
Trouble at Midnight (1937)

HE KISSED THE RACKET'S GOODBYE! - to kiss a girl "hello"!

Gênero : Crime, Ação

Runtime : 1H 9M

Director : Ford Beebe
Escritor : Maurice Geraghty, Ford Beebe


Noah Beery Jr. stars as Kirk Cameron in the modern-day western Trouble at Midnight. Freshly discharged from WWI, Cameron goes into the dairy-farming business, only to be hounded by his chief creditor, flint-hearted banker Everett Benson (Charles Halton). Despite his uncharitable feelings for Benson, Cameron falls in love with Catherine (Catherine Hughes), the banker's daughter.


Noah Beery Jr.
Noah Beery Jr.
Kirk Cameron
Kay Hughes
Kay Hughes
Catherine Benson (as Catherine Hughes)
Larry J. Blake
Larry J. Blake
Tony Michaels (as Larry Blake)
Bernadene Hayes
Bernadene Hayes
Louis Mason
Louis Mason
Earl Dwire
Earl Dwire
Henry Goff
Charles Halton
Charles Halton
Everett Benson
Frank Melton
Frank Melton
Frank Cordeen
Henry Hunter
Henry Hunter
Dick Cameron
George Humbert
George Humbert
Harlan Briggs
Harlan Briggs
Edward Hearn
Edward Hearn
Harry C. Bradley
Harry C. Bradley


Ford Beebe
Ford Beebe
Maurice Geraghty
Maurice Geraghty
Ford Beebe
Ford Beebe


Nem Que a Vaca Tussa
A fazenda Caminho do Paraíso está em pânico, pois uma ação de despejo ameaça acabar com o local. Temendo ir para o matadouro, os animais da fazenda decidem ajudar a dona a conseguir a quantia necessária para pagar a hipoteca. O alvo escolhido pelo grupo é o perigoso bandido Alameda Slim, que tem uma grande recompensa reservada para quem capturá-lo.
A Resistência de Inga
Em uma pequena cidade rural da Islândia, Inga ganha a vida produzindo laticínios em sua fazenda. Ela decide se rebelar contra uma poderosa cooperativa local, que é corrupta e monopoliza o mercado, e, para isso, tenta convencer os outros fazendeiros a se unirem a ela nessa empreitada, mas encontra grande resistência. Inga, então, precisa achar sozinha os meios de se ver livre da empresa e viver a vida da sua própria maneira.
The First Season
Paul and Phyllis van Amburgh, believing that a small, family farm is the best place to raise their children, take their life savings and buy a defunct dairy. With three children and a fourth on the way and armed only with their principles and determination, they fight to defy the odds as they become full time farmers. THE FIRST SEASON, through an intimate, cinema verite style, bears witness to the Van Amburgh's struggle as they fight against relentless toil, financial ruin and the harsh reality of diary farming to achieve their version of the American dream.
Charley on the Farm
A cartoon from Pat Sullivan featuring Charley Chaplin.