
The Fruit is Swelling (1997)

Gênero : Romance

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Chin Man-Kei


An 8-year-old girl named Peach makes a wish and wakes up to find herself transformed into an 18-year-old woman.


Chun Chung
Chun Chung
Christine Hung Hiu-Wan
Christine Hung Hiu-Wan
Stephanie Fong Shuan
Stephanie Fong Shuan
Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Herself (The Narrator)
Elvis Tsui
Elvis Tsui
Lo Santo Chui Siu-Fung


Chin Man-Kei
Chin Man-Kei
Chin Man-Kei
Chin Man-Kei


What Isn't There
Gibson Bonifacio stopped speaking when he was a child. Now twenty, he returns home to Manila for Christmas. While always festive in the Philippines, for his family it is tinged with sadness, marking the anniversary of his twin brother’s death.
As Delícias da Vida
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
Amor é a Palavra
Love is the Word is a moving, romantic and funny coming-of-age drama about the magic of first love and the misery of first lost, set in 1978: the year 'Grease' hit the big screen.
Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy
Mary is in her last course of school. She'll confront sudden changes in her life, loving relatins and friendship. Based on some tweets of an anonymous girl.
My First Kiss
A young DJ meets her first boyfriend and falls in love with him only to find out he has another girlfriend already. She is totally depressed and tries to kill herself but another guy stops her and she falls for him. However things don't go as well as she hoped with him either.
Gritta of the Rats' Castle
The tale of young Gritta who lives with her father, an unsuccessful inventor. When her new stepmother tries to put her away in a convent she discovers some dark secrets there.
About Em: The Prince of Dreams
14-year old Em likes to hang around in her old play house. One day a boy, Jakob, sets fire to it, and Em catches a brief glimpse of him before he disappears. They meet again a few days later. For the first time in her life, Em falls in love.
Travemünde Trelleborg
David is a drummer supported by unemployment benefit, disappointed that life didn't turn out the way he planned. Now he's on the night ferry from Germany with three thousand ecstasy tablets taped onto his torso. The plan is to sell the pills in Sweden in order to get enough money to start all over somewhere else. But when David meets his first love Sara in the all you can eat buffet, he starts to question the course his life is taking.
The Adolescent
In the summer of 1939, 13-year-old Marie goes with her parents to visit her grandparents in a small town near Avignon. Marie discovers her femininity and falls for a young Jewish doctor, but he prefers Eva, Marie's mother.
The Mouse
This story is about the 10-year-old girl, Liv, who starts dating her classmate, Mike. Mike gives Liv a little, white mouse as a present. This mouse is very important to Mike, and he tamed it all by himself. Back at school, Mike starts talking to Liv's friend, who is the popular girl in class, and Liv finds herself getting jealous. In her powerlessness towards this strange emotion, Liv takes out her frustration on the mouse. She leaves the mouse with her cat and closes the door behind her. The mouse gets badly injured. When Liv discovers that Mike is still only interested in her, it's too late to save the mouse. A film about love, cowardice and jealousy.
Forbidden Love
18-year old Georg and 13-year old Barbara have been playing together as children. Play becomes love later, which leads to a catastrophe , as their parents are hostile leading to file a report to the court, as Barbara is still under age.
Last Call
A drama about Gavin, a recovering alcoholic, who ends up in a strangely familiar bar.
HipHop Express
As Vantagens de Ser Invisível
Charlie é um jovem que tem dificuldades para interagir em sua nova escola. Com os nervos à flor da pele, ele se sente deslocado no ambiente. Sua professora de literatura, no entanto, acredita nele e o vê como um gênio. Mas Charlie continua a pensar pouco de si… até o dia em que dois amigos, Patrick e Sam, passam a andar com ele.
Moonrise Kingdom
Em 1965, residentes de uma ilha formam uma comunidade aparentemente imune aos males do resto do mundo. Os adolescentes Sam e Suzy se apaixonam e decidem fugir antes da chegada de uma violenta tempestade que ameaça a região.
As Aventuras de Peabody e Sherman
Sr. Peabody é um magnata de negócios, inventor, cientista, ganhador do prêmio Nobel, chef, duas vezes medalhista olímpico e gênio... Que também é um cachorro. Usando a sua engenhosa invenção, a máquina WABAC, o Sr. Peabody e seu filho adotivo, Sherman, viajam no tempo para vivenciar eventos que mudaram o mundo em primeira mão e interagir com as maiores personalidades da história. Mas quando Sherman quebra as regras da viagem no tempo, nossos dois heróis entrarão em uma corrida para reparar a história e salvar o futuro, enquanto Sr. Peabody enfrenta o maior desafio de sua vida - ser pai.
A Primeira Vez
Dave (Dylan O'Brien) é platonicamente apaixonado pela melhor amiga Jane (Victoria Justice). Já Aubrey (Britt Robertson) namora Ronny (James Frecheville), um músico que não a compreende. Em uma sexta à noite, os caminhos de Dave e Aubrey se entrelaçarão, e ao longo do fim de semana muitas descobertas serão feitas pelo casal.
I Love You, Don't Touch Me!
When it comes to relationships, the "First Law of the Jungle" prevails: You have to kiss a lot of frogs before finding a prince! Katie is just your average hopeless romantic searching for the ideal man in the vast no man's land of Los Angeles. When Katie rejects her smitten best friend Ben and instead falls for Richard, a sexy and sophisticated composer, she thinks she's finally found the romance of her life. But Katie is about to discover that "Mr. Perfect" isn't necessarily "Mr. Right," and that, sometimes, a frog is really a prince in disguise!
Pelo Caminho das Dunas
O filme conta a estória de Pim, um garoto que mora com uma mãe sem qualquer tato para a maternidade e que passa o tempo brincando de se travestir de princesa. De forma silenciosa, Pim atravessa sua infância tomando conta de si mesmo por conta da ausencia constante de sua mãe, desvendando os segredos do feminino e alimentando um amor impossível pelo vizinho, Gino, quatro anos mais velho. É um filme de descobertas que não cai no clichê.
Backyard Wedding
Kim Tyler grew up loving her next-door neighbor, Evan Slauson. Now she's all set to have the wedding of her dreams to stable Jeffrey in her parents' backyard, but her ex-husband, and first love—whose parents still live next door—keeps popping up causing her to seriously question her big plans.