Andrey Rozhkov

Andrey Rozhkov

Nascimento : 1971-03-28, Свердловск, СССР (Екатеринбург, Россия)


Andrey Rozhkov


Гриша Субботин
The Everlasting Story
Scientist Cat (voice)
It’s a magical story about the incredible adventures of the young warrior called Koshi. There is only one goal in his life – to defeat the White Shadow, a monster who made him an outcast. But everything changes when Koshi meets a young dryad and circus actress May. By chance the destiny of all fairy creatures ends up in their hands, and now they have to make a tough choice between their own lives and saving the world from Ancient Evil.
Битва фужеров. 3 выпуск - Уральские Пельмени
Битва фужеров. 2 выпуск - Уральские Пельмени
О спорт, нам лень! - Уральские Пельмени
Принцесса огорошена - Уральские Пельмени
Один за всех - Уральские Пельмени - Смехбук
Андрей Рожков
Уральские Пельмени - Азбука Уральских Пельменей - С
Андрей Рожков
Уральские Пельмени - Утомленные солярием
Андрей Рожков
Уральские Пельмени - Азбука Уральских Пельменей - Т
Андрей Рожков
Уральские Пельмени - Азбука Уральских Пельменей - Р
Андрей Рожков
Уральские Пельмени - Люди Икс Эль
Андрей Рожков
Лучшие номера с Дмитрием Брекоткиным. Сборник часть 2 - Уральские Пельмени
Андрей Рожков
Harvie e o Museu Mágico
Harvie é um garoto inteligente que sonha em terminar o último nível de seu jogo de computador. Mas terminar o jogo acaba sendo apenas o começo de uma verdadeira aventura.
Lucky Case
Creative Producer
A group of friends suddenly hit jackpot in a state lottery so now they must decide how to spend the money. Unfortunately their wives don't really agree with all the plans.
Lucky Case
A group of friends suddenly hit jackpot in a state lottery so now they must decide how to spend the money. Unfortunately their wives don't really agree with all the plans.
Um Lobo em Pele de Cordeiro
Um lobo entre as ovelhas "nos leva a uma terra mágica agora, em um prado calmo onde ovelhas podem viver sem preocupações". Mas os problemas começam a aparecer quando um bloco de lobo está instalado nas proximidades.