
Um Lobo em Pele de Cordeiro (2016)

You can be whatever you want. The main thing is you remain yourself!

Gênero : Aventura, Animação, Comédia, Família, Fantasia, Romance

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Maksim Volkov, Andrey Galat


Um lobo entre as ovelhas "nos leva a uma terra mágica agora, em um prado calmo onde ovelhas podem viver sem preocupações". Mas os problemas começam a aparecer quando um bloco de lobo está instalado nas proximidades.


Elizaveta Boyarskaya
Elizaveta Boyarskaya
Bianca (voice)
Sergei Bezrukov
Sergei Bezrukov
Magra (voice)
Yuriy Galtsev
Yuriy Galtsev
Zico (voice)
Nikita Prozorovsky
Nikita Prozorovsky
Belgur (voice)
Andrew Barkhudarov
Andrew Barkhudarov
Earless (voice)
Alexander Petrov
Alexander Petrov
Grey (voice)
Yuri Tarasov
Yuri Tarasov
Andrey Rozhkov
Andrey Rozhkov
Tatyana Shitova
Tatyana Shitova
Diomid Vinogradov
Diomid Vinogradov
Ekaterina Ivanchikova
Ekaterina Ivanchikova
Дмитрий Филимонов
Дмитрий Филимонов
Irina Vilenkina
Irina Vilenkina
Denis Vilenkin
Denis Vilenkin
Yury Menshagin
Yury Menshagin
Oleg Morozov
Oleg Morozov
Ekaterina Semenova
Ekaterina Semenova


Maksim Volkov
Maksim Volkov
Andrey Galat
Andrey Galat
Maksim Sveshnikov
Maksim Sveshnikov
Neil Landau
Neil Landau
Tikhon Kornev
Tikhon Kornev
Vadim Sveshnikov
Vadim Sveshnikov
Sergei Selyanov
Sergei Selyanov
Vladimir Nikolaev
Vladimir Nikolaev
Yury Moskvin
Yury Moskvin
Alexandre Lessertisseur
Alexandre Lessertisseur

Cartazes e fundos



As Aventuras de Peabody e Sherman
Sr. Peabody é um magnata de negócios, inventor, cientista, ganhador do prêmio Nobel, chef, duas vezes medalhista olímpico e gênio... Que também é um cachorro. Usando a sua engenhosa invenção, a máquina WABAC, o Sr. Peabody e seu filho adotivo, Sherman, viajam no tempo para vivenciar eventos que mudaram o mundo em primeira mão e interagir com as maiores personalidades da história. Mas quando Sherman quebra as regras da viagem no tempo, nossos dois heróis entrarão em uma corrida para reparar a história e salvar o futuro, enquanto Sr. Peabody enfrenta o maior desafio de sua vida - ser pai.
Little Tora, The Abandoned Cat
A family of cats find an abandoned kitten and take him in to their home. But one of the siblings becomes jealous about the attention the new cat gets from her mother and runs away from home. The new member of the family goes looking for her. Can he bring her back home safely and get her to accept him as part of the family?
A young teenage girl tries to help a small, purple-colored, jive-talking alligator escape from the clutches of a greedy carnival owner as well as as assortment of various characters so he can be reunited with his owner.
Absolutamente Impossível
Neil (Simon Pegg), um professor desiludido com a vida, vê sua vida mudar após ser atropelado por uma van e ser atingido por um raio alienígena que lhe dá poderes mágicos. Com eles, Neil pode fazer tudo que quiser: desde calar a boca de seus alunos até ressuscitar pessoas! O problema é saber utilizar as palavras certas para conseguir o que ele quer. O uso dessas novas habilidades vai gerar uma série de confusões.
Mickey's Good Deed
Mickey is playing Christmas carols on a standup bass for change. Alas, all he gets is screws, rocks, and other useless stuff. He plays outside a rich man's window, and the spoiled brat kid inside decides he wants Pluto. Mickey isn't selling, but when his bass gets destroyed by a passing sleigh and he sees a house full of orphans with no presents, he changes his mind. Mickey plays Santa to the kids. Meanwhile, the brat has been torturing Pluto; his father finally has enough and throws Pluto out and spanks the child. Pluto and Mickey are reunited, and as a bonus, the kid has tied the Christmas turkey to Pluto's tail. (Also included: Chip an' Dale 1947, Lend a Paw 1941)
Tora-chan's Clang Clang Bug
Tora-chan and Miike are working on the side of a tuna steamship and manage to run afoul of the short-tempered captain. But the captain makes plenty of trouble on his own!
Torachan and the Bride
Tora-chan and Miike and playing while their big sister prepares for her wedding. Just then a letter arrives; it's from Grandfather, who writes that he won't allow the wedding as long as he lives! Bride and groom rush to the church to get married before the old cat can stop them, but his boat has just arrived! Can Tora-chan and Miike keep him distracted long enough for their sister's happy day to go uninterrupted?
Drag-A-Long Droopy
An "absolutely authentic account of the grazing land battles of the sheep and cattle wars of the early west," pitting sheep rancher Droopy against a cattle ranching wolf.
Sammy: A Grande Fuga
Amigos desde a infância, as tartarugas marinhas Sammy e Ray vão tocando suas longas vidas numa boa até o dia em que seus netinhos recém nascidos correm perigo e todos acabam sendo capturados juntos. Durante o trajeto para Dubai, os dois pequenos conseguem fugir, mas os adultos acabam indo parar dentro de um imenso aquário, servindo de atração a milhares de turistas. Lá dentro, o espaço é comandado pelo cavalo marinho Big Boss, um cara marrento que vive inventando uns planos de fuga que acabam não dando certo, mas tartaruguinhas são espertas e com os novos amigos que fizeram do lado de fora da "prisão" vão tentar ajudar seus avôs a escapar dos seres humanos que os prenderam. Será que a ideia das pequeninas vai realmente funcionar?
Heritage of the Desert
A young man must defend his land from claim jumpers in this adaptation of the popular Zane Grey novel.
Old Fangs
Old Fangs is a story about a young man in the shape of a small wolf (referred to as Wolf), being confused and frustrated about his childhood. He has very fond memories of his father and his very early life living isolated in the forest, with his whole family. His father, as the young Wolf remembers it, was a very strong person, a loner, but responsible, skilled and brave. The classical father figure.
Procurando Dory
Amigável, porém esquecida, Dory começa uma busca por seus pais há muito perdidos, e todo mundo aprende alguma coisa sobre o real significado da família ao longo da jornada.
White Fang
After failing to sell the skins he has achieved, Grey Beaver Hunter accepts some gold in exchange for his faithful dog White Fang. The new owner holds and mistreats the dog to infuriate and use in illegal dog fighting. In one of the White Fang fights suffer serious injuries. An animal advocate stopped the fight and White Fang takes to heal the wounds.
Na trama, Paddington, que é um dos personagens mais conhecidos da Inglaterra, chega do Peru e é detido na estação de mesmo nome em Londres. Perseguido por uma perversa taxidermista, ele conhece a família Brown, que lhe oferece carinho e abrigo.
The Secret of Magic Island
The carnival is coming to town! Unfortunately, the Good Fairy's wand is stolen by the diabolical Black Troll. And he turns The Poet's girlfriend to stone! It's up to The Poet to brave the darkness at the edge of the forest and journey to the Troll's mountain lair to save the day! Also the Black Troll is a monkey and The Poet is a duck. FYI.
The Mad Doctor
A dark and stormy night. Pluto is spirited away to the spooky mansion of an evil genius for a mad transplant scheme to put his head on the body of a chicken. Mickey gives chase, but find himself threatened severely by the house and its denizens.
Tom & Jerry: Robin Hood e seu Ratinho Feliz
Na história, Jerry é o menor membro do grupo de landrões alegres de Robin Hood, enquanto Tom é o escudeiro da donzela Marian e também um espião disfarçado a mando do xerife de Nottingham e do malvado príncipe João. Mas quando Robin Hood cai em uma emboscada tramada por seus inimigos que também planejam prejudicar Marian, Tom percebe a burrada que fez e, para se redimir, une forças com Jerry para libertar o príncipe dos ladrões.
Angry Birds: O Filme
O filme leva-nos até uma ilha distante, inteiramente habitada por pássaros felizes e incapazes de voar – ou, pelo menos, voar de forma eficiente... Neste paraíso, porém, Red, um pássaro com problemas de temperamento, o veloz Chuck e o volátil Bomb, sempre foram verdadeiros inadaptados. Mas quando a ilha é visitada por misteriosos porquinhos verdes serão exactamente estes improváveis marginais que se incumbirão de descobrir que raio andam os porcos a tramar…
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Abominable Christmas
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What's Your Raashee?
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Scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...
М. Е.
The waste of the toy factory "Ogonyok", clumps of multicolored thermally deformed plastic, turn into a new biological species, then into a new direction of modern art, then into an isolated language of a native tribe discovered by linguists in the jungle, where words must be carried silently with you and shown if necessary, then into heroes of crazy phantasmagoric news.
20th of the XX-th in the XXI
The film consists of fragments of feature films of the twenties. They reflect the life of the country from a variety of sides: we see how people work, eat, drink, have fun, suffer, love.
The Time Is Ours
Writer Martin Sestrimsky and Secret Service agent Boyan Tilev got to know each other on the day when Martin gave Tilev a special dossier of grave consequences, which the writer has tried to surmount. With the ousting from power of Todor Zhivkov’s totalitarian regime, their relations take a new turn, when Tilev’s stepdaughter, Nevena, a mysterious young woman of double identity steps in. While Tilev is making a fortune from illicit deals, Sestrimsky, encouraged by Nevena, is doing his best to reconcile to his past. The truth of the two men’s shared past will come to light.
Yakimanka, 90s
The Yakimanka Center for Contemporary Art is one of the most important institutions of contemporary art in the 90s in Moscow. It was here that the first open platform for all forms of self-expression was created. New artists, gallery owners and curators appeared here, the main events of the artistic life of the last decade of the twentieth century took place.
Четверг, 12-е
Everything is Love
Rado, an orphan from a poor Sofia neighborhood, has been in and out of school for troubled youth for years. Although he is approaching adulthood, he is yet to finish 8th grade. He cannot reconcile his pride and sense of justice with the kind of education provided by people who are deprived of sensibility and human warmth. Rado asserts his right to freedom by frequently running away. During one of his escapes he meets the love of his life, Albena. She is a good student, and comes from a well-educated, sophisticated family. This new and unexpected connection intensifies Rado's desire for freedom and independence, and leads them both into uncharted territory.
Balkan Is Not Dead
A Macedonian family from Bitola at the turn of the twentieth century tries to survive, preserve its roots and remain together.
Punk's Not Dead
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Whose Is This Song?
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The Rest Is Ashes
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25 October, the First Day
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Town of Glory
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The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner
The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, embarks on a journey in search of his real self.
Deus é Mulher e seu Nome é Petúnia
Em Stip, uma pequena cidade na Macedônia, todo mês de janeiro o padre local joga uma cruz de madeira no rio e centenas de homens mergulham atrás dela. Sorte e prosperidade são garantidas a quem a recupera. Desta vez, Petúnia mergulha na água e consegue pegar a cruz antes dos outros. Seus concorrentes ficam furiosos: como uma mulher ousa participar desse ritual? A situação sai do controle na comunidade, mas Petúnia se mantém firme. Ela conseguiu sua cruz e não irá desistir.
Satya is given a different face after he suffers burn-related injuries. After being released from the hospital, he deals with the murderer of his lover Deepti. But his new face has given him new foes.