
Okinawa (1952)

Gênero : Guerra, Ação, Drama

Runtime : 1H 7M

Director : Leigh Jason
Escritor : Arthur A. Ross, Jameson Brewer


On the eve of their return to the states, the crew of the U.S.S. Blake is unpleasantly surprised when their new captain, Lt. Commander Hale, announces that they've been reassigned to the upcoming invasion of Okinawa. With the news turning the crew against him, Hale must rise to the occasion to keep his men inline.


Pat O’Brien
Pat O’Brien
Lt. Cmdr. Hale
Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
'Grip' McCleary
Richard Denning
Richard Denning
Lt. Phillips
Rhys Williams
Rhys Williams
Robby Roberg
James Dobson
James Dobson
Richard Benedict
Richard Benedict
Rudy Robles
Rudy Robles


Leigh Jason
Leigh Jason
Arthur A. Ross
Arthur A. Ross
Arthur A. Ross
Arthur A. Ross
Leonard B. Stern
Leonard B. Stern
Additional Dialogue
Jameson Brewer
Jameson Brewer


Here Comes the Navy
A cocky guy joins the Navy for the wrong reason but finds romance and twice is cited for heroism.
Agora Estamos na Marinha
When Lt. John Harkness is assigned as the new skipper of a submarine chaser equipped with an experimental steam engine, he hopes that the U.S.S. Teakettle's veterans will afford him enough help to accomplish the ship's goals. Unfortunately, he finds the crew and its officers share his novice status or only have experience in diesel engines.
The Navy Way
The experiences of a disparate group of young men as they make their way through Navy boot camp.
With Byrd at the South Pole
With Byrd at the South Pole (1930) is a documentary film about Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his 1st quest to the South Pole beginning at the Little America-Exploration Base. The film's soundtrack consists mostly of music and sound effects, with narration read by Floyd Gibbons. The film won at the 3rd Academy Awards for Best Cinematography.
Bodyguard Kiba
Naoto Kiba takes on the task of protecting thug Junpei who embezzled 500 million yen from Okinawa's largest gangster gangs, Soryu-kai.
Follow the Boys
Four women create mayhem as they follow their Navy partners around the Riviera.
Weekend Pass
Three rookie sailors who have just completed basic training are out on their first weekend pass. As they hit one bar after another, they soon forget everything the Navy ever taught them.
Sub Down
When a nuclear attack submarine crashes on the floor of the Artic ocean, it's up to a pair of research scientists to save the entire crew before time and oxygen run out.
Águias da Armada
A rock hard commander trains Navy Carrier Pilots during the Second World War
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Retrata de forma realista, quase documental, tanto do ponto de vista japonês como do norte americano, mostrando a preparação, os eventos e os erros que possibilitaram o ataque a Pearl Harbor em 7 de Dezembro de 1941, fato que forçou a entrada dos Estados Unidos da América na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O título do filme é o código utilizado em caso de sucesso do ataque japonês, que traduzido para o português significa 'Tigre! Tigre! Tigre!'. A versão Americana tem 02:25. A versão Japonesa é mais longa, com 02:29.
Aracnídeo é um filme de 2001 dirigido por Jack Sholder. Neste filme, aranhas assassinas gigantes ameaçam os sobreviventes de um acidente de avião.
O Amanhecer da Glória
A semi-documentary dramatization of five weeks in the life of Vice Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey, Jr., from his assignment to command the U.S. naval operations in the South Pacific to the Allied victory at Guadalcanal.
A Batalha de Okinawa
7 de agosto de 1942. O Exército dos EUA envia uma grande frota naval para atacar Guadalcanal. Isso marcou o início da contraofensiva do Exército dos EUA no Pacífico. Guadalcanal teve que ser defendida até a morte! Após seis meses de batalha mortal, as munições e os suprimentos da guarnição japonesa foram exauridos. Sofrendo de fome, feridas, malária e disenteria amebiana, eles foram finalmente derrotados e a contraofensiva dos militares dos EUA que conquista Guadalcanal espalha-se de ilha em ilha como uma avalanche. Bougainville, o arquipélago de Bismarck, Nova Guiné, Makin, Tarawa e finalmente, a 7 de julho de 1944, os defensores de Saipan escolheram o caminho dos "gyokusai". (Gyokusai = morte honrosa em vez de rendição, seja lutando contra a morte ou suicídio).
Hit the Deck
Sailors on leave in San Francisco get mixed up in love and show business.
Pierre, a retired professor in his early sixties ends up making a short, unsettling trip around Okinawa with Junko, a 40-year-old runaway wife. The confused intellectual would rather not get involved with this unlikely and unexpected lover but decides to follow his destiny, wherever it (she?) may take him.
Skirts Ahoy!
Three young ladies sign up for some kind of training at a naval base. However, their greatest trouble isn't long marches or several weeks in a small boat, but their love life.
Emboscada em Alto Mar
A U.S. Navy crew aboard a merchant marine ship battle Nazis.
Asas da Esquadra
Jerry tries to out compete his older brother Cass, a lieutenant Naval aviator. Cass is both tough on and protective of his brother, but Jerry can give it right back.
The Deep Six
The conflict between duty and conscience is explored in the WWII drama The Deep Six. Alan Ladd stars as Naval gunnery officer Alec Austin, a Quaker whose sincere pacifist sentiments do not sit well with his crew members. When he refuses to fire upon an unidentified plane, the word spreads that Austin cannot be relied upon in battle (never mind that the plane turns out to be one of ours). To prove that he's worthy of command, Austin volunteers for a dangerous mission: the rescue of a group of US pilots on a Japanese-held island. The ubiquitous William Bendix costars as Frenchy Shapiro (!), Austin's Jewish petty officer and severest critic. If the film has a villain, it is Keenan Wynn as ambitious Lt. Commander Edge, who seems to despise anyone who isn't a mainline WASP.
The Secret Land
This documentary, filmed entirely by military photographers, recounts the U.S. Navy's 1946-47 expedition to Antarctica, known as Operation High Jump. The expedition was under the overall command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, no stranger to the Antarctic. This was a large undertaking involving 13 ships and over 4000 thousand men. The fleet departed from Norfolk, Virginia traveling through the Panama canal and then southward to their final destination. The trip through the ice pack was fraught with danger and forced the submarine that was part of the fleet to withdraw. The trip was a success meeting all of its scientific goals.