar a coroa que foi roubada do Império Cristal, Twilight persegue o ladrão e acaba descobrindo um mundo paralelo. Lá, ela se transforma em uma adolescente e precisa frequentar a escola.


Silent Sons
A Kuwaiti play talks about the life of Kuwaitis in the years of poverty experienced by Kuwaitis before the economic boom in the seventies, and discusses work in a comic framework of economic and social problems, including poverty, education, and health, by dealing with the stories of work heroes.
Bu Saleh's House
Umm Salih is an authoritarian woman who controls the home and Abu Salih, and she has the first and last word in the house and the situation continues like this until her husband's nephew Ahmed is discharged from the mental hospital, as he returned to avenge his uncle's wife or Salih because it was the reason he entered the hospital, and before that he had suffered a lot from Injustice and domination. He continued to claim madness to reveal many of the secrets that occur in the house to his uncle, which made him regain control of the house, but after his daughter Hoda was lost with a young man.
On the Tabrizi Wing followed by Quffa
The play deals with two characters of the Thousand and One Nights, from which the author formulated a separate story to address a specific purpose
The Bachelor of Salmiya
Hilal Haji Ramadan is a single person in Salmiya who is a reckless and wasteful person, which leads not to multiply debts on him and chasing his debtors, and he has a friend who is a doctor close to him, but on the contrary, he is a human being, a messenger and a shark lover. A day will come and meet Hilal his princess while she falls in the Salmiya market, and her princess is the beautiful rich girl. He falls in love with her, and the irony lies in that she herself is his fiancée, his close friend, and the events continue until the princess admires Hilal and his opposite personality of his friend and falls in love with Hilal.
Elect Mother of Ali
A Kuwaiti comedy play that talks about the period that followed the liberation of Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion. The play cynically dealt with the issue of women entering the political battlefield through Umm Ali (Ansar Al-Sharah) mother, wife and housewife who decides to run in the parliamentary elections and faces many problems and strange situations .
Al-Manakh Knights
The first Gulf economic play centered on an issue that affected members of Kuwaiti society, which sparked widespread controversy between Kuwaiti society and the Gulf community in general, and the issue was the "Al Manakh Market" crisis in 1982, which ended in losses exceeding $ 22 billion. Where the story tells about the second oil boom of the Gulf states at the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century AD where the price of oil increased continuously until the Gulf countries recorded large financial surpluses, so the money poured into the stock market significantly until it opened a stock trading office in a semi-parallel office and was named a market "Al Manakh" in which money flowed greatly from almost all segments of Kuwaiti society and even foreign residents and some individuals from the Gulf states and increased frantic speculation and increased buying and selling for the future until it reached astronomical numbers.
The Sword of the Arabs
The play deals in a social comic framework, the period of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and what was experienced by Kuwaitis and Iraqis alike during the aggression period, through the social changes that occurred in both societies in that period.
Tchau, Londres
Com um olhar satírico, esta peça conta a história de um empresário rico do Kuwait que viaja para Londres e encontra uma série de personagens excêntricos.
30 Days of Love
Kuwaiti play, presented on April 19, 1973. Her story revolves around Dalal, the spoiled girl who is in love with the pharmacist Fahd, who asked Dalal's father to represent her for 30 days.
The Clock Turned
To reject sectarianism, and called for non-discrimination. In this play that presented in the theatrical season 1985-1986 and embodied the character of Abu Abdullah,two students struggle at the university (Jassem Al-Nabhan and Abdul Nasser Al-Zayer), one of whom is from the Sunni and the other is Shiee.
Dr. Sunhat
The play tells the story of a Bedouin family consisting of the father of Umbriek, the mother of (Intisar Al-Sharah) and the sons of (Abdul Rahman Al-Aql) and (Muhammad Al-Ajimi), waiting for their elder son Sanhaat (Ahmed Jawhar [?]) Who was sent abroad to study for the doctorate, but was surprised by his return and accompanied him His foreign wife (Abeer al-Jundi), which is difficult to adapt to customs and traditions, the family always relies on consulting uncle Abu Muslafah (Ghanem Al-Saleh) who, along with Dr. Sunhat's father, is trying to find a suitable job for their son, Dr. Sunhat, to be shocked by obstacles that prevent him from the job.
The Joy of a Nation
A Kuwaiti social comedy play presented to the leaders of the Gulf states at the Gulf Summit in 1985, which was written by Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Ridha, a satirical play that discusses family issues, family bonding and religious extremism, the play talks about the loss of children and the home, neglect of parents, and who is responsible for that.
The Minister’s wife
Her Excellency the Minister wife , a black comedy that reflects aspects of our bitter reality. There is no doubt that the theatrical drama since the first manifestation of its manifestation until now has not changed the law that Aristotle planned and codified for him, in addition to its dependence on the availability of the requirements of the dramatic conflict whereby he adopted the necessity of events and drew visions through beauty tools The technician is known, however, that the concept of conflict is beginning to change
Hello Bangkok
A social comedy play that shows what some young people do when traveling to some countries, where Saleh traveled with his owner - Bo Obaid to Bangkok, lying to his father Bousaleh on the pretext of searching for his son, but the son comes from London as soon as the father goes to the airport Bou Saleh and his grandson travel with the family of Sahib Saleh - Bou Obeid. Upon their arrival, the police in Bangkok arrest the grandson of Abu Saleh, why did the Bangkok police arrest the grandson of Bou Saleh? Is what Saleh said is true?
Home Protector
A political and social play in which the old narrator preaches and guides during the Iran-Iraq war, the bombings that occurred in Kuwait and the attempted assassination of the Emir of the State of Kuwait during that period, and the clear difference in opinions between support for stopping the war on Iran and the positions of the President of Iraq.
Bye Bye Arab
Kuwaiti social theatrics speaks about the life of the Arab citizen and his quest for Arab unity through the personality of (Arabs) who helps (genie Morgan) by going with him on a journey to reunite and unite the Arabs, but he is shocked by a bitter reality with which it is impossible to achieve this dream.
Demons of the Friday night
Demons of the Friday night, written by Saqr Al-Rashoud and Abdul Aziz Al-Sorayai, which was presented in 1973 by the production of the Arab Gulf Theater in Kuwait, a play with satirical critical positions that highlights many negatives in society in the form of critical paintings and these positions are the right man, the government routine, and what is going on in Some government ministries and the Kuwaiti employee who works and who do not work, spoke about Article 206, which prohibits the sale of alcohol and the reality of what is happening in hotels, as well as spoke about democracy and the National Assembly elections, Kuwait's political position on Arab and international issues and the shortcomings of the local press.
Patience has limits
An Old traditional Kuwaiti Family, facing and new wife comes to home from Egypt as home maid, this is when the jealousy start between the old wife and the new maid.
Kuwait in 2000
"Kuwait in 2000" is a Kuwaiti comedy play that explores the future of Kuwait during, and after the decline of oil, produced on February 5, 1965
Representative of The People
The Play Speaks about the problems during the 80’s during the parliament elections and the difficulties the people are facing in the State of Kuwait